Como gravar entradas de diário de contabilidade Aprender a gravar entradas de diário de contabilidade0 é a base de qualquer curso de contabilidade de negócios. Se você é um estudante, proprietário de uma pequena empresa, ou apenas querendo aprimorar suas habilidades contábeis, entender os conceitos básicos de contabilidade de débitos e créditos e contabilidade de entrada dupla será o primeiro passo que você deseja tomar na construção de suas habilidades contábeis. Vamos passo passo a passo através do ciclo contábil de entradas de diário double entryxa0. Etapa 1 - Registro de contabilização de entradas contábeis com débitos e créditos: em um sistema de contabilidade de entrada dupla (usado pela maioria das empresas), todas as transações comerciais são registradas em pelo menos duas contas. (Saiba mais sobre a contabilidade de entrada dupla na nossa seção de contabilidade) Uma conta do seu quadro de contas de pequenas empresas será debitada, o que simplesmente significa que o valor será registrado no lado esquerdo e uma conta será creditada no valor registrado no lado direito. Debits e créditos devem equilibrar igual. Veja mais sobre débitos e créditos na nossa seção básica de conceitos contábeis. Passo 2 - Nota de Journalização: Hoje, a maior parte da contabilidade é feita em computadores e o jornalismo (registros de registros contábeis contábeis) é feito em segundo plano no entanto, ainda é importante conhecer os conceitos básicos de contabilidade de entrada dupla. Na contabilidade manual, cada transação financeira é gravada primeiro em um livro chamado jornal. Nessa contabilidade contábil, o título da conta a ser debitada é listado primeiro, seguido do valor a ser debitado. O título da conta a ser creditada está listado abaixo e à direita do débito, seguido do valor a ser creditado. Para determinar qual conta é debitada e qual é creditado, você deve primeiro determinar qual tipo de conta está sendo afetada e se ela foi aumentada ou diminuída. Passo 3 - Gravando as participações contábeis contábeis usando a equação contábil: para determinar qual conta é debitada e qual é creditada, memorize esta equação contábil básica (a base de todos os conceitos contábeis básicos). Ativo Passivo Patrimônio Líquido Os ativos estão no lado esquerdo ou no lado do débito e as contas de ativos, como Cash, têm seus saldos normais no lado esquerdo. Os passivos e patrimônio dos proprietários estão no lado direito ou no lado do crédito e suas contas no contabilidade geral têm seu saldo normal no lado direito. OK. Heres onde fica um pouco complicado. Mas mantendo a equação acima em mente faz com que seja muito mais fácil de entender :) Passo 4 - Gravação de contabilização Entradas de diário: aumentar ou diminuir Para registrar uma transação comercial em uma contabilidade contábil, precisamos analisar de perto a transação e ver quais contas Isso envolve e se aumentou ou diminuiu essas contas. Se envolvesse uma conta de ativos, como Dinheiro. Você imaginaria aquela equação contábil básica acima e sabia que seu saldo normal está no lado esquerdo (lado do débito), então, se nós recebêssemos (aumentando) dinheiro, nós registraríamos o valor no lado esquerdo. No entanto, se diminuiu nossa conta de ativos, como o pagamento de nossas contas de pequenas empresas, nós a registraríamos na segunda linha e no lado direito para mostrar uma diminuição naquela conta. Se a transação comercial aumentasse nossos passivos ou patrimônio dos proprietários, nós o registraríamos no lado direito (lado do crédito) porque essas contas do balanço têm um saldo de crédito normal (direita). (Lembre-se dessa equação) Se a transação diminuiu nosso passivo ou patrimônio de proprietários, nós o registraríamos no lado esquerdo (lado de débito). Para sintetizar a equação contábil básica: aumente uma conta de balanço registrando o valor no mesmo lado em que está na equação diminuí-la, registrando o valor no lado oposto. Para contas de demonstrações financeiras, como receita (receita) e despesas, você precisa lembrar que as contas de receita têm um saldo de crédito normal. (Fácil para me lembrarRevenue aumenta o patrimônio dos proprietários e tem o mesmo saldo de crédito normal). Assim, seguindo as regras acima quando você aumenta sua conta de receita, você registraria o valor em seu lado de crédito normal (direita) e, diminuindo, você registraria o valor No lado de débito (esquerda). As despesas têm um saldo de débito normal (esquerda). Para aumentar sua conta de despesa, você registraria o valor em seu lado de débito normal (esquerda) e, para diminuí-lo, você registraria o valor em seu lado oposto (crédito). Dica: as despesas são quase sempre debitadas. Passo 5 - Prática de gravação de contabilidade. Entradas do jornal: A melhor maneira de aprender algo é fazê-lo. Então vamos estudar alguns exemplos de contabilidade contábil: Jane e Bob abrem sua nova loja vendendo thingamajigs. Eles investem 15 mil em suas novas empresas alugam um prédio e começam a vender suas mercadorias. Exemplos de suas entradas contábeis no primeiro mês: eu adoro as planilhas. Xa0 Muito obrigado Eles são exatamente o que eu precisava. Becky de Back to Natural Muito obrigado. Tenho estado tensa sobre fazer essas coisas de contabilidade para o meu marido. Quickbooks era muito complicado para sua pequena empresa e essas planilhas são exatamente o que eu estava procurando. Eu adoro suas planilhas de contabilidade - obrigado Sandra do Reino Unido Como um dono de pequenas empresas, minha experiência sempre foi em marketing e atendimento ao cliente. Eu tenho lutado com muitas opções diferentes para a minha contabilidade. Vickeys ajuda e contas contábeis básicas tornaram meus negócios muito mais fáceis Obrigado por sua planilha gratuita Isso me ajudou tremendamente a acompanhar as vendas diárias e obter controle sobre o alcance total das receitas que estão chegando e as minhas despesas. Gabby of Gumdrop Swap Free Mileage Log. Clique na imagem acima para obter mais detalhes. A quilometragem de negócios pode ser uma boa dedução para sua pequena empresa. Também pode ser um pesadelo, se todas as informações necessárias do IRS não estiverem incluídas no seu registro de quilometragem. Estamos destruindo o planeta Terner Barrie Estamos prejudicando irreparelamente o próprio tecido da vida Estado da Nação Editores SOTN Nota: A era da tecnologia sem fio , Transmissões de microondas onipresentes e inúmeras torres de celulares transformaram o planeta de maneira profunda e fundamental. Especialmente no que diz respeito à saúde humana e à integridade ambiental, os efeitos desses vários ataques de freqüência foram nada menos que catastróficos. Se as pessoas do mundo realmente entenderam os efeitos deletérios dessas frequências invisíveis e sem sentido, eles teriam abandonado seus celulares e bluetooth há décadas. Foi comprovado sem qualquer dúvida pela melhor ciência disponível que certos tipos de radiação eletromagnética podem ter efeitos altamente prejudiciais para o corpo humano. Da mesma forma, quando animais e plantas estão expostos a esses campos de EMR prejudicial, eles também sofrem grandes conseqüências. O uso de transmissões de microondas de baixo nível por várias entidades governamentais é um fenômeno relativamente novo no entanto, já a destruição da vida e a alteração do DNA foram inequivocamente determinadas. Pode-se afirmar com certeza absoluta que, quanto mais prolongado é exposto diretamente a microondas de baixo nível, mais ferimento será causado ao organismo físico. Grande parte dessa lesão ocorre sob o radar, sem trocadilhos. Os sintomas são quase sempre subclínicos e parecem não produzir nenhum conjunto óbvio de manifestações no corpo humano. Como o microdisco é infligido no nível celular, particularmente para o DNA mitocondrial, ele permanece invariavelmente por muitos anos. Então, de repente, uma doença grave ou doença fatal surge do nada. Assim, a correlação é praticamente nunca feita entre a exposição às frequências perniciosas e o processo da doença. Barrie Trowers Warning O seguinte vídeo contém algumas das informações e dados mais importantes sobre esta situação de frequência de dispersão cada vez mais pior. Para aqueles que estão continuamente imersos nesta Era da Tecnologia sem Fio, esta apresentação servirá como uma chamada de despertar ENORME. As ramificações são tão profundas e repercussões tão difundidas que as sociedades em todos os lugares serão forçadas a enfrentá-la, mais cedo ou mais tarde. O que você está prestes a ler é a destilação das verdades ocultas proferidas pelo físico britânico Barrie Trower, especialista em armas de microondas que também trabalhou para a Royal Navy e o Serviço Secreto Britânico. Os fatos alarmantes associados à tecnologia de microondas, que foram abordados no vídeo anterior, foram transcritos abaixo para aqueles que não tiveram a oportunidade de assistir o vídeo. Os esclarecimentos jurídicos oficiais que foram formalmente submetidos aos tribunais tendem a ter um maior grau de autoridade, particularmente quando a pesquisa científica está incluída. Caso contrário, o cientista pode ser acusado de fraude, má ciência ou pior perjúrio. O seguinte documento jurídico, intitulado Declaração alterada de Barrie Trower, afirma o caso contra microondas de forma bastante enfaticamente e irrefutavelmente. (Observe esta declaração pode ser visualizada com o link acima ou ler na parte inferior deste artigo) No final do dia, o mundo reconhecerá o excelente serviço que Barrie Trower realizou na educação da humanidade e a edificação da comunidade científica. Sua pesquisa impecável e trabalho corajoso trouxeram à luz o que talvez seja o maior flagelo da era em uma era repleta de flagelos de todos os tipos e tipos. Todos nós estamos para sempre em sua dívida. E nossa gratidão mais profunda é estendida a ele em prol da raça humana. Agora, o que todos nós vamos fazer sobre isso O futuro da raça humana A transcrição acima mencionada começa abaixo do gráfico a seguir. Dr. Barrie Trower Estamos Destruindo o Planeta Open Mind Conference 2012 O Wi-Fi nas escolas coloca a juventude em risco de nascer crianças geneticamente deformadas, seguidas por uma vida de preocupação, culpa e inferno absoluto. 06:35 Imagine que você é uma garota da escola de 15 anos. Todos os 400.000 ovos em seus ovários estavam com você no nascimento. Eles não estão totalmente desenvolvidos, mas estão com você. Eles são 10 x mais suscetíveis à radiação do que todo o outro DNA no corpo, e os cientistas não percebem isso. Eles não lêem todos os jornais como eu. Então você tem esse material genético altamente suscetível, que vai fazer seus filhos, e você está irradiando porque o Wi-Fi, eles são transmissores, bem como os roteadores, bem como os que são de vocês, são todos Transmitindo a esta altura através de seus ovários. Então, você arrisca o dano do DNA do seu filho toda vez que você se senta e usa Wi-Fi. 07:42 Você tem um filho que pode nascer geneticamente danificado, mas o problema real ocorre quando engravidou, se você é professor ou estudante maduro porque o embrião dentro do útero, nos primeiros 100 dias, todos esses 400 mil ovos são Formando no seu embrião, os ovários do seu filho. Assim, seu filho pode nascer com ovos geneticamente danificados e a principal coisa sobre os ovos nos ovários do seu filho é que eles não têm absolutamente nenhuma proteção, ainda não foi desenvolvido. Temos uma proteção natural contra microondas. Foi desenvolvido desde a Idade da Pedra contra tempestades de trovões e quantidades maciças de radiação que entram em nosso corpo. Mas no seu embrião, seu útero, no feto onde seu filho está desenvolvendo durante os primeiros 100 dias, nos ovários, os ovos não possuem essa proteção para que eles estejam no máximo risco de radiação. Durante o primeiro mês, você nem saberia que estava grávida, você não estaria tomando precauções. Essa é a principal área de perigo. 09:30 Então você dá à luz uma filha, mas seus ovários agora estão contaminados. Ela pode ser normal, ela pode estar geneticamente danificada. Mas seus ovários correm o maior risco. Então, quando sua filha cresce e ela fica gravida e tem um bebê, é quando um desses ovos será fertilizado e sair. Então, o dano real aqui é seus netos. É aí que isso vai mostrar mais, e já vemos isso em animais que têm ciclos reprodutivos de 1, 2 ou 3 anos. Já estamos vendo isso e foi publicado por escolas veterinárias, veterinários e cientistas para que possamos saber que isso acontece. E também foi documentado na guerra fria, quando as mulheres foram deliberadamente micro acenadas. Então sabemos que isso acontece. Os documentos estão lá 10:28 O QUE VOCÊ ESTÁ RISCANDO POR PONER WI-FI EM ESCOLAS, SÃO AS FUTURAS GERAÇÕES DE TODAS AS MENINAS. 10:51 E piora porque este DNA particular, o DNA mitocondrial dentro de você, você pode se lembrar de sua mãe, sua mãe, sua mãe, bem no início da raça humana na África, a Idade da Pedra. Você pode traçar seus antepassados, se puder, de volta à primeira-dama é inalterada. E isso está sendo inalterado em seus filhos, o que significa que se você danificá-lo, seu filho pode ser geneticamente danificado, então seu filho e seu filho e seu filho PARA SEMPRE VOCÊ ESTÁ CONDENANDO AS FUTURAS GERAÇÕES DE CADA ÚNICA CRIANÇA, ATÉ QUE NÃO HÁ MAIS LINHAS deixadas na fêmea em sua família 11:50 O principal problema no reino animal e vegetal e no meio ambiente: quando você olha para o DNA dentro de nossos genes, as 4 bases do DNA são exatamente iguais em cada vida Todas as espécies. Qualquer árvore pode ler sua sequência de DNA. Não usará 99,9, porque não precisa. Todos podemos ler o DNA do outro. Então, se você está fazendo algo que danifique os humanos, isso vai danificar todas as plantas vivas, todos os animais vivos, e agora estamos descobrindo que os animais mais suscetíveis a isso, ou seja, os insetos polinizadores por causa do tamanho e da vibração Freqüência, agora estamos descobrindo que os países que dependem de insetos polinizadores estão sem comida. Estamos descobrindo que os animais estão ficando doentes e isso é pesquisado por universidades veterinárias muito respeitáveis. 13:22 Em suma, estamos destruindo todo o planeta porque estamos arruinando as colheitas, estamos arruinando os animais, estamos arruinando a atmosfera, e não consigo pensar, olhando para trás na história, de uma única organização como a INDÚSTRIA DE COMUNICAÇÕES que ESTÁ causando, e causará, mais destruição neste planeta, e mais sofrimento, e mais morte, do que todas as guerras mundiais que já foram adicionadas. A INDÚSTRIA DE COMUNICAÇÕES vai fazer mais dano porque atinge todos os países, e OBJETIVA AS CRIANÇAS, E OBJETIVO QUE NÃO ENCONTRA. A INDÚSTRIA DE COMUNICAÇÕES está chegando a todo o planeta, e se ninguém o impedir, vai destruir o planeta. Dr. Barrie Trower é um físico britânico, ex-especialista em artifício de microondas da Marinha real e antigo debente de espião capturado pela Guerra Fria para os Serviços de Inteligência do Reino Unido. O Dr. Trower é um denunciante consertante que fala em todo o mundo sobre os perigos ocultos das armas de microondas e tecnologias de microondas todos os dias, como telefones celulares e Wi-Fi. Durante a década de 1960, ele foi treinado no Government Microwave Warfare Establishment. O Dr. Trower ajudou repetidamente a Federação da Polícia do Reino Unido em sua luta para proteger os policiais dos sistemas de rádio-comunicações Tetra Air-Band que são prejudiciais à saúde. Shawn E. Abrell, WSB No. 41054, Pro Hac Vice 4614 SW Kelly Avenue, Suite 200, Portland, Oregon 97239 Tel. 971.258.0333 Fax: 503.222.0693 E-Mail: shawn. e.abrellgmail Advogado principal para os Demandantes Tyl W. Bakker, OSB No. 90200 621 SW Alder, Suite 621, Portland, Oregon 97205 Tel. 503.244.4157 Fax: 503.220.1913 E-Mail: tylbakkergmail Conselheiro Local para Demandas Divisão do Distrito de Distrito dos Estados Unidos da Oregon Portland Divisão AHM, por e através de seu Guardian ad litem e pai, David Mark Morrison e David Mark Morrison, individualmente, v Escolas públicas de Portland, ação civil nº 3: 11-cv-00739-MO Declaração alterada de Barrie Trower I, Barrie Trower, sob pena de perjúrio de acordo com 28 USC 1746, faz a seguinte declaração em apoio de uma injunção preliminar e permanente que impõe o uso de WI-FI pelas Escolas Públicas de Portland: Page 1 Declaração alterada do Barrie Trower 1. Treinei no estabelecimento (es) de guerra de microondas do governo (Ministério da Defesa) No início da década de 1960 cobrindo todos os aspectos da tecnologia de radiação de microondas (MW), usos e perigos para a saúde. Trabalhos posteriores incluíram a eliminação de bomba subaquática, que incorporou a tecnologia MW. 2. No final dos anos 1960 e 1970, uma parte da minha tarefa era extrair informações confidenciais (até então secretas) de mestres criminosos, terroristas e espiões. Isso incluiu a tecnologia Cold War MW. 3. Meu primeiro grau é em Física com especialização em microondas. Meu segundo grau é um grau de pesquisa. Eu tenho um diploma de ensino em fisiologia humana. Antes de me aposentar, ensinei física avançada e matemática no South Dartmoor College. 4. Sou Conselheiro Científico da Radiation Research Trust e do H. E.S. E. (Human Ecological Social Economical) Project. 5. Eu sou o autor dos relatórios Tetra para a Federação Policial da Inglaterra e do País de Gales e da União do Serviço Público e Comercial. 6. Em abril de 2010, dei um discurso para o rei do Botswana. Magdahavaswor dpresswp-contentuploads201008BarrieTrowerSA. pdf. Por meio deste, aprovo e incorporo por referência minhas opiniões e conclusões. 7. O meu trabalho é feito de forma totalmente gratuita e nunca aceitei dinheiro de qualquer pessoa ou organização nos anos que eu fiz esta pesquisa. Eu me considero absolutamente independente. 8. Reservado o direito de alterar para adicionar novos estudos, uma vez que podem estar disponíveis durante o período de julgamento. 9. Ao meu conhecimento, 8216 microondas ou doença de ondas de rádio8217 foram relatadas pela primeira vez em agosto de 1932 com sintomas de cansaço severo, fadiga, sono agudo, dores de cabeça, intolerabilidade e alta suscetibilidade à infecção. Hecht, K et al. Sobrecarga de cidades e cidades com rádio Page 2 Declaração alterada dos transmissores Barrie Trower (Transmissor celular): um risco para a saúde humana e um distúrbio da ecoética, Centro Internacional de Pesquisa de Tecnologia Ecológica Saudável (IRCHET), Berlim-Alemanha, em l 3 (2007). Estes sintomas foram relatados por efeitos atérmicos (que às vezes também são chamados de subtermais ou microtérmicos). 10. Em 1971, o Instituto de Pesquisa Médica Naval dos EUA (NMRI) referia 2300 artigos de pesquisa que classificavam mais de 120 deficiências e doenças atribuídas a radiofreqüências e radiação de microondas. Biografia de Fenômenos Biológicos Relatados (Efeito) e Manifestações Clínicas Atribuídas a Microondas e Radiofreqüências, Relatório de Pesquisa. MF12.524.015-0004B, Relatório No. 2. NMRI, National Naval Medical Center (1971). De acordo com o Freedom of Information Act, os extratos dos documentos publicados da Agência de Inteligência de Defesa dos Estados Unidos (DIA) confirmaram a pesquisa NMRI e declararam: 8216 Se as nações mais avançadas do Ocidente são rigorosas na aplicação de padrões de exposição rigorosos, poderia haver efeitos desfavoráveis na produção industrial E funções militares, 8217, a fim de proteger os lucros industriais e a função militar, e evitar litígios de funcionários militares. Foi sugerido que os governos do Ocidente escolheram um nível de segurança compatível com a produção industrial e a função militar. Os governos que adotaram o nível térmico apenas negaram e ainda até hoje negam qualquer efeito adverso dos níveis subtermais. Documentos DIA: DST 8211 1810S 8211 076-76, ST-c5-01-169-72, DST-18105-074- 76 (1972-1983). 11. Em 1975, após um extenso estudo, o DIA dos Estados Unidos advertiu todo o seu pessoal do risco de microondas de baixo nível, incluindo doenças que variam de doença de microondas (sintomas de gripe, depressão, tendências suicidas) a câncer e leucemia. Efeitos biológicos das radiações eletromagnéticas (ondas de rádio e microondas) Países Comunitários da Eurásia, Agência de Inteligência da Defesa: DST-1810S-074-76, março (1976). Page 3 Declaração alterada do Barrie Trower 12. Durante a Guerra Fria, a Embaixada da Rússia preparou a Embaixada dos Estados Unidos em Moscou com microondas de baixo nível por muitos anos, do outro lado da estrada, por que e como está fora do escopo desta Declaração. Após mudanças de pessoal para deficiências neurológicas graves, abortos espontâneos, leucemias de câncer múltiplo e outras doenças para funcionários do sexo masculino e feminino e seus filhos, o falecido John R. Goldsmith, M. D. foi convidado a investigar este assunto. Seu relatório investigativo sobre este incidente mostrou que as microondas contínuas, de longo nível, de baixo nível eram responsáveis por essas doenças. Goldsmith, J. R. Radiofrequency Epidemiology, Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 105, em 1585, Supp 6, Tabela 8, dezembro (1997). O Dr. Goldsmith realizou 11 Professores e foi o representante da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) para a Europa. Curiosamente, o poder das microondas utilizadas pelos russos em alguns casos foi menor que a potência utilizada pelos transmissores modernos, com a média de 10,05 0,05 Wcm2 e a velocidade máxima de 5 18 Wcm2. Goldsworthy JR. Evidência epidemiológica de efeitos de radiação de radiofrequência (microondas) na saúde em estudos militares, de transmissão e ocupacionais, Intl J Occ e Env Health, 1: 47-57, 1995. radiationresearch. orggoldsworthybioweakem07.pdf. Dr. Goldsmiths alerta sobre saúde e fertilidade: omega. twoday. netstories1755556. 13. Debriefing espiões durante a Guerra Fria estendeu minha educação militar para a diversidade total de guerra de microondas stealth e sistemas de comunicação. Ao fazê-lo, eu aprendi uma lista de aproximadamente 30 freqüências de pulso que poderiam induzir cerca de 50 doenças físicas e mentais por meio de arrastamento. 14. Assim que os transmissores comuns de MW se tornaram comuns, os moradores começaram a queixar-se de deficiências neurológicas, doenças e mais tarde de aglomerados de câncer. A pesquisadora independente Sue Webster tirou dados de apenas 19 transmissores e encontrou cerca de 92 cancros (mama, tireóide, intestino, leucemia), onde a idade média dos afetados era aproximadamente apenas 39. Saúde Page 4 Declaração emendada de Barrie Trower Danger from Wireless Laptops, Sue Webster foi citada na revista Canceractives ICON em janeiro de 2003, canceractives hopproduct. phpproductid16157ampcat255amppage1. 15. A doença de microondas foi bem documentada em 1997, quando mais de 100 documentos de pesquisa adicionais referentes a ela foram referenciados. Grant, L. Microwave Doença, Electric Sensitivity News, Vol I No 6, Vol 2 Nos 1-4 (1997). 16. As escolas públicas de Portland estão transmitindo freqüências eletromagnéticas, especificamente MW, com baixos níveis de exposição em comparação com os níveis térmicos. No entanto, estes níveis de exposição são muito elevados em comparação com os níveis de fundo natural nas freqüências implantadas: freqüência de 2,45 GHz e 5 GHz, o que significa entre 2,45 e 5 bilhões de ciclos por segundo. Quando percebi que as densidades de potência e frequências semelhantes às usadas como armas durante a Guerra Fria estavam sendo usadas como WI-FI nas escolas, eu decidi sair da aposentadoria e viajar ao redor do mundo gratuitamente e explicar exatamente qual é o problema Vai ser no futuro. 17. O Programa de Pesquisa Auroral Ativa HAARP de Alta Frequência foi originalmente pesquisado pela Irmã Dr. Rosalie Bertell, que investigou sua interferência eletromagnética em nossa atmosfera. HAARP reflete ondas eletromagnéticas fora da ionosfera e pode influenciar qualquer parte do ar ou terra neste Planeta. Isso tem o potencial de causar efeitos fisiológicos e neurológicos em seres humanos, animais e plantas. 18. O paradoxo, é claro, é como a radiação de microondas pode ser usada como arma para causar comprometimento, doença e morte e, ao mesmo tempo, ser usada como instrumento de comunicação. Portanto, o WI-FI não pode ser seguro para os alunos e os professores expostos a ele. Além disso, ainda existe uma indústria contínua de guerra de microondas furtiva, continuando a partir da década de 1950. Page 5 Declaração alterada do Barrie Trower 19. A Comissão Internacional para a Radiação Não Ionizante (ICNIRP) classifica as microondas como ondas eletromagnéticas de 300 MHz a 300 GHz. Diretrizes da ICNIRP, diretrizes para limitar a exposição a campos elétricos, magnéticos e eletromagnéticos variáveis no tempo (até 300 GHz), Physics de saúde abril de 1998, vol 74, no 4, 522, icnirp. dedocumentsemfgdl. pdf. Portanto, tudo discutido neste relatório está na banda de microondas. 20. As microondas reagem de forma muito diferente em nossos corpos à base de água do que as ondas de rádio. O termo Freqüência de rádio é freqüentemente usado para descrever sistemas de comunicação baseados em MW. É importante que o termo Freqüência de rádio não esteja associado apenas a Ondas de rádio, mas antes principalmente a Microondas. As microondas são o meio preferido para a comunicação, sobre as ondas de rádio, devido às suas propriedades penetrativas superiores. A penetração ocorre em tecidos vivos em particular, com mais absorção devido ao teor de água e as microondas também penetrarão na maioria das habitações e outros edifícios. 21. O que é tudo isso realmente sobre Imagine o campo em torno de um ímã e imagine a eletricidade estática diária comum. Se você colocar o campo de força do ímã com o campo de força da eletricidade estática, você faz uma onda. Isso é chamado de onda eletromagnética. Existem muitos tipos diferentes de ondas eletromagnéticas, mas todos são feitos das mesmas duas coisas, campos magnéticos e estáticos. A principal diferença entre essas ondas é seu comprimento de onda ou o comprimento da onda, daí o número de ondas que podem ser produzidas por segundo, isto é, a freqüência. Todas as ondas eletromagnéticas estão incluídas em uma tabela chamada espectro eletromagnético. 22. Em uma extremidade desse espectro eletromagnético você tem os comprimentos mais curtos, nomeadamente o cósmico, os raios gama e os raios-x, e na outra extremidade do espectro você tem os caminhos muito longos, a saber, a TV e o rádio. Os físicos às vezes adquirem o espectro de radiofreqüência, até a extrema baixa freqüência (ELF), como a freqüência de energia elétrica. Todos os Page 6 Declaração alterada das ondas de Barrie Trower têm as mesmas propriedades básicas: podem ser refletidas, difratadas e todas viajam à mesma velocidade, que é a velocidade da luz. Para o interesse, se você fosse uma onda de luz, você poderia viajar ao redor do mundo quase sete vezes a cada segundo, que é a velocidade da luz. O espectro eletromagnético é ordenado começando com a onda mais curta que você possui raios cósmicos e gama, raios-x, ultravioleta, luz visível, infravermelho, microondas, TV e rádio sendo o mais longo, nessa ordem. As frequências ultravioleta e alta são conhecidas como ondas ionizantes e são prejudiciais para o corpo. Mais do que a luz ultravioleta e visível é o lado da radiofreqüência do espectro, o que também é prejudicial. As microondas implantadas para o sistema WI-FI estão nesse lado de radiofrequência do espectro eletromagnético. Eu vou discutir microondas e saúde aqui. Efeitos adversos para a saúde 23. Há uma infinidade de documentos extensos e bem pesquisados de todo o mundo, destacando deficiências e doenças causadas pela radiação MW. Estes documentos (em milhares) discutem resultados adversos de saúde causados por microondas de baixo nível (abaixo térmicas) como: arritmia, ataque cardíaco, morte celular, doenças do sangue, interferência na medula óssea, tumores cerebrais, danos ao DNA, nível de cálcio alterado Nas células, redução da melatonina noturna, supressão do sistema imunológico, artrite, reumatismo, problemas de pele, doenças linfáticas, secreção vaginal, doença do sistema vascular, zumbido, leucemia, câncer de infância, problemas de sono, problemas mentais que envolvem depressão, irritabilidade, Perda de memória, dificuldade de concentração, dor de cabeça, tonturas e fadiga, tendências suicidas, aborto espontâneo e infertilidade. 24. Alguns afirmaram que tais sintomas e doenças são psicogênicos. Por exemplo, quando um bairro vê a erecção de um transmissor, os problemas de saúde subsequentes são freqüentemente atribuídos a esse transmissor. Psicologicamente, o mastro é considerado como tendo causado as doenças. No entanto, um argumento contra isso é o caso em que os transmissores disfarçados, furtivos ou escondidos foram erguidos sem conhecimento local e doenças semelhantes ainda ocorrem. Por outro lado, quando surgem condições semelhantes em animais próximos a novos transmissores e em ensaios laboratoriais sob circunstâncias controladas, os animais não possuem um componente psicológico, mas ainda respondem de maneira similar nas formas que os humanos fazem. Page 7 Declaração emendada do Barrie Trower. 25. O avanço na tecnologia de microondas desde a Guerra Fria exigiu experimentação simultânea. Existem milhares de estudos de pesquisa sobre os efeitos nocivos de baixo nível, abaixo dos níveis de irradiação térmica, envolvendo quase todos os órgãos do corpo. Possivelmente, a explicação mais abrangente para este fenômeno é escrita pelo Dr. A. Goldsworthy de ImperialCollege London: os efeitos biológicos dos campos eletromagnéticos fracos (2007), http: tinyurl2nfujj também: a. goldsworthyimperial. acuk. 26. Antes de ir mais longe, gostaria de comentar a pesquisa própria da indústria de telecomunicações. Em fevereiro de 2007, fui convidado a fazer uma breve apresentação sobre irradiação de microondas e câncer de baixo nível em London8217, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children. Um dos outros apresentadores apresentaram o Dr. George Carlo. Compartilhar o mesmo hotel me proporcionou a oportunidade de me envolver em várias conversas com o Dr. Carlo durante os dois dias que estávamos em Londres. Dr. Carlo explicou como ele foi contratado pela indústria móvel para realizar pesquisas sobre seus produtos. Seu estudo (healthconcerns. org) envolveu 200 médicos de pesquisa e 15 estudos epidemiológicos (1993-1999), com um custo de 28,5 milhões de dólares. Nossos dados mostraram maior risco para as crianças, em relação aos tumores, danos genéticos e outros problemas, explicou o Dr. Carlo. Ele continuou, meus resultados foram suprimidos pelo setor de telecomunicações. 27. Uma discussão mais aprofundada sobre a influência da indústria é garantida, pois a Universidade de Berne, na Suíça, publicou uma síntese de dados de 59 estudos de pesquisa envolvendo saúde da irradiação de baixo nível MW. O Departamento de Medicina Social e Preventiva concluiu: 8216. Estudos financiados exclusivamente pela indústria relataram o maior número de resultados, mas foram menos prováveis de reportar um resultado estatisticamente significativo da Declaração de Barrie Trower. A interpretação dos resultados deve levar em conta o patrocínio. Huss, A. et al. Fonte de Financiamento e Resultados de Estudos de Efeitos na Saúde do Uso de Telefone Móvel: Revisão Sistemática de Estudos Experimentais, (2006), Universidade de Berne, Finkenhubelweg II, Suíça (eggerispm. unibe. ch). 28. Além disso, o jornal 8216 da Medicina Industrial8217 publicou o fato de que a filiação industrial estava sendo escondida por pesquisadores, sugerindo que os distorsos de interesses conflitantes nas avaliações de risco não podem ser avaliados adequadamente. Hardell, L. et al. Laços secretos para a indústria e interesses conflitantes na pesquisa do câncer, American Journal of Industrial Medicine, em l, maio (2006), Wiley-Liss Inc. interscience. wiley Dept of Oncology, University Hospital, Universidade de Orebro, Suécia. São apresentados exemplos desses problemas da Suécia, do Reino Unido e dos Estados Unidos. 29. Notwithstanding industrys attempts to influence research, even their own studies continued to find adverse health effects. One example is a worldwide epidemiological study (commissioned by T-Mobile, on its own product) that concluded, On the cellular level, a multitude of studies found the type of damage from high frequency electromagnetic fields which is important for cancer initiation and cancer promotion. Mobile Telecommunications and Health, ECOLOG Institute, Sec 7, April (2000) (mailboxecolog-institut. de). This document also describes DNA damage on the same page. 30. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommended that electromagnetic radiation (which includes WI-FI radiation) be classified as a probable human carcinogen. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Evaluation of the Potential Carcinogenicity of Electromagnetic Fields, External Review Draft, No. EPAl6006-901005B, October 1990. With many new studies since 1990, there is certainty that microwave radiation in particular is carcinogenic. Page 9 Amended Declaration of Barrie Trower 31. Following a spate of illnesses in their practices, on October 9, 2002, a group of doctors produced the Freiburger Appeal. omega. twoday. netstories555926. scroll down for cluster listing. Initially signed by 270 medical consultants, scientists, GPs, MPs and physicians, it now has many thousands of signatories worldwide. It is a warning to decision-makers concerning illnesses from low-level microwaves. This appeal lists 13 severe, chronic illnesses and various disorders involving: behaviour, blood, heart, cancers, migraines, tinnitus, susceptibility to infections and sleeplessness, all of them ascribed to 8216pulsed microwaves from mobile communications technology.8217 Interdisziplina re Gesellschaft fur Umweltmedizin 32. During September 2002 at the University of Vienna, 19 of the world8217s top scientists met to discuss electromagnetic waves. This was known as the Catania Resolution. They stated 8216we take exception to arguments suggesting that weak, low-intensity EMF cannot interact with tissue. There are plausible mechanistic explanations for EMF-induced effects that occur below present ICNRP guidelines and exposure recommendations by the EU. 33. An international study of schools near cell towers or with a cell tower on school premises published a list of impairments and illnesses amongst staff and students, finding with large numbers of cancer clusters and other illnesses. There were 47 cancer clusters. Schools and Cell Tower Antennaes, 2003, members. aolgotemfemfschools. htm omega. tw oday. netstories55592. 34. Another report, School References (school and cell tower antennas) from 138 schools, dated November 2003, lists miscarriages, brain tumours, cancers, breast cancers and teachers ill within this report. One single school had transmitters on its roof in the Saint-Cyr-lEcole quarter of France, where eight cases of cancer were confirmed amongst children in the district. Page 10 Amended Declaration of Barrie Trower 35. The Stewart Report 2004 asks that anecdotal evidence be taken seriously in the absence of long-term epidemiological studies, regarding illnesses around the area of mobile phone transmitters. Such anecdotal evidence produced July 2002 refers to 92 cases of cancer around just 19 mobile phone transmitters. Other illnesses in the same paper refer to breast cancers, thyroid, bowel and blood problems. Now, of course, there are many epidemiological studies, and they are consistent in showing such illnesses and other harmful effects. 36. In 2007, an international group of scientists studied 2000 peer-reviewed and published research papers. They recommended an acceptable level of radiation of not more than 0.6 Vm 1Wcm2 outdoors, and 0.2 Vm 0.1 Wcm2 indoors, based on the interaction between low-level microwaves and the cellular processes. This became known as the Bioinitiative Level, which has since been lowered by a factor of 10, to 0.01 Wcm2 . 37.A project called EU-Reflex or European Union Risk Evaluation of Potential Environmental Hazards from Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure using sensitive in Vitro Methods shows that cells exposed to cell phone radiation exhibit chromosomal damage well below the exposure guidelines of the WHO. 38. The following studies: Naila, Hutter, Santini, Oberfeld, Bamberg, Wolf, etc. all show increased neurologic impairments andor cancers andor other illnesses from low-level microwave irradiation. A good summary of these studies, with details, can be found on the Radiation Research Trusts website: radiationresearch. org . 39. The International Association of Fire Fighters opposes the use of fire stations as transmitter sites, because of the health problems of its members. International Association of Fire Fighters, iaff. orgsafecontentcelltowercelltowerfinal. htm . 40. The world-renowned Irish Doctors Association listed 70 research papers showing the dangers from low-level microwaves. Dr. Santini listed 20 similar studies the Page 11 Amended Declaration of Barrie Trower EM Radiation Research Trust listed 9 studies Dr. Blackwell listed 6 similar studies in his report, and finally 4 international universities completed the Spanish Study, which verified all of these known illnesses. The authors of the Spanish study (The Microwave Syndrome-Further Aspects of a Spanish Study, 2004) recommended a level 10 million times below ICNIRP guidelines (discussed below), or 0.1 Wcm2. Dr. Gerd Oberfeld, one of the authors of the study, is the Director of the Public Health Office in Salzburg, Austria, which lowered its precautionary value for indoor exposures to GSM frequencies to comply with the recommendation made by the study. See: ideaireland. orgemrresearch. htm Santini paper (2006): next-up. orgpdfRogerSANTINIScientificargumentstoproveapplicationofprecautionprinciple mobilphone. pdf, Dr. Grahame 8211 Six studies showing ill effect: starweavemasts The Microwave Syndrome Further Aspects of a Spanish Study: hese-project. orghe se-ukenpapersnavarron2004520p35320-20p358.pdf. 41. Listing and referencing all such epidemiological studies would be too extensive and repetitive for this article suffice to say, by 2006, it was reported that 80 percent of the extant epidemiological studies on the WHO database list symptoms from microwave sickness, including up to fourfold increase in cancers from low-level microwaves. Guilmot, Jean-luc, WHO EMF Database, Watch 8211 Understand 8211 Act 26, Sept (2006), 001be. cx. I was curious to investigate the remaining 20 percent that showed no symptoms. However, this had already been looked at by Swiss scientists who said the interpretation of results should take sponsorship into account. By that time, Michael Meacher, Minister for the Environment 1997- 2003 (UnitedKingdom), had published a report blaming some universities for accepting lucrative contracts in reporting favourable results from scientific research. In the same month, United States Congressman Henry Waxman published a similar report in Scientific American stating that science was being corrupted by industry. next-up. orgpdfOpe Page 12 Amended Declaration of Barrie Trower nLetterWHODrvanDeventer. pdf Swiss Study on funding sources ehponline. orgdoc s20069149abstract. html Michael Meacher quote, epolitixENMPWebsitesM ichaelMeacherc8afdecc-b15e-41ad-b9cf-25354790d2dc. htm, also published in The Times, May (2004) Henry Waxman in The Scientific American, sciamarticle. cfmarti cleID0000FF81-A7DD-1084-A73E83414B7F0000 (May 2004). 42. In April 2011, the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (RNCNIRP) found: Preventing childhood and juvenile diseases from exposure to EMF sources is of paramount social and economic importance. This problem has been already recognized by the international community: in May 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) will be organizing the Second International Conference: Non-ionizing Radiation and Childrens Health dedicated to health protection of children exposed to EMF sources of various frequency ranges. It is the WHOs opinion that a child is more vulnerable to environmental factors. Human brain and the nervous system tissues directly perceive EMF and react irrespective of its intensity, and in certain cases it depends on EMF modulation. Analysis of scientific peer-reviewed national and international publications as well as analysis of actual population exposure to EMF have allowed the RNCNIRP to formulate 10 postulates. (Note: here and following, EMF includes RFMW radiation). 1. For the first time in human evolution, the brain is daily exposed to modulated EMF at all developmental stages. 2. Absorption of EMF in a childs brain is greater than in adult phone users larger brain areas including those responsible for intellectual development are exposed in a childs brain. 3. A childs brain is undergoing development 8. Better safety criteria for children and teenagers are required in the nearest term. Features of the developing organism should be taken into account, as well as the significance of bioelectric process for human life and activities, present and future conditions of EMF, prospects of technological and technical development should be addressed in a document of legal status. (Italics added). RNCNIRP, Electromagnetic Fields From Mobile Phones: Health Effects on Children and Teenagers, (Italics added) April 2011, scribddoc55420788Electromagn etic-Fields-from-Mobile-Phones-Health-Effect-on-Children-and-Teenagers. Page 13 Amended Declaration of Barrie Trower 43. On May 6, 2011, the European Parliament was presented with a report recommending that wireless networks and mobile phones be totally banned from schools on health grounds. Council of Europe, The potential dangers of electromagnetic fields and their effect on the environment, Parliamentary Assembly, Committee on the Environment, Agriculture and Local and Regional Affairs, assembly. coe. intdocumentsworkingdocsdoc11edoc12608.pdf. This document notes that young people are most susceptible. Id at 2. The Assembly recommends that we take all reasonable measures to reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields on as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) (Id.) The Parliamentary Assembly asked education and health authorities to develop information campaigns aimed at teachers, parents and children to alert them to the specific risks of early, ill-considered and prolonged use of mobiles and other devices emitting microwaves. Id at 3. The Assembly also asked that Governments ban all mobile phones, DECT phones or WI-FI or WLAN systems from classrooms and schools, as advocated by some regional authorities, medical associations and civil society organizations. (Italics added) Id. 44. In conclusion, even so-called low levels of microwave radiation are very serious Emphasis supplied. It is impossible to MW-irradiate the body without an effect. Low-level MW radiation is as dangerous or even more dangerous than high-level radiation. 45. I reserve the reserve the right to amend to add new relevant studies as they may arise and pending analysis, additional testing, and recently received voluminous discovery. Current Regulations and Thermal Heating 46. The guidelines set by ICNIRP and the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB), and which are followed by the United States FCC, are amongst the least protective in the world. Being thermally based no account whatsoever is given to the effect of the electric and magnetic of the wave interacting with the physiology of the body it is very unlikely, if not impossible, for any person to receive warming of the body with exposure exceeding the guidelines, if this person Page 14 Amended Declaration of Barrie Trower is not sitting right on top of the transmitter. Guidelines in units of microwatts per cm2, the maximum level for 1,800 MHz transmitters, 1,000 of these units. By contrast, Russia and China have a total maximum of 10 of these units, Wcm2, Toronto has a maximum of 6 Wcm2 and in Salzburg, the limit is 0.1 Wcm2. The June 2000 International Conference at Salzburg, consisting of 19 of the world8217s top scientists in this field, set the level at 0.1 units. 47. The EU Parliament on September 4, 2008, by 522 votes to 16, stated that the 8216ICNIRP guidelines were obsolete and out of date.8217 Mast Action UK 8211 Legal Services (2010). 48. By way of example, Russia has recommended the banning of children under 16 from using cell phones when possible. 49. As a result of research that documents the harmful effects of MW radiation on fetuses, the British government warned in the cell phone handbook under safety, that pregnant women should not have a cell hone near the abdomen, children under 16 should avoid carrying phones near their abdomen, like boys in their trouser pockets, and children should text rather than phone. The handbook recommends that if they do phone, they use hands-free, so the phone is away from the head that, if one is going to make a long call, one should use a landline telephone and that the phone should never be closer than 0.98 inch from the body. The government advice for children is essential calls only to avoid exposure to MW radiation. See Statz, P. The Cell Phone Handbook: Everything You Wanted to Know About Wireless Telephony (But Didn8217t Know Whom or What to Ask) (1999) amazonCell-Phone-Handbook-Everything-Telephonydp1890154121 . 50. These international bodies, NRPBs and ICNIRP8217s, guidelines are based purely on thermal effects. Looking at scientific papers, most of the rest of the world disagrees with this assessment. Dr. Cletus Kanavy, Chief of the Biological Effects Group of the Phillips Laboratory8217s Electromagnetic Effects Division at Kirkfield Air Force Base in New Mexico, says there is a 8216Large amount of data, both animal, experimental and human clinical to support the existence of Page 15 Amended Declaration of Barrie Trower chronic, non-thermal effects these include behavioural, neural, fetal, blood, metabolic, endocrine and immune problems. 51. Professor Adey, a Fellow of the US American Academy of Scientists and a distinguished visitor of the Royal Society of Medicine said of his own research, in parallel with similar studies in Russia in the early 1980s, that they showed that radio frequency and microwave radiation affected enzyme systems that regulate growth and the division of white blood cells. 52. Clearly there are experts worldwide, both in military-intelligence and from Universities, from the long before Cold War to the present, who have shown that microwave radiation below thermal effects can impinge on human and other living organisms physiologic functions. Pulse and Modulation 53. Carrier waves may be used to carry information (video or audio data) that can be superimposed on them by modulation. 54. Sometimes academic arguments arise where the word 8216pulsing8217 is not used and a word like 8216modulated8217 substituted. Theoretically, there can be very little difference between a modulated wave and a pulsed wave. 55.Scientists argue over what constitutes a modulation or pulse. A modulation is a superimposition of data upon a carrier wave modulations are usually connected with an infinitesimally thin thread of 8216energy.8217 A pulse has no such attachment to the following pulse. A reader may wonder why this distinction is relevant. Scientists specializing in this field blame pulsed microwaves for various biological reactions within our cellular structures, which may then cause illness and impairment. 56. Further arguments suggest that there is no biological difference between a frequency modulated transmission or pulse when it comes to resonance with our cyclotronic and circadian rhythms. Page 16 Amended Declaration of Barrie Trower 57. Transmissions may be directional or isotropic (equal in all directions), may be analogue (with continuously variable quantity e. g. spatial position) or digital (sometimes called 8216frequency - modulated8217). However, all transmissions are electromagnetically propagated. In the world of nuclear and atomic physics, electronic switches can make tens of millions of decisions a second and all transmissions travel at the speed of light. 58. Transmissions can be increased by possibly up to 40 percent, with side lobe technology. Vector mathematics can demonstrate whether any of these transmissions are incident upon another transmitted wave, such as a low-frequency radio wave, as there can be a piggy-back effect (constructive interference). 59. The Health Council of the Netherlands Radio Frequency Radiation Committee says in its 200 page 1997 report, concerning frequencies of 300 Hz to 300 GHz: 8216The experimental data indicate that the effects of EM fields occur at lower power densities when the object is exposed to pulsed electromagnetic fields. In other words, you will get impairments and illnesses quicker if the microwaves are pulsed. Health Council of the Netherlands: Radiofrequency Radiation Committee, Radiofrequente elektromagnetische velden (300 Hz 300 GHz), at 134 (1997). 60. Professor Salford at Lund University in Sweden has shown in his work in the year 2000 that pulsing can alter the permeability of the bloodbrain barrier in rats. This would reasonably occur in human brains as well, and could have profound effects on brain function. 61. The Freiburger Appeal (2002), as previous mentioned, says, One can no longer evade these pulsed microwaves. They heighten the risk of already present chemicalphysical influences, stress the body8217s immune system and can bring the body8217s still functioning regulatory mechanisms to a halt. Pregnant women, children, adolescents, elderly and sick people are especially at risk. 62. Assimilating knowledge from the Cold War and other sources, I accumulated a plethora of data describing how pulsed modulated microwaves interfere with our cellular biochemistry. Page 17 Amended Declaration of Barrie Trower Believing the communications industry to be spiralling out of control with its new innovations, I published my list on the Internet in the hope that the industry and policymakers would take note. (The Communications Industry is in the position where it is spiralling out of any person8217s ability to control it, An open letter from Barrie Trower (undated) omega. twoday. netsearchqBarryTrower mastsani ty. org), 63. I will try to summarise the thousand or so research papers written over the last 20 or so years and explain or summarise what happens when the electric and magnetic part of the wave goes into our bodies. We, being water-based animals, act like aerials to these waves. As the waves penetrate our bodies, an electric current is generated inside our bodies, which is how aerials work. Waves come in and electricity is generated. The electricity generated in our bodies, like all electric currents, goes to ground through our bodies and like all electric currents, it takes the path of least resistance. Unfortunately, the path of least resistance through our bodies, although only representing 10 percent of our pathways, carries 90 percent of our traffic rather like the M1 motorway. The traffic in our bodies, namely hormones, antibodies and neurotransmitters, know where they are going because they also carry an electric charge. The hormones, antibodies and neurotransmitters know where to get off the pathway, because there is a corresponding opposite charge at the site of delivery rather like the positive and negative ends of a battery. The problem is, if you have an electric current passing through the body it can change this charge, either on the hormones, antibodies or neurotransmitters, or at the site of delivery. 64. A similar effect is that the destination for some of these hormones, neurotransmitters, and antibodies is a surface of a cell where chemicals will pass through a membrane into a cell. If you think of a cell in our body, be it a brain cell, bone cell, etc. as having a positive and negative charge on the outside and the inside similar to a battery the difference in these charges will draw Page 18 Amended Declaration of Barrie Trower the chemical into the cell or draw poisonous substances out of the cell. If the charge is changed on the outside of the cell, then necessary chemicals may not go in or poisonous chemicals may not go out. 65. WI-FI in a classroom is more powerful energy than having a cell tower 300m away. It makes no sense to have WI-FI in the class, especially where cell masts are disallowed. 66. My position as scientific advisor requires that I read and translate papers from all around the world, and, I have never, ever, no matter which country I lecture in, which paper I have read, I have never seen a single scientist brave enough to submit for peer review a safety level of microwave radiation for a child or embryo. There is not one that exists. Last year I lectured in six countries. When Im in a country I challenge on TV the industry and the government to produce a scientist who will come on air with me and cite a safe level for children. In 12 years, no one has ever come forward. 67. Children act like antennas and absorb more radiation than adults because they are smaller, and their very dimensions approximate the deployments wavelength. See example of humans acting as antennae: Cohn G, Morris D, Patel S, Tan D, Your Noise is My Command: Sensing Gestures Using the Body as an Antennae, research. microsoften-usumredmon dgroupscuepublicationschi2011rfgesturescohn. pdf: A basic receiving antenna can be thought of as an apparatus that converts electromagnetic waves into electrical current It turns out that the human body is also a very effective antenna over a broad frequency range. As an electrical conductor, when exposed to electromagnetic fields, it behaves as an antenna with a frequency resonance determined by various factors including height, posture, etc. 68. Children are not merely small adults. They are physiologically and neurologically immature their systems have not yet formed. Microwave radiation alters the blood-brain barrier Page 19 Amended Declaration of Barrie Trower so that toxins leak into the brain. This can cause neurologic and psychologic amongst many other problems more easily in children. A childs immune system, which fights off infection, takes 18 years to develop. Additionally, 122 layers of protein myelin insulate the electrically generated signals used by the nervous system to control muscles and organs. These layers of protein take 22 years to develop. MW radiation has been shown to affect protein synthesis. This could lead to muscular dystrophy-like symptoms in later life. 69. I have always predicted that any school that allows itself to be 8216bathed8217 in microwaves from whatever source will see its sicknesses rise and behaviour fall. I have received many phone calls to confirm this. In all of the schools I have visited around the world with WI-FI, every one has reported the same symptoms in students: fatigue, headaches, nausea, chest pain, vision problems. I argue that one could experience from microwave radiation psychologic problems, with increase in aggression and other bad behaviour, as well as reduced immune symptoms, leading to more and longer colds and coughs, depression, anxiety, bad behaviour and suicidal tendencies from sleep deprivation and finally leukaemia. 70. The effects of microwaves will continue long after the children are exposed at school. A study has been carried out on children using an ordinary microwave transmitter, a cell phone. What it found was that after just two minutes use of a cell phone, the children had their natural brain waves disrupted for up to two hours thereafter. This is called long-term potentiation, and it can last up to six weeks. 71. Research suggests children and women (females have more complex hormone-based systems to be disrupted than males) exhibit more vulnerability to illnesses from MW irradiation than do adult males. 72. The problem with young girls is that microwave irradiation has been shown to damage the genetic structure in their ovaries. Girls are born with all of the eggs they need in their ovaries at Page 20 Amended Declaration of Barrie Trower birth. They are immature eggs, hence susceptible to damage during growth. Microwaves are genotoxic (experiments can be linked to children showing low-level mobile telephony radiation disrupts the biochemistry of follicle cells in a mammalian egg chamber), hence the microwaves irradiation could affect the genetic structure within the eggs. The problem here is that the mitochondrial DNA, the genes inside the ovaries, is irreparable.123 If you have a little girl in whom there is damage through this mechanism to the genetic structure in one of her eggs, and she has a daughter, that daughter will carry that genetic problem. It is irreparable. And her daughter in turn will carry that genetic problem, because it is irreparable. And every female forever, in that line, will carry that problem in perpetuity, because it is irreparable. Attached as Addendum A is a diagram further explaining this process. 73. I believe the most important research I have read is from Dr. Goldsworthy, The biological effects of weak electromagnetic fields (2007), http:tinyurl2nfuj also, a. goldsworthyimper ial. ac. uk. Dr. Goldsworthy not only shows the mechanism by which microwaves disrupt cells, but also predicts that a genetically damaged sperm and egg can lead to mutant offspring. If you think of children with these transmitters near their laps, the question must be, Why do this for the sake of a piece of cable and a plug, which could replace WI-FI with no loss of performance, and in fact improved performance 1 Acharya, PVN The Effect of Ionizing Radiation on the Formation of Age-Correlated Oligo Deoxyribo Nucleo Phospheryl Peptides in Mammalian Cells 10th International Congress of Gerontology, Jerusalem. Abstract No. 1 January 1975. Work done while employed by Dept. of Pathology, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Acharya, PVN Implicatons of The Action of Low-Level Ionizing Radiation on the Inducement of Irreparable DNA Damage Leading to Mammalian Aging and Chemical Carcinogenesis. 10th International Congress of Biochemistry, Hamburg, Germany. Abstract No. 01-1-079 July 1976. Work done while employed by Dept. of Pathology, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Page 21 Amended Declaration of Barrie Trower 74. This represents permanent, low-level microwave damage, and it also involves the induction of chronic nitrosative and oxidative stress. Warnke, hese-project. orgdeemfWissenschaftForschungWarnkeDr.20rer.20nat. Ulrich20050219VortragDrWarnke. pdf (2005) (in German, English translation in progress). It is known that chronic nitrosativeoxidative stress damages the mitochondria, the powerhouses of each cell in the body. Mitochondropathy is at the root of many of todays chronic illnesses, such as MS, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Fibromyalgia Diabetes, Artherosclerosis and Obesity. Kuklinsli, kpu-berlin. deForNeuKuklinski 1en. html (2004). Even more disturbingly, when chronic nitrosative and oxidative stress is present, irreversible mitochondrial DNA damage will occur sooner or later (see also Kuklinski, htt p:kpu-berlin. deForNeuKuklinski1en. html (2004)). The mitochondrial DNA is ten times more susceptible to nitrosative oxidative stress than is the DNA in the cell nucleus. Whilst regular cell DNA has built-in repair mechanisms, mitochondrial DNA is irreparable, due to its low histone protein content. The mitochondropathy is therefore irreversibly transmitted to the children by the maternal egg cell, causing cumulative irreparable damage to future generations. 75. There is no known safe level of MW irradiation for an embryo, a fetus, a child or a pregnant woman. 76. The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes and describes electro-hyper-sensitivity. Electro-hyper-sensitivity can be compared to a food allergy that exposes the person to great harm on each occasion that the food is absorbed. If a food received this much adverse publicity from research all over the world, it would be immediately taken off the shelf. Page 22 Amended Declaration of Barrie Trower 77. In Sweden, it is published that 3.15 percent of its population is medically recognized and registered as being handicapped from electro-hyper-sensitivity. This number is comparable in California and it is believed to be similar in Australia. The Irish Doctors Association believes this figure may actually be as high as 15 percent. 78. In 2008, the European Parliament wrote to its 27 countries urging them to ignore WHO guidelines and set exposure limits at lower levels. Ries, European Parliament 2004-2009 Commission on the Environment. Public Health and Food Safety, 20082211INI (translation by nexyt-up. org ) Editor: Frederique Ries (2008). In response, the WHO (which only began studying microwave radiation effects on children in 2009) stated it will not comment on microwave radiation effects on people until 2015, when it will be able to establish effects on human beings. Their researchers are watching people to see how many will become sick. We are being experimented upon. The Cumulative Dose 79. Professors Sosskind, Provsnitz, Lai, and Cherry and a Russian International Medical Commission have all warned about the cumulative effect of these microwaves. See, Effects of chronic microwave irradiation on mice, S Prausnitz amp C Susskind, 1962. 80.Professor Sosskind and Provsnitz write, An accumulated cellular level damage mechanism is not necessarily related to the intensity but can relate to total dose. This is not surprising a property of electromagnetic radiation exposure is that the effects are cumulative. By way of example, if we go out on a cloudy day we can still get sunburned, it just takes longer. 81.In the report Mobile telephones, their base stations and health, from the French Health General Directorate, January (2001), they warn of the cumulative exposure over the lifetime of a child. This body concluded with an interesting sentence stating, Biological Page 23 Amended Declaration of Barrie Trower effects occur at energy levels that do not cause any rise in local temperature. As it may be argued that biological effects may not be hazardous, the responsibility for this decision concerning children should lay with the parents, guardians or those in loco-parentis and not the school. 82. Based upon a review of the Mount Tabor School WI-FI Floor Plan, schoolchildren will be exposed to as much as 30-40 hours per week of constant, digitally encoded pulsed WI-FI signals from each wireless device in the childs vicinity, in addition to the infrastructure, making the cumulative exposure over a childs lifetime successively higher. 83. When reviewing this case, it occurred to me to compare the relative cumulative dose of WI-FI in the classrooms with a commonly known device that emits the same frequencies. That device is a microwave oven. Both WI-FI and microwave ovens operate at a frequency of 2.4 GHz. An average WI-FI transmitter operates on 0.2 Js 0.2 Watts power. Therefore, if using only 20 computerlaptop transmitters in a classroom, there is a combined 4 Js 4 Watts. A typical microwave oven (output) is 800 Js 800 Watts (magnetron input equals 1,200 Js 1,200 Watts). A classroom equals 4 Js 4 Watts a microwave oven 800 Js 800 Watts. A ratio of 1:200. Thus, if WI-FI is used in morning and afternoon sessions, and if 200 seconds in a classroom (at 4 Js 4 Watts) equals 1 second inside a microwave oven (at 800 Js 800 Watts), then over a school day a child or adult receives the equivalent of 2 minutes in a microwave oven, 10 minutes per week.4 4 It should be noted these calculations will vary according to the following factors: There can be approximately 13 mathematical variations to wave formulae The 1d2 rule will apply to distance The wall transmitter and main transmitter are not includedcalculated Constructive interference patterns are not calculated WI-FI sets and transmitters in nearby classrooms are not includedcalculated and Reflective materials are unknown: i. e. wall insulation. To understand fully the actual exposures, a reading will be taken in a classroom with 20 or more fully operational Page 24 Amended Declaration of Barrie Trower 84. As a final word about cumulative dose, it must be stressed that a long-low exposure can be more dangerous than a short-high exposure. By way of example, as I wrote in my published paper (co-written with Scientist Andrea Klein), Wireless Laptops and Their Transmitters Using Microwaves in Schools, mastsanity. orgwifi17154-wireless-laptops-and-their - transmitters-using-microwaves-in-schools-a-report-by-barrie-trower. html, Permanent low-level microwave exposure can induce chronic nitrosativeoxidative stress hence damage to mitochondrial DNA. 85. There is a simple solution, use a cable and a plug or fibre optic cable to deliver the Internet. 86. With all of this evidence pointing to physical, mental and long-term disorders even long into the future (including cancers and mutant newborns), is this honestly worth the risk to our next generations for the sake of just a few metres of wire and a plug. As shown, the dangers of low-level, below-thermal microwaves, have been known to governments for gt50 years. I was educated in microwave technology by the Military (United Kingdom) in the early 19608217s, and even then we were instructed of these dangers. Nothing has changed to suddenly make microwaves safe. 87. The evidence for adverse effects of low-level microwave irradiation is currently strong and grows stronger with each new study. Using a cabled Internet system does not increase exposure. 88. I ask you, if a drink were reported in the 19508217s to cause cancer and other ill effects, and if countless reports and epidemiologic and toxicologic studies and expert associations since showed these reports to be correct, would you give this to your children to drink, knowing they have their whole lives ahead of them So what is the difference It is simple. This product, pulse-modulated microwave radiation from WI-FI, is backed and financed by the most powerful computers and WI-FI transmission devices next to other classrooms (below, above, adjacent, etc.) with 20 or more fully operational transmission devices in each of those rooms. Page 25 Amended Declaration of Barrie Trower industry on the planet. This is an industry that apparently does not have to prove its product is safe (unlike a drug company). Incredibly, the public is rather told to prove it is not Thence take this industry to court with your list of impairments, illnesses, cancers, leukaemias, early deaths, etc. 89. Within the relevant scientific community, it is generally accepted that that many bioeffects and adverse health effects occur at far lower levels of radio wave and MW exposure where no measurable heating occurs some effects are shown to occur at several hundred thousand times below the existing public guidelines. 90. In my opinion, Portland Public Schools use of WI-FI is causing and will continue to cause AHM, other students, and school staff and faculty adverse health effects, and should be discontinued immediately. Dated this 21st day of December 2011. s Barrie Trower Page 26 Amended Declaration of Barrie Trower Humanity At The Brink: WiFi Report Reveals The Alarming Facts Humanity At The Brink: WiFi Report Reveals The Alarming Facts With Deference to all Scientists: this Research Report has been written for all students and non-scientists to understand. As stated by University Researchers, Government Scientists and International Scientific Advisors a minimum of 57.7 of schoolgirls exposed to low-level microwave radiation (Wi-fi) are at risk of suffering stillbirth, foetal abnormalities or genetically damaged children, when they give birth. Any genetic damage may pass to successive generations. Wifi: a Thalidomide in the Making Who Cares Professor John R Goldsmith, International Advisor Consultant for R. F. Communication, Epidemiology and Communications Sciences Advisor to the World Health Organisation, Military and University Advisor, Researcher wrote concerning the low level exposure of microwave irradiation (below thermal level) incident upon women: Of the microwave-exposed women, 47.7 had miscarriages prior to the 7 th week of pregnancy. (1) The level of irradiation incident upon the women was stated, as from, five microwatts per centimetre squared. This level of irradiation may seem meaningless to a non-scientist however, when I say that it is below what most schoolgirls will receive in a classroom of wi-fi transmitters, from the age of approximately five years upwards, this level becomes more meaningful. A distinction here must be made and a very important one: schoolgirls are not women . Schoolgirls are children and children are both neurologically and physiologically different from adults. A childs brain tissue bone marrow has different electrical conductivity properties than adults due to the higher water content (2) ( this renders the Specific Absorption Rate obsolete ). Childrens absorption of microwave radiation can be ten times higher than adults. Permanent low-level microwave exposure can induce chronic nitrosative and oxidative stress thence, damage the cellular mitochondria (mitochondropathy). This stress can cause irreversible mitochondrial DNA damage (mitochondrial DNA is ten times more susceptible to oxidative and nitrosative stress than the DNA in the cell nucleus). Mitochondrial DNA is irreparable due to its low histone protein content, therefore any damage (genetic or otherwise) can be transmitted to all successive generations through the maternal line. (3) Hence, we are subjecting each successive female generation to harm. Whether these two ten-fold increases merge to become 57.7 or are additional, thence equal 67.7 of those to suffer, is a moot point. Either way we are facing the equivalent of a pandemic. I was invited to present a lecture at Brighton University recently and one Doctor commented on a 60 foetal birth rate damage from exposed farm animals. All mammalian species will of course suffer the same consequence resulting from low-level microwave irradiation. There is very little difference biologically between our embryonic cells. I invite the Reader to peruse my diagram and or read my simple explanation concerning the microwaving of the ovarian follicles in schoolgirls. Imagine you are five years old, in school and sitting with a wi-fi laptop near your abdomen. Theoretically, your ovaries can become irradiated until you leave school at aged 16-18 years old. When you become pregnant, every one of your follicles (to become eggs) will have been microwaved. Hence, you may or may not deliver a healthy child. Should you become a pregnant as a student, your embryo (for its first 100 days if it is female) is producing approximately 400,000 follicles (within its ovaries) for future child-birth. The problem is that these developing follicle cells do not have the cellular protection of mature adult cells. Consequently your Grandchild may have had every single follicle cell irradiated and damaged prior to its conception. Therefore when your child becomes an adult (with its irradiated follicles) there is a greater likelihood of its child (your Grand-daughter) suffering the ailments previously mentioned, during conception embryonic and foetal development stages. The shocking truth is, not only was all of this known and documented long before wi-fi was ever put in front of children, but the dangerous biological effects were concealed (as they are to this day) from the general public, in order to protect the industries profit. Professor Goldsmith writes: ..effects from exposure to RF radiation in certain populations: reproductive effects..increased spontaneous abortion..increased incidence of childhood and other cancers.. (1) Confirming this with more than 2000 references is the Naval Medical Research Institute in their document: Bibliography of Reported Biological Phenomena (Effects) and Clinical Manifestations Attributed to Microwave and Radio-Frequency Radiation highlight Altered Menstrual Activity Altered Foetal Development.. (4) The World Health Organizations International Symposium Research Agreement No. 05-609-04 Biological Effects and Health Hazards of Microwave Radiation emphasizes in its 350 pages: Biological effects, health and excess mortality from artificial irradiation of Radio Frequency Microwaves. Section 28 deals with problems concerning Reproductive Function. This document was classed as Top Secret and its contents withheld by WHO and ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection). (5) Eldon Byrd, a scientist for the Naval Surface Weapon Centre of the US Navy, in one of his 1986 lectures on the effects of low-level microwaves, is referenced as stating: ..we can alter the behaviour of cells, tissue..cause up to six times higher foetus mortality and birth defects. . (6) Finally, the Mobile Telecommunications Industry carried out a very thorough and exhaustive scientific study on its own product. This industries conclusion was: Sec. 7 can be concluded that electro-magnetic fields with frequencies in the mobile telecommunications range do play a role in the development of cancer. (Note I have underscored the relevant words here.) Note: DNA synthesis is essential for healthy embryonic foetal childs growth. With these few of the roughly 8000 research articles showing this phenomena in order to protect this industries profit, the United States Defence Intelligence Agency sent a document to advanced nations describing the problem and suggesting how to deceive the public. ..if the more advanced nations of the West are strict in the enforcement of stringent exposure standards, there could be unfavourable effects on industrial to microwave radiation below thermal levels experience more.. (8) NB: Industrial output is of courseprofit. A very relaxed exposure standard also makes it very difficult to take the industry to court. This (and two other documents with ref. 8) then continues to list many physiological and neurological dangers from low-level: below thermal, microwave irradiation inc: blood disorders, heart problems, psychiatric symptoms and menstrual disorders. Wi-fi is of course, below thermal low-level microwave irradiation. In order to appease the US Government, some Governments adopted the ICNIRP guideline, whereby, the only safety limit is just six-minutes of warming. Which means: if you do not feel too warm in six minutes, wi-fi is deemed to be safe. No consideration at all has been given to the published below thermal cellular interaction as listed by several countries including the United States which were (and are) known to cause: cancer, severe neuropathological symptoms, foetal defects and literally hundreds of illnesses related to cellular disorders. Countries following ICNIRP continue to argue that their six minute warming effect is all that is required regarding microwave irradiation. Should the Reader be wondering whether I am as mad as a box of frogs and thinking no government would ever harm its citizens for money, especially pregnant women I invite the Reader to investigate Government decisions behind: smoking, asbestos, BSE (mad-cow disease), lead in petrol, experiments on 20,000 UK serving military personnel serving in the 1960s, thalidomide and of course Agent Orange sprayed over the food crops in Vietnam. To this day, many global birth defects stem from these Government Government Scientific Military decisions: with industrial advisors . If further evidence is required, I invite the Reader to read documents released under the Freedom of Information Act namely, Operations: Pandora, MK Ultra, MK Chaos, Cointelpro, MK Delta, MK Naomi, MK Search, Bluebird, Artichoke, Chatter, Sleeping Beauty and Grill Flame. Here, secret experiments carried out by the Military Government scientists upon unsuspecting civilians, namely: students, servicemen, psychiatric patients, poor, children over the age of 4 years, pregnant women, Muslims, Catholics, prisoners, handicapped, deaf, blind, homosexuals, single women, elderly, school children, marginal groups and dissidents served to increase their knowledge and understanding of what is commonly known asStealth Warfare. Progress on the study of illnesses caused by low-level microwave irradiation continues to this day. One current study on cancer and neurological harm continues until 2018 and involves women who could be pregnant. (9) Progress Reports are also fed back to Governmental Scientists: ..students will understand the nature of RFbioeffects research, including human animal studies..students will become familiar with current state of knowledge on potential health effects RF, such as cancer, memory loss, and birth defects. (10) NB: RF has become a generic term (Radio Frequency) to avoid using the term microwave. It poses less safety queries as the word radio itself, which used to refer to long wave radio was domestically non threatening. Governmental Intransigence forces a moratorium upon the risks of exposure to future generations. Both the Communications Industry and Governmental studies have proved that protein synthesis (the using of chemical structures to build the roughly 4050 foetal and 4500 adults designated biological neurological structures) can be influenced by low-level microwave irradiation. This moratorium seems to spread to organizations either relying on Governmental funding, or for whatever reason acquiescence. However, not all research departments suppress the truth. A brilliant paper published by Dundee University confirms that low-level microwave irradiation, unable to cause any heating (thermal) effect, can affect cellular signalling processes. (11) The Main Risks to Children These biological processes described as being influenced by low-level microwave irradiation may not just damage foetal growth relying on the same biological processes are: Blood Brain Barrier requires 18 months to form and protects the brain from toxins. It is known to be effected. Myelin Sheath requires 22 years to build its 122 layers. It is responsible for all thinking, organ and muscle processes. Brain requires 20 years to develop (I can assure you, cell phones do not help in its development). Immune System requires 18 years to develop. Bone marrow and Bone Density are known to be affected by low-level microwaves as are the immune systems white blood cells. Bones requires 28 years to develop as mentioned the moisture content of children makes both the soft bones and marrow particularly attractive to microwave irradiation. Bone marrow produces blood cells. Clearly, our decision makers are overlooking a child illness pandemic hitherto unknown in our 40,000 generations of civilization which can involve over a half of the Worlds exposed mothers children. The Very Sad Truth I have been very honoured to address approximately 40 Royals, Governments, Leaders of Governments, Leaders of Peoples and Government Officials over the years. My address (text) to one King concerning the numbers of ill children was placed on the internet. (12) I referenced over 200 cancer leukaemia clusters in schools (up to the time of data collection) from low level microwave transmitters in schools. There were many different types of cancers, leukaemias, miscarriages and breast cancers of staff. These continue, mostly only recorded locally, to this day. When this was discussed in the English Parliament (as one of the EU Countries involved), a Minister dismissed it and lied to the House of Commons. My request to prove this lie was denied. Possibly, the most respected childrens charity in the World: UNICEF, joined forces with the Worlds leading authority on the effects of harm from low-level microwave irradiation: The Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection: in their research document Health Effect on Children and Teenagers found 85 increase in Central Nervous System Disorders 36 increase in epilepsy 11 increase in mental retardation 82 increase in blood immune disorders and Risk to Foetus . (13) NB. The Reader may think that the cell phone irradiation is different from wi-fi as it has more power. In fact wi-fi can be more harmful because of its lower power Low power can enter the body and cause harm. All electromagnetic waves are accumulative. If they are below the bodys threshold to cause activation of the necessary proteins required to defend and repair tissues, the damage accumulates very slowly and is undetectable like a cancer. Think of sunbathing on a cloudy day, you can still burn your skin. I have a list of nine countries (some of whom I am working with) who are actively, either taking wi-fi out of schools or in the legal argument-stage of this process. I decline to publically name these countries as my actions may interfere with their legal negotiations. The Parliamentary Assembly (Assemblee Parlimentaire) Council of Europe Document 12608, published on 6.5.2011 in section 8.3.2. states: .. ban all mobile phones, DECTphones or Wi-Fi or WLAN systems from classrooms and schools.. For legal reasons this had to be changed to a wired system is preferred. However, the meaning is clear. In a translated document, Professor Yuri Grigoriev of the Russian Committee for Non Ionizing Radiation Protection wrote on 19.6.2012 ..recommend the use of wired networks and not networks using the wireless broadband access systems, including wi-fi, in schools and educational establishments. A document dated 25.3.2013 (updated from 19.3.2013) by the Executive Committee of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine wrote a letter to the Los Angeles Unified School District with the following recommendation: not add to the burden of public health by installing blanket wireless internet connections in Los Angeles Schools. Just prior to this in December 2012 the American Academy of Pediatrics (representing 60,000 Paediatricians) wrote to Congress requesting more protection from low-level microwave irradiation for children and pregnant women: with regard to wi-fi in schools, they write: ..this is an unprecedented exposure with unknown outcome on the health and reproductive potential of a generation. (14) In 2002, 36,000 Physicians and Scientists etc. signed the Freiburg Appeal. Ten years hence, it has been re-launched. It specifically warns against the use of Wi-fi and the irradiation of children, adolescents and pregnant women. Freiburg is an International Doctors Appeal. The Reader will appreciate that collectively there are approximately 100,000 of the Worlds most knowledgeable professionals expostulating this same warning. As an aside, should the Reader be wondering why I have not mentioned school-boys and whether they can be affected in a similar way to girls: the answer is yes. DNA sperm fragmentation from wi-fi levels of irradiation, have been published. (15) It would require many more pages to comment upon this phenomenon and there is already a plethora of data both available and published. During the Cold War conflict, whilst I was collating effects from microwave pulses modulations caused by brain entrainment, resonance (both cyclotronic and circadian), rectification (at boundaries within the body) generated by electrically induced phase transition it came to my attention that a list needed to be published for all microwave communication systems. (16) In this Open Letter, I list 1 to 40 Hz (pulses modulations per second) and their corresponding neurological physiological response. In his most explanatorily descriptive paper, Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy writes.. ..For example, Grigoriev et. Al. (2010) showed that 30 days exposure to unmodulated 2450 MHz microwave radiation triggered a small but significant increase in anti-brain antibodies in the blood of rats..which could then result in an auto immune attack on the brain and or nervous system. An example of an auto immune disease of the brain is Graves disease in which the pituitary gland (at the base of the brain) is affected. (17) NB. 2450 M Hz is the wi-fi frequency . If you add the pulse modulation frequency to the above fatigue, depression, psychiatric problems (such as anger), loss of appetite and problems with movement can also be induced. With gargantuan profits to be made, it is of no surprise that the English Parliamentary system choose to follow ICNIRP and their well established Active Denial policy. I became familiar with our corruption when during the late 60s 70s, I was commissioned to investigate (under a programme initiated by Sir William Melvin (1911)) corruption within the hierarchy of the London Metropolitan Police and the non-elected Members of the English Parliament. Should the Reader be dismissive of such actions, I suggest looking at any of our Sunday newspapers over the past 45 years, including now. When a Reverend lady wrote to a Minister, Nick Gibb MP, concerning Wi-fi in schools, his standard reply (which I have seen many times) stated: ..advice UK Health Protection Agency. There is no consistent evidence of health effects from RF exposures below guideline levels and no reason why schools and others should not use Wi-fi equipment. (18) This letter is designed to deceive (and it is very successful). Look to the words no consistent evidence. Let me explain please. If I were to carry out an experiment on every single person who went through the doors of your main airport on any busy day and told them that they must drink one pint of beer and smoke ten cigarettes a day forever some would react immediately, especially children. Others would react over days, weeks, months and years (many years in some cases). Then there would be those who would thoroughly enjoy the experiment and probably never be ill. That does not mean that alcohol and cigarettes are safe. It shows that people are not homogenous (all alike identical). In other words, the conclusion of my experiment would be that there is: no consistent evidence . Other Ministerial letters usually say: most of our research or most of our scientists both of which are equally meaningless. What they never say is: Wi-fi is safe. It will come as no surprise to the Reader to learn that I have been refused permission to have a face-to-face meeting with my MP, Mr Mel Stride. Hence my Member of Parliament has successfully brought the shutters down on any access I may have had to Government. This act by Mr Stride became a feature in our West Country newspaper by leading Journalist Paul James. (19) During my last attempt to contact my MP, his Secretary, Dominic just hung-up the telephone on me. Years ago, when I started to advise caution re microwaving children pregnant women the Academic Registrar of my own University (Exeter) forbade me from ever communicating with it, ever again. A similar message came from Dr. Jamie Harle of the Open University (Medical Physics), who said: Your work is too political. Clearly in England, some universities and some parliamentary persons are more afraid of governmental reprisals than telling the truth. Regardless of the consequences. Two Womens Stories The Real Price of Intentional Ignorance and Greed. Those Consequences. Ten telephone calls a day would not be unusual for me. I even receive calls Christmas Day Easter Sunday. Two calls which summarize those from women are illustrated below. Both are actual conversations. daughter had just died. I am holding her hand. She has just had her 11thbirthday and she was number 11 to die since the transmitter for Wi-fi was put near her and others desk.. child is one of several with cancer birth genetic problems. These only started after the transmitter was turned on. My worries are two-fold and take every second of my life. Will my child ever marry or find a partner and be happy What will happen when I die I know I will die worrying. Regardless of who is to blame, it is me, the Mother who carries guilt and responsibility.. (20) I Ask for Readers Help, Please. Imagine 57.7 of all of the schoolgirls with Wi-fi in their classrooms: all day all year all through their school career, in every country using it, in the World In just two generations we could have more dead sick infants than resulted from both World Wars. And, these are not my figures, they come from Government advisors research. Advanced requests for this Paper have been received from Royalty, Governmental Officers (outside of the UK) and people I will describe as interesting. As shutters fall blocking every direction I try to turn, I ask: Can the Reader succeed in preventing this Pandemic where I will fail I have two requests: Would a Royal or Leading Governmental Official please ask the British Prime Minister, face to face, why he told my MP, Mr Stride, that he is too busy to see me for just one hour to discuss this issue. If every Reader sends just two copies of this Paper to people who may be able make a decision (preferably influential women) with mathematical progression the original 100 advanced requests will soon land on a desk of somebody who can make a difference. When I am invited to speak in countries, I invariably end up on the radio TV news documentary channels. Thence, I issue a challenge: I ask for any scientist(s) from industry government to humiliate me live on-air with their expert knowledge by answering one question: What is the safe level of microwave irradiation for the ovarian follicles during the first 100 days development of the embryo To date, not a single scientist will appear and face me. I mention this because it is a question the Reader can ask any decision maker, school Principal Governor etc. Should any person provide the answer, the next statement is: Fine we will send it to a Leading Scientific Journal for independent Peer Review. (With your research). (21) Education need not suffer if Wi-fi is withdrawn world-wide. We have telephone lines fibre-optic cable. The argument against these options is the cost. Compared to the future medical costs (forgetting the human cost), phone fibre-cable shows to be a very cheap option. 3 Flowers Meadow In UK 01626 821014 World 00 44 1626 821014 September 1st 2013 (This Paper is copyright free) Please note I have always worked free of charge and will represent any person in the world without cost. PLEASE SEE ADDENDUM Addendum Recent Publications Professors Doctors Panagopoulos, Johnasson and Carlo describe in their (June 2013 Published) Paper how man-made electromagnetic waves (as used in the communications industry) can cause interference, hence induced oscillations, from these polarized waves. This in turn, can induce biological alterations and render the SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) obsolete. Man-made electromagnetic wavesthey are polarized. can produce interference effectThis induced oscillation will be most intense on the free particles which carry a net electric chargea part of its energyis transferred to the charged polar molecules of the mediumwithin biological tissue there will be additional energy absorption by the water dipolesproteins, lipids or nucleic acids, which will also be forced to oscillate by the applied field. man-made EMFs can produce severe biological alterations such as DNA damage without heating the biological tissuemay lead to cancer, neurodegenerative deceases, reproductive declines or even heritable mutationsconductivity varies for different tissues and different field frequencies. . The relative permittivity of an adult brain is calculated to be around 40 while the corresponding value for a young childs brain is between 60 and 80 resulting in almost double the radiation absorption and SAR SAR offers no information at all with respect to frequency, waveform or modulation (Ref (22)) Dr Dimitris Panagopoulos, Dep. of Biology, University of Athens also writes in his 2013 paper: Electromagnetic Interaction Between Environmental Fields and Living Systems Determines Health and Well Being: Disturbances in the communication between individual body clocks can desynchronize the circadian system, which in turn may lead to unwellness, chronic fatigue, decreased performance, obesity, neuropsychiatric disorders, and the development of different diseases endogenous electrical balance in living organisms cannot occur in the presence of unnatural man-made electromagnetic pollution. GSM mobile phone radiation is found to cause DNA damage on insect reproductive cells (gametes) and adversely affect reproduction for intensities down to 1 microwatt per centimetre squared after only a few minutes exposure.. (Ref (23)) Professor John R. Goldsmith Possible Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation Environmental Health Perspectives Generation Xd Out: An end to the human race as weve known it Generation Xd Out: An end to the human race as weve known it Babies born to GENERATION X-RAY may be on the fast track to humanitys genetic DEAD END. The term Generation X-ray refers to youth addicted to communicating and recreating with wireless devicescell phones, PDAs, WiFi computers and musicgaming equipment. These wireless devices emit high-frequency microwave radiation, recently demonstrated by European researchers to efficiently inflict the same horrific damage on human cells as X-radiation. Surveys reveal that the average American child under 18 now spends several hours a day irradiating himself with his cell phone toy. Meantime, Swedish scientists report that children and teens who use cell phones are up to five times more likely than non-users to suffer glioma brain cancer. Gliomas are among the most difficult to treat and deadly of human cancers. Children who use cordless household phones have over four times the risk of developing brain tumors. The far-reaching health hazards to children and teens from wireless technology are well-documented in part one of this Idaho Observer series: Generation X-ray: Child Victims of Technological Abuse. While the European Parliament and governments around the world are calling for stricter limits on wireless exposure for kids, Gen X-ray continues to ride the down escalator towards disintegrating health and premature death. Most tragically, because our young people have received no official warning from U. S health agencies, they unknowingly micro-cook their sperm, ova and fetuses with a radiation known to be just as mutagenic and teratogenic as gamma wave radiation from nuclear fallout. The science is clear. Babies born to the hard-core wireless generation will suffer a high probability of genetic corruption from their very seed. Scientists warn that a pregnant woman using a cell phone, with or without a headset or bluetooth device, could cause her to place the transmitting phone near her abdomen, exposing her baby to dangerous levels of microwave radiation. Both the pelvic structure and amniotic fluids promote the deep penetration of microwaves, which can be easily absorbed by the fetus. By Amy Worthington We see them everywhere now. Armies of American women of childbearing age roam dazed through shopping centers with transmitting cell phones pressed firmly to their heads. Often with forlorn pre-schoolers traipsing behind, these gals wander the aisles getting stoned on microwaves. The opiod-like high they glean from skull-piercing phone radiation is documented in animal studies to habituate like nicotine. 1 No one has told them that an extended cell phone fix enshrouds their bodies in high-frequency electromagnetic energy with potential to unleash devastating effects on both their living and future offspring. Across America, young, uninsured, low-paid retail and service employees are required to wear powerful push-to-talk radios equipped with large, cackling antennas. Capable of propagating high frequency energy for miles at the speed of light, these devices are worn just millimeters away from delicate reproductive cells. Mega and gigahertz microwaves are documented to damage both sperm and ova. Yet, employers are not required by law to warn these exploited youngsters of possible reproductive damage. Myriad office workers are encumbered with wireless blue tooth regalia, including headsets and remotes worn in pockets or on belt clips. Wireless Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) computer systems and bluetooth charging bases are part of the mix. Office blue tooth systems allow connectivity and freedom of movement, but for hours each day, workers swim in an invisible miasma of microwave frequencies. No law requires that workers be provided with up-to-date information on the possibility that this continuous exposure puts them at risk for miscarriages or deformed offspring. Tower and rooftop antennas now heavily bombard college campuses, schools and playgrounds with modulating communications microwaves. Many classrooms and libraries are degraded with mind-numbing WiFi frequencies documented to short-circuit the nervous system, disrupt learning ability and impair sleep patterns. Wireless systems emit not only microwaves, but also a smorgasbord of extremely low frequencies (ELFs), shown in numerous studies to raise the risk of childhood leukemia and tumors later in life. 2 Educators teach kids the platitudes of the day, but never discuss how years of captivity in radiation-toxic classrooms may make them sterile, or encumber their future with genetically damaged progeny. DNA is the crux of the matter For the sake of human survival, mankind must quickly master this critical fact: modern wireless technology is capable of causing the genetic destruction of humans as a species. Microwave radiation used for wireless communications and surveillance is extremely injurious to human DNA. It is therefore also destructive to both the human genome and the epigenetic chemical switches which control expression of the genes. Below is visual proof, as determined by the REFLEX studies, published in 2004 by the European Commission. Slide one (top left) shows a normal healthy cell under magnification. This cell is a bright energetic little orb with its DNA and other genetic materials safely inside the cell membrane. It represents the cells of healthy, non-irradiated children of generations past. Slide two (top right) shows a living cell exposed to 1600 chest X-rays. This cell is shrunken and has lost its energetic brightness. Trailing behind it are its genetic guts, spilling through the cell membrane as little particles that look like a comet trail against the dark background. These DNA fragments are called micronuclei, typical mutations from excessive X-rays, or from gamma waves of nuclear detonation. Slide three (bottom) shows a cell exposed to 24 hours of cell phone radiation . This cells comet tail of micronuclei splat is identical to that of ionizing X-ray damage. The microwave frequency used by REFLEX scientists to micronucleate this cell was 1.8 gigahertz (1800 megahertz), comparable to 1.9 gigahertz frequency blasting from both personal wireless communications devices and the base stations which service them. Besides the REFLEX work, there are an additional 17 published scientific papers documenting abnormal changes in DNA exposed to cell phone radiation and other frequencies in the microwave bands. 3 Microwave radiationdefined as electromagnetic waves ranging from 300 million hertz to 300 billion hertzbrutalizes human cells by vibrating tissues at incredible speeds. The fragile molecules and chemical bonds of DNA cannot withstand being whipped back and forth at millions or billions of times per second. Microwaving the DNA could be described as a cellular version of shaken baby syndrome. When communications microwaves splinter cellular DNA into a random trail of micronucleated carnage, chromosomes and the genes they carry are reduced to chaos. Chromosomes are the macromolecules containing the genetic information that controls human cellular and reproductive activity. In each double strand helix of human DNA there are 23 pairs of chromosomes, 22 pairs of autosomes and three billion pairs of nucleotide material. Miniscule damage to any of these intricate mechanisms can trigger significant genetic effects. Three recent studies document the development of chromosomal aberrations following cell phone irradiation of living cells. 4 This puts cell phone radiation on par with atomic bomb radiation, which is documented to cause chromosomal abnormalities in nuclear blast survivors. Radiation damage can range from complete DNA strand breaks to tiny point mutations, which are induced by changes in the chemical structure of the nucleotides. Any virus, chemical or radiation that causes DNAchromosome damage is a mutagen, defined as an agent which causes abnormal changes in the inheritable characteristics of animals or plants. A NATO military document states: After irradiation, chromosomes appear to be sticky with formation of temporary or permanent interchromosomal bridges, preventing normal chromosome separation during mitosis and transcription of genetic information. 5 Abnormal chromosome division results in abnormal nuclei in daughter cells. Therefore, the systematic microwave destruction of Generation X-rays DNA, including radical damage to chromosomes, is guaranteed to yield a bounteous harvest of sterility, spontaneous abortion (miscarriage), altered offspring sex ratios, embryo growth retardation, increased perinatal morbidity, fetal malformation, premature birth, low birth weight and cognitive dysfunction in infants. Wireless radiation is repeating history REFLEX studies confirm that a transmitting cell phone broadcasting microwaves into living tissue is essentially an X-ray machine in the context of DNA damage. Scientists say it requires only one DNA mutation to generate a cancer condition. Most tragically, a cancer condition can manifest in babies and very young children born with damaged DNA. In the 1950s, Dr. Alice Stewart, a British pediatrician and epidemiologist, began studies to determine the cause of an alarming increase in childhood leukemia in Britain. At that time, fetuses were routinely X-rayed and Stewart suspected that the leukemia surge was connected to excessive prenatal radiation. Dr. Stewarts research became a threat to the medical status quo and she was subjected to brutal criticism. She lost staff and funding, yet she continued gathering epidemiological evidence showing that a fetus exposed to ionizing radiation in the first three months of development was 10 times more likely to develop cancer or leukemia than a non-irradiated fetus. 6 In 1962, Dr. Stewarts work was vindicated by Dr. Brian MacMahon of the Harvard School of Public Health. Dr. MacMahons studies found that cancer mortality was 40 percent higher in children born to women who had been X-rayed while pregnant. 7 Nearly 20 years elapsed before the American public was sufficiently warned about the dangers of X-radiation during pregnancy. Experts fought for almost two decades to obtain a national standard recommending that pregnant women not be given pelvic or abdominal X-rays except for emergencies. Finally, in 1980, the FDA and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists launched a massive public education program warning of the dangers of pregnancy X-rays. From 1957 to 1961, pregnant women were prescribed thalidomide for nausea thalidomide was banned after being proven to be a teratogen (an agent or influence known to cause severe malformities in the developing embryo). The synthetic hormone diethylstilbestrol (DES) was given to pregnant women from 1938 to 1971 to prevent miscarriages. After DES was linked to the abnormal development of fetal sex organs, its use was discontinued. Now here we go again with wireless microwaves. Thanks to powerful vested interests who use political power and a concerted information blackout to obscure the realities of science, millions of uninformed women expose their fetuses to unlimited amounts of near-field wireless radiation. None have been officially warned that microwaves are demonstrated in labs across the world to cause cellular and genetic damage identical to that of both ionizing radiation and dangerous chemicals. What is most disheartening is that, commensurate with the rapid and basically unregulated deployment of wireless technology over the last two decades, our childhood cancer rates are off the scale. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in American children, superseded only by accidents. More school children will die of cancer than any other disease. Are we cooking our eggs Perhaps no tissue in the human body is more radiation sensitive than the granulosa cells of the developing and mature ovarian follicles in human female ovaries. Human females are born with their eggs. The chemical or radiation damage sustained by these cells before women conceive absolutely determines the success of future pregnancies, as well as the health of babies. But how many school girls today understand that sitting with wireless computers on their laps exposes their ova to the equivalent of continuous X-radiation Cell phones give off radiation any time they are turned on so that they can communicate with base stations, says IOU Bloomfield, PhD, professor of physics at the University of Virginia. 8 This means that even on stand-by, a cell phone emits imperceptible radio signals into the body of a woman wearing that phone near her ovaries. Frequency tests show that cell phone radiation is the most powerful during the signaling phase. When the phone rings, it begins abruptly transmitting microwaves at a power density that may spike up to over 100 microwatts per centimeter squared (100uWcm2). This near-field dose is at least 1,000 times higher than microwave power densities shown in laboratory tests to have numerous biological repercussions in animals and human beings. This dose is also 1,000 times higher than the maximum exposure limit currently recommended for humans by the 2007 BioInitiative Report . Leading scientists who contributed to this master work compiled hundreds of medical studies in order to arrive at a consensus recommendation that human exposure to pulsed microwaves be limited to no more than 0.1uWcm2 . 9 At greatest risk for microwave radiation damage is the mitochondrion organelle within each female egg cell. The mitochondrion is a tiny, membrane-enclosed power plant which generates the cells supply of chemical energy (ATP). Mitochondria are involved in a range of processes such as signaling, cellular differentiation and cell death, as well as controlling cell growth. Within each mitochondrion are up to one million molecules of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Once damaged, the mtDNA are incapable of repairing themselves due to their low histone protein content. UK physicist and radiation expert Professor Barrie Trower explains how wireless microwaves can radically alter human genetics through mitochondrial damage: Permanent low level microwave exposure induces chronic nitrosative and oxidative stress to human cells. The mitochondrial DNA is even more susceptible to this stress than the DNA in the cell nucleus and it can become irreversibly damaged. Damaged mtDNA causes mitochondropathy, which is transmitted by the maternal egg from mother to daughter through each succeeding generation forever. Mitochondropathy is at the root of many inheritable illnesses including MS, Parkinsons, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, Alzheimers and cancer. 10 Each time a wireless device begins transmitting data near a womans ovaries, that radiation endangers the integrity of the mtDNA in egg cells slated to become embryos. Yet millions of girls and young women wear and utilize these wireless X-rayers near their reproductive organs with no informed concern whatsoever. Dont bank on hot sperm Recent studies confirm that cell phone radiation can drastically affect male fertility. A 2004 Hungarian medical study of hundreds of men revealed that those who carried their mobile phones on stand-by throughout the day had a significantly lower than normal sperm count. 11 Also in 2004, researchers found that the use of laptop computers can impair male fertility when prolonged use heats the testicles. 12 Australian researchers have reported that the global service mobile (GSM) phone frequency of 900 megahertz has a significant genotoxic effect on epididymal spermatozoa. 13 Epididymal spermatozoa are sperm cells stored in the epididymis after production in the testes. In 2005, German researchers found alterations in gonadal function of mice exposed to GSM cell phone radiation. 14 By 2006, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine reported that men who use cell phones have poor quality sperm due to electromagnetic radiation emitted by the devices. Data confirms that all four parameters of sperm potency are affected: count, motility, viability and appearance. 15 In 2007, researchers with the reproductive center at Glickman Urological Institute in Cleveland, Ohio, reported that a study of 361 infertile male patients showed cell phone users had decreased semen quality compared to non-users. The decrease in sperm quality was directly proportionate to the duration of wireless exposure. The longer the cell phone use each day, the worse the sperm. 16 Sperm is incapable of repairing itself. Researchers in India have now compiled so much compelling evidence of sperm damage from cell phone radiation that the Indian government is launching a five-year study to include research on how wireless microwaves affect reproductive health. The study will recruit 4000 human subjects. 17 Damaged reproductive cells can make damaged babies Like damaged ova cells, damaged sperm produced by millions of Generation X-rayers has the potential to make damaged babies. A NATO document states, The motility of a cell may be decreased following irradiation. However, the presence of normal motility does not imply the absence of radiation injury. Irradiated spermatozoa, for example, may retain their motility and be capable of fertilization while carrying radiation-induced genetic changes which may alter subsequent embryogenesis. 18 Charles Muller, lab director of the Male Fertility Clinic at the University of Washington in Seattle concurs: One of the scariest things were finding is that sperm DNA is damaged by even low levels of free radicals. Whereas high levels of damage lead to infertility, miscarriages or spontaneous abortions, low levels chew up the DNA but the sperm can still fertilize. 19 Radiation increases natural mutation rates because it is a major cause of free radical damage. When chromosome damage to reproductive germ cells is slight and there is no actual loss of genetic material, the offspring will be viable. But the damage can become increasingly apparent in each successive generation. NATO experts note that radiation effects may be reflected in not only first generation offspring but also in subsequent generations. They confirm that mutations are permanent in regards to future generations. 20 By 2002, British researchers announced that they had obtained a partial understanding of the mechanisms by which radiation damage can be inherited by generations down the line. 21 Germane to the issue is growing evidence that many environmental factors experienced by previous generations can have a magnified effect on descendants decades later. For example, there appears to be a strong link between the diet of grandparents and both the diabetes rate and life expectancy of their grandchildren. Epigeneticists now believe that the ramifications of famine may actually be imprinted on human eggs and sperm. 22 In 2005, California researchers reported that grandmothers who smoke are twice as likely to have grandchildren who develop childhood asthma. 23 If diet and toxin anomalies in one generation can trigger transgenerational traits in progeny decades down the line, how devastating will be the effects of our microwave-rich environment on the offspring of the ultra-irradiated Generation X-ray If diabetes and asthma can be passed down through the lifestyle habits of grandparents, what will be the penalty paid by Generation Xd Out, whose progenitors are now sustaining massive eye, ear, brain and reproductive damage from unfettered exposure to wireless products It may be a century (too late) before scientists fully understand the devastating ramifications of what was bequeathed to posterity, decades before they were born, by the uninformed consumers of todays wireless world. Pregnancy and electromagnetic frequencies dont mix A federal study released in 2000 revealed that about half of U. S. pregnancies result in a dead or less than healthy child. 24 This report was derived from statistics gleaned before millions of our young people became habituated to DNA-compromising wireless technology. University of Washington studies showed reproductive changes in lab animals exposed to microwave radiation at far lower levels than that which the FDA allows cell phones to emit into the bodies of pregnant women. 25 So todays pregnancy health statistics may be much worse than those reported in 2000. There are an estimated one million miscarriages in the U. S. every year. The two main causes of miscarriage are chromosomal abnormalities and problems in the intrauterine environment. Among the most potent environmental risks for miscarriage is not only ionizing radiation, but also non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation across the spectrum, especially microwaves. In the late 90s, French scientists confirmed that chick embryos exposed to cell phone radiation during their 21-day incubation period were five times less likely to survive than unexposed chicks. 26 New Zealand radiation expert Dr. Neil Cherry wrote in 2000: When all the studies are taken together, they form a comprehensive and compelling body of research to show that microwave exposure of mothers leads to a significant increase in early pregnancy miscarriage. 27 More recent studies have reported a correlation between spontaneous abortion and ELF magnetic field exposures. One of these was a survey of 900 pregnant women less than 10 weeks into pregnancy who wore a monitor to record their daily exposure to electromagnetic radiation between 40 and 800 hertz. Those with the higher peak exposureover 16 milligausswere found to have an 80 percent increase in the risk of miscarriage. 28 Wireless communications devices emitting pulsing microwaves also propagate a broad array of ELF electromagnetic frequencies, including 2, 8 and 217 hertz. On August 22, 2008, ABC News affirmed that of the 23 richest countries in the world, the U. S. has the highest infant mortality rate. One third of infant deaths are due to premature birth, with one in eight U. S. babies born premature. Microwave radiation is indicted for causing both premature births and low fetal birth weight. 29 Toxic chemicals rays double trouble An exacerbating effect on Americas deplorable pregnancy statistics may be a deadly combination of both chemical and radiation toxicity during pregnancy. In 2005, a report by the Environmental Working Group revealed that unborn babies in the uterus are soaking in a stew of chemicals. Researchers had found 287 chemical contaminants in umbilical cord blood. Of those chemicals, 180 cause cancer in humans or animals, 217 are toxic to the brain and nervous system and 208 cause birth defects in animals. 30 It is not just industrial chemicals that threaten the unborn. Over 90 percent of the hundreds of medical drugs approved by the FDA between 1980 and 2000 have never been properly tested or labeled for their teratogenic potential. 31 Such radical chemical contamination of the human species is especially dangerous in the wireless age because RFmicrowaves are known to increase the effects of some chemical mutagens. A 1996 report from Belgium showed that close range exposure to microwaves emanating from wireless communications base stations increased the effects of a DNA-damaging agent on human blood cells, leading to increased chromosomal aberrations. 32 A 2008 medical report from Iran says that mobile phone radiation causes the release of a significant amount of mercury into the mucous membranes of people with amalgam restorations (tooth fillings). 33 Common sense tells us that a combination of toxic chemicals and toxic radiation can amplify damage to human tissues, especially in the fetus. While domestic and international exposure standards for wireless radiation are being debated in general, there are no standardized advisories on the subject available to the public. A 2005 paper on the sensitivity of children to electromagnetic fields, published by the Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics . admits that studies of the effects of electromagnetic fields on pregnancy are completely inadequate. 34 Therefore, pregnant women and their physicians are forced to adopt individual precautionary measures regarding both toxic chemical and wireless radiation exposure during pregnancy. A history lesson is valuable here Since the Cold War, the U. S. government has known that microwaves are genetically hazardous. Beginning in 1953 and continuing intermittently for about three decades, the Russian Soviets used microwaves to covertly attack the U. S. embassy staff in Moscow, Russia. The ongoing irradiation campaign affected about 1,800 employees and 3,000 dependents housed at the embassy during this period. 35 The Russians targeted the U. S. embassy with 2.4 to 4.1 gigahertz, a range within the same realm of frequencies blasting from Americas wireless cell phones, in-house cordless phones, wireless computers, WiFi systems and cell towers. The Russians mainly used a power density of around five to 18 microwatts per square centimeter (5-18 uWcm2). 36 In the mid 1970s, a Johns Hopkins medical team under direction of Dr. Abraham Lilienfield was commissioned by the U. S. State Department to study the health effects of the Moscow irradiation on our embassy staffers. The draft report documented numerous symptoms of radiation poisoning, including immune system disorders, high white blood cell counts, chronic fatigue, blurred vision, cataracts and muscle aches. Information on cancer was deliberately withheld from the Lilienfield team, but it was later reported that cancer incidence among embassy staff was four times normal. 37 Most individuals among the irradiated staff were protected by the stone structure of the embassy building and therefore they received an estimated average of only 0.19 uWattscm2. Nevertheless, reproductive problems among the irradiated Moscow personnel included abnormal red and white blood cells, above average chromosomal aberrations, higher than normal rates of miscarriage plus pregnancy complications. 38 Embassy staff with blood abnormalities were advised not to conceive children until six months after their somatic levels had returned to normal in a non-irradiated environment. 39 It should also be noted that then U. S. State Department chief medical officer Herbert Pollack sanitized the conclusions of the Lilienfield report. The final report falsely concluded that no important health effects were associated with the embassy microwave exposure. 40 Compare the adverse effects on U. S. Russian embassy personnel and their families exposed at mainly 0.19 microwattscm2 to current federal exposure guidelines. Depending on broadcast frequency, the federal government allows the telecom industry to deliver a maximum of 600 to 1000 microwattscm2 of communications radiation into populated areas across the nation. Adding insult to injury, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)the single agency with authority to regulate the communications industryhas neither money, manpower nor motive to verify compliance with its dangerous exposure guidelines. We can see the damage An estimated one in 20 babies born in the U. S. each year has an obvious birth defect. That equates to about 200,000 babies per about four million live births annually. Many additional childhood defects and impairments can be subtle, requiring years to become apparent. Millions of parents now cope with often inexplicable child health problems, including severe allergies, diabetes, body weight abnormalities, plus serious eye, ear and skin conditions. Perhaps the most alarming epidemic among our younger generations involves the increasing incidence of neurological and developmental delay disorders. The 2003 National Survey of Childrens Health found that one in five American children has a learning disability or attention deficit disorder. Studies through decades link these conditions to toxic environmental conditions, including microwave radiation exposure. 41 A recent study of over 13,000 Danish women confirms that women who had used cell phones during pregnancy produced children who were 54 percent more likely to manifest hyperactivity and difficulties with conduct and emotion by the time they entered school. Coordinated by American and Danish scientists, this survey found that if children exposed to cell phone radiation in the womb later used cell phones themselves, they were 80 percent more likely to suffer behavior and emotional problems than children who were not exposed. 42 In 2000, Dr. Ross Adey working at the University of California, Riverside, showed that pregnant rats exposed to Iridium cell phone radiation produced fetuses with significantly decreased brain activity, compared to non-exposed fetuses. 43 The incidence of human autism, a complex affliction manifesting a broad spectrum of brain abnormalities, has increased dramatically since the wireless age began. Scientists say clues are accumulating that RFmicrowave exposure could be an important but overlooked factor in the autism epidemic. 44 There is also indication that the synergy between RFmicrowave radiation and chemicalsmetals may be involved in autistic disorders. A 2007 report on autistic children and electromagnetic exposure concluded that the impact of this radiation could be direct by facilitating early clinical onset of symptoms or indirect, including trapping heavy metals in cells and both accelerating the onset of symptoms caused by heavy metal toxicity as well as impeding therapeutic clearing of these metals. 45 In 2008, researchers announced that missing DNA snippets on chromosome 16 is a mutation that raises the risk of autism by 100 times. Some suspect that this aberration is the tip of the iceberg concerning genetic errors involved in the syndrome. 46 It is generally agreed that such chromosome aberrations can occur before fertilization, which brings us back to chemical andor radiation-damaged sperm and ova. The powers-that-be dont want this information made public An impressive number of researchers through the decades have published studies linking RFmicrowave radiation to adverse effects on genetics and reproduction, even at very low, non-thermal exposure rates. In 1997, Dr. John R. Goldsmith of Israels Ben-Gurion University published a historical compendium of such studies. Dr. Goldsmith noted that scientists had known for decades that the three major human effects of microwaves are spontaneous abortion, blood cell mutations and increased childhood cancers. 47 When the results of RFmicrowave-damning studies were published, offending scientists throughout the years have consistently found their research programs prematurely terminated, their careers derailed and their reputations defamed. This is the case of the brilliant and accomplished Dr. Henry Lai. Working at the University of Washington, Dr. Lai and his colleagues raised the ire of the wireless communications industry after reporting that microwaves at low exposure levels badly damage DNA. Lai was subsequently subjected to dirty politics and attempts to sabotage his career. 48 When Dr. Jerry Phillips, under contract to Motorola in the 90s, published his findings that cell phone frequencies have an important biological impact on DNA, he too was threatened and ostracized by the wireless industry. Phillips had earlier discovered that radio frequency fields can influence the growth of tumors. Today, almost all wireless health studies in the U. S. are funded by a tangled web of special interest groups which directly or indirectly profit from the wireless industry. These tainted, conflicted-interest studies routinely give wireless radiation a clean bill of health. A lot of studies done right now are done purely as PR tools for the industry, confirms Dr. Phillips. 49 The wireless industry is enabled and subsidized by the U. S. government, which also has an array of economic and political reasons for obfuscating microwave health issues. The reality is, the feds and the wireless industry are up to their proverbial necks in liability if the potent teratogenicity of microwaves becomes widely understood. Therefore, those who increasingly microwave-pollute both military and civilian populations have thus far demonstrated their willingness to lie and deny regarding the dangers of RFmicrowaves. Author Paul Brodeur wrote in The Zapping of America that the government and the military have long suppressed information about true genetic effects of microwaves in human beings and covered up a number of potentially embarrassing situations in which such effects have been observed. 50 Babies have been sacrificed to protect the Establishment One such situation was the Fort Rucker affair of the early 1970s. 51 At the time, Fort Rucker in Alabama had 46 radar installations within 30 miles of the base. Aviation radar technology, such as that emitting from Fort Rucker at the time, employs many bands of high frequency microwaves. In 1971, an expert with the University of Alabama discovered that a startling number of newborns delivered at the base hospital suffered congenital abnormalities, including club foot, cleft palate, genital, heart and respiratory problems. There was also a high fetal death rate. About the same time, researchers discovered a high fetal death rate near Elgin Air Force Base in Florida, another aviation base with a massive concentration of radar installations. A preliminary report on the Fort Rucker birth defect cluster completed by the Southern Research Institute for the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency urged follow-up studies to determine how prenatal deaths and infant birth defects correlate with parental microwave exposure at aviation bases. Such a study was warranted because nearly a decade earlier, researchers at Johns Hopkins had found an apparent association between radar exposure and Downs Syndrome. 52 Rather than acknowledge a possible radiation link to myriad illnesses among civilian and military personnel, or act to prevent irresponsible exposure, military networks derailed the investigation and quashed preliminary study results. In describing the devious chicanery of military brass in stopping the Fort Rucker investigation and discouraging future studies, Brodeur wrote that the case shows the lengths to which the military establishment will go to ignore the genetic effects of exposure to microwave radiation. Brodeur warned, Above all, it provides a warning in bold relief to the Congress and to the American people. A national policy which gives the Department of Defense the power to control or thwart scientific research on the biological effects of microwaves is a policy that allows the fox to guard the chicken coop and make test animals of us all. 53 Thirty years later the fox still rules And test animals we certainly are. The United States now has about 2 million licensed cellular communications installations and antennas blanketing the nation with pulsed data transmission microwaves. Wireless communications antennas operate in the same electromagnetic spectrum as radar antennas. Radar emissions can range from 3 megahertz to 110 gigahertz, which includes the numerous bands used for cell phone and other wireless services. Before the wireless revolution, radar exposure was contained mostly to military installations and airport areas. Now mobile communication installations expose nearly everyone to massive, incessant doses of chromosome-damaging energy within the radar spectrum. The wireless industry says that it must continue to increase its nationwide network of microwave antennas in our neighborhoods, commercial centers, parks and school zones. It says that the emergence of broadband services which enable cell phone videogamingmusic plus data downloads for e-mail and business applicationsdemands ever more network capacity. 54 To meet increasing consumer demand for an evolving array of third generation wireless products and services, the industry says it is dividing its service areas into smaller cells, requiring more transmitters in tighter spaces. Service providers are reducing the height of existing antenna poles, while rushing to attach thousands of new antennas to buildings and structures of all kinds, even utility poles. Meanwhile, WiMAX promoters are setting up powerful new WiFi networks across the nation. If informed Americans cannot reverse this trend, eventually no one anywhere will escape a tsunami of a pernicious, mutagenic radiation that permeates and punishes our bodies 24 hours a day. The FCC admits it has expertise in neither health matters nor radio engineering. Its current and notorious exposure standards were developed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), which bills itself as the worlds leading professional association for the advancement of technology. Louis Slesin, publisher of Microwave News states: Essentially, the users of RF and microwave technologythe military, its contractors and the communications industrywrote the IEEE RF standard. For example, of the two co-chairs of the committee that developed the most recent safety standard, one works for Motorola and the other for the U. S. Navy and the Air Force. What are the odds that the safety standard serves their interests Id bet the ranch on it 55 Betting the ranch is one thing, but wagering the lives of millions of fetuses and infants on FCCs outdated RFmicrowave exposure guidelines is genocidal. Scientists across the globe are adamant that these self-serving guidelines are scientifically indefensible, extremely dangerous and must be immediately and drastically revised. 56 Is ultrasound not so sound In addition to incessant wireless radiation exposure, most fetuses are now routinely scanned several times during gestation by medical ultrasound imaging equipment. Scant weeks after a human embryo is implanted in-utero, at a time when the newly united cells are the most vulnerable, medical personnel engage in an ultrasound inquisition to determine its gestational age. A vaginal probe is often used to position a high frequency sound transducer as close as possible to the tiny new life form. Ultrasound technology vibrates a fetus with mechanical pressure waves at millions of cycles per second. A scan can last up to one hour. The power density used is around 720 milliwattscm2eight times the power density allowed prior to 1993. 57 Secondary vibrations inherent in ultrasound waves are said to produce intrauterine noise as loud as 100 decibels, despite the fact that noise levels over 85 decibels are designated as harmful to human hearing. The fetus reportedly hears an ultrasound scan at a high pitch which is, comparatively speaking, as loud as a train pulling into a station. 58 The ultra powerful Doppler ultrasound equipment is especially brutal. One minute of Doppler is equal to 35 minutes of non-Doppler imaging. Doppler is often used on pregnant women transvaginally. Often employed for monitoring fetal circulation, Doppler equipment has potential to produce biologically significant temperature hikes in both bone and tissue interfaces. 59 One report notes that brain structures lying close to the fetal skull, such as the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus, are at special risk of over-heating, while on-screen temperature safety indexes can give false temperature readings. 60 Powerful 3-D and 4-D ultrasound equipment, which can produce cuddly 3-dimensional images, is used by opportunists to create fetal portraits and videos for profit. 61 These merciless, inflammation-producing scanning sessions can last up to 90 minutes. The FDA warns that such frivolous use of ultrasound is dangerous, but critics complain that the agency has yet to enforce a ban on this commercial exploitation of the fetus. In 1999, Irish researchers found that a 15-minute, 8 megahertz ultrasound scan of mice produced abnormal rate of cell division and abnormal cell death. Among these researchers was Dr. Patrick Brennan who suspects that the scans may be damaging human fetal DNA, resulting in a delay of cell division and repair, or in the switching on of a tumor suppressor gene that controls cell death. 62 In 2004, Pasko Rakic, chairman of the Neurobiology Department at Yale University, reported disruption of the normal migration of cells in the brains of fetal mice following ultrasound scans. Brain cells failed to grow into their proper positions and remained scattered in incorrect parts of the brain. 63 A number of other studies have established a possible correlation between prenatal ultrasound exposure and dyslexia, delayed speech development, reduced birth weight and non-right handedness. 64 Left-handedness is statistically linked to many cognitive and developmental problems, ranging from learning difficulties to autism and epilepsy. There are reports that the FDA has failed to ensure that medical sonographers are properly trained. Ultrasound expert Dr. Jacques Abramowicz of Rush University is quoted as saying that only two to three percent of ultrasound technicians understand the complexities of thermal and mechanical indexes. 65 While the American Institute of Ultrasound Medicine (AIUM) denies negative biological effects of ultrasound on fetuses, it admits to the possibility that negative outcomes may be identified in the future. No one yet knows to what extent our devastating rates of childhood diabetes, allergy and learning impairment may be rooted in over-use of fetal monitoring by poorly trained technicians. This 2005 photo ran with an article in the UK Guardian describing how this microwave-emitting electronic tag was sold to British mothers as a deterrent for abduction. Americas infants are on the wireless frontline Medical researchers from Italys University of Siena Department of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Reproductive Medicine reported that extremely low frequency (ELF) electrical currents given off by modern hospital incubators can interfere with newborns heart rates. The study, published in May, 2008, showed that ELF waves increase neonates risk for sudden infant death syndrome. The magnetic fields from these ELF waves were found to cut the variability of infant heart rates in half. Heart rate variability is healthy and shows that the nervous system is working correctly. Variability reduction, on the other hand, is known to be an indicator of heart disease, arrhythmia and stroke. The Italian study warns that interfering with heart rate variability can hinder nervous system development and recommends that incubator manufacturers take steps to shield babies from electrical fields caused by motors and fans. 66 How bizarre, then, is the fact that hospitals throughout U. S. are clamping high frequency radio tracking devices on the appendages of at least one million American newborns each year. High frequency radio tags are an accoutrement of so-called infant protection systems peddled by XMark Corporation of Ontario, Canada. 67 XMark is a subsidiary of the infamous VeriChip Corporation which markets the injectable VeriChip ID tag for humans. (See Microchip implants cause fast-growing malignant tumors in lab animals , for a report on the cancer-causing effects of implanted ID chips.) XMark offers two types of in-hospital tracking systems for newborns: Hugs and Halo. Medical institutions participating in these programs must transform their maternity wards into RFmicrowave hot zones, complete with a grid of wireless sensors linked to computers capable of processing information from numerous transmitters simultaneously. The Hugs system includes a mommy transmitter dubbed Kisses. Mother-and-child transmitters are programmed to work in sync so mom can recognize her child from his high frequency signals, which mesh with hers in an electronic lullaby. XMark promotional literature mentions nothing about the physiological effects of Hugs radio waves, which zap newborns with repetitive micro-blasts of 217 million hertz. The horrendous Halo transmitters propagate a whopping 433.92 million hertz, a frequency officially within the microwave realm. Halo radio tags for newborns are part of a wireless system programmed to deactivate automatic doors and elevators while the location and identity of staff and infants are instantly transmitted to command headquarters. The 433.92 megahertz employed by the Halo system is endorsed by the Department of Defense (DOD) as its active RFID standard. This frequency is used for a variety of DOD tracking and surveillance modalities. 68 Infant tracking is a radiation-rich glimpse into the portals of a Star Wars medical world which purports to make newborns safe by blasting them with continuous torrents of dangerous high frequencies. Microwave radiation is classified as a chronic poison by the National Institutes of Health. 69 Yet, Orwellian infant tracking systems such as Halo have been approved by the FDA with neither pre-market health research nor follow-up studies needed to assess the long term effects of such prolonged electromagnetic assault on infant immunity, neurological development and circulatory health. Many babies are condemned to radiation-toxic homes When an infant escapes his hospital transmitter, he may be taken to a home where wireless reigns. These days a babys first habitat may be a den of electromagnetic wave pollution gushing from wireless computer systems, microwave ovens, gigahertz baby monitors, home security systems and the nefarious, always-broadcasting Digital Enhanced Cordless Telephone (DECT) bases. Babys home may also be near communications transmitters which spew into his neighborhoodinto his very bassineta torrent of microwave radiation heard as a high pitched scream by audio detection equipment. Microwave frequencies emitted 247 by neighborhood transmitters pass easily through most construction materials to enter dwellings, then resonate off objects to reverberate into human flesh. While still toddlers, the children of Generation X-ray will likely be encouraged to use cell and cordless household phones, devices which will deeply infiltrate tiny skulls with additional mega-doses of electro-dissonance. A most troubling aspect is the 2005 medical study completed in India which found that adults exposed to as little as one hour of cell phone radiation per day have an average of 40 to 60 percent of their cells manifesting damaged DNA. 70 What tragedies lurk in the future for Generation X-rays children who bear subtle DNA aberrations from before conception, then sustain additional DNA damage during their formative years in a full-throttle wireless world How many generations can sustain 40-60 percent DNA damage before humanity becomes so genetically compromised that it is literally threatened with extinction Is the global wireless revolution a population reduction project There is an intriguing possibility that the global torrent of ever-increasing wireless radiation might be an important link in a furtive master plan to drastically reduce the worlds population. We have a number of important clues that microwaves could be used as an effective form of contraception, administered covertly to the worlds masses through seductive technological means. Research has shown that rodents exposed to cell phone radiation have less testosterone in their bloodstreams, resulting in diminished sexual activity . 71 In 2008, a public health agency in Norway published a study of navy personnel exposed to radio frequency electromagnetic radiation. It showed that the greater the exposure to this radiation, the higher the prevalence of involuntary childlessness. 72 Greek researchers studying the effects of radio frequency on rodent reproduction placed groups of mice in strategic locations to ensure their irradiation from a broadcasting RF antenna farm. Mice who received less than 1 microwattcm2 had a progressive decrease in newborns and became irreversibly sterile after five generations. The mice receiving a tad over 1 microwattcm2 regressed to sterility after only three generations. 73 A most interesting clue comes from a 1985 Chinese study titled Effects of Microwave Contraception on Human Serum Testosterone and Luteinizing Hormone. The study was conducted on human males and the abstract states that the microwave dose used for contraception seems to cause damage in Leydig cell function. and then influence(s) endocrine function of testis. 74 It is not clear from this report exactly what microwave dose was found by the Chinese to be contraceptive. But the fact that todays cell phone radiation is widely documented as damaging, even lethal to human sperm cells, suggests that our dangerously high emission and exposure standards could have been set specifically for their potent contraceptive potential. Greek researchers at the University of Athens confirmed in 2006 that GSM 900 and 1800 (digital) megahertz radiation has a radical impact on the ability of living creatures to reproduce. These frequencies are within the realm of wireless radiation being broadcast across America for mobile services. The drosophila (fruit fly) was chosen for this study because the insects cellular processes are identical to those of humans. Only a few minutes of exposure to this cell phone radiation per dayat power intensities now common in our environmentcut the insects ability to reproduce by 60 percent. Both sexes were affected. Of great importance was the finding that exposed male flies suffered DNA fragmentation in their gonadal cells and the females showed induced cell death in a large number of their ovarian egg chambers. The researchers warned, Digital mobile telephony radiation nowadays exert an intense biological action able to kill cells, damage DNA or decrease dramatically the reproductive capacity of living organisms. 75 Chilling is the possibility that there might exist a mindset among ruling elites that humans who make it through the gauntlet of pre-conception radiation and radiation-induced spontaneous abortion should have their lives drastically shortened to spare societies the economic burden of elderly people. Governments and the wireless communications industry stampeding humanity into compulsory and continuous wireless exposure are undoubtedly apprised of the hundreds of medical studies demonstrating that low level communications microwaves not only initiate, but also nourish and promote human cancers. 76 The perpetrators must also be aware of the widespread circulatory and cardiac damage being unleashed by the wireless revolution. Cell phone radiation quickly causes red blood cells to clump together and also to leak hemoglobin. These abnormal blood conditions can precipitate heart disease, kidney stones and strokes. 77 A recent medical study found that both fetuses and newborns exposed to cell phone radiation while their mothers conversed for 10 minutes experienced significant increases in heart rate and worrisome decreases in cardiac output. 78 Thus we see that the wireless age endangers the life blood, even the very hearts of the tiny ones fated to be born as Generation Xd Out. What can we do to save the babies An amoral and ravenous congressional-military-industrial complex has groomed the youngsters of Generation X-ray to become hard-core patriots of wireless technology in the same ruthless way the asbestos and tobacco industries seduced and murdered generations past. The Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA) boasts on its website that teenagers, defined as a huge consumer market segment, are currently pumping 100 billion a year into the industrys coffers. 79 Deceived and used as pawns, our youngsters are left utterly ignorant concerning the devastating wireless radiation hazards to themselves and their posterity. When young people are told about the hazards of anything, they traditionally discard the facts and pursue their chosen avenues of self gratification as predictable acts of rebellion. Generation X-ray is no different in its obsession with wireless conveniences it seems content to live in a self-absorbed universe devoid of logic, critical thinking and accountability. Many youth appear incapable of caring about future generations. We are no longer a nation of healthy free-thinkers, but a nation of obsessive, sickly phone button punchers, virtual game players and compulsive text messengers. Given the science, such ignorance and apathy ensures that millions of new and innocent lives are destined for cruel suffering and impairment. Thanks to a silent but violent electromagnetic enemy that is destroying their fragile DNA, newborns tumbling into our barbaric wireless age are creatures of a zillion possibilities of chromosomal disarray, including nervous system damage, deformed limbs, endocrine disruption and unhinged metabolic function. Yet, hopefully, some of our young people planning to bear children are still morally and intellectually able to comprehend and act upon the latest scientific information gathered for this paper. We can also hope that older parents and grandparents apprised of these facts will exert their influence to protect the genetics of their progeny. Those who want healthy babies must take the minimal following steps: 1. Accept the well-documented fact that microwave radiation from wireless devices is as mutagenic, teratogenic and dangerous to fetuses and infants as ionizing X-radiation and gamma waves. 2. Never wear or use any wireless device near reproductive organs. If you are female and have been exposing your ovaries to years of near-field wireless radiation, think carefully before you decide to become pregnant. If you are a male, and plan to father children, make sure that you stop using wireless devices well in advance of fertilization to reduce the chance of procreation with damaged sperm. 3. Learn to test your personal environment for wireless microwave contamination. If you are pregnant or plan to be, remove yourself from microwave-contaminated areas at any cost. Never stand near a microwave oven when pregnant, as all such ovens leak radiation and can affect a large area. 4. Prudent avoidance of routine pregnancy ultrasound scans is the best policy, says Internet health advisor Dr. Joseph Mercola. These scans should be used only in the event of medical necessity, he advises. 5. Refuse to have your newborn radio-tagged by your birthing hospital. Since a tracking system requires a fog of ambient RFmicrowave radiation which could affect even non-tagged infants, it is prudent to choose a hospital which does not employ wireless systems in the maternity ward, or have your baby at home. 6. Make sure that your infant is nurtured in a microwave-free home. Remove all DECT cordless phones, wireless security systems, wLAN wireless communications systems and microwave ovens. Never microwave-heat infant formulas or food. 7. Make sure that cell tower or roof top communications antennas are not poisoning your home. If you discover that your neighborhood lies in the down beam of microwave antennas, which are saturating the interior of your home with a dangerous carcinogen, either take steps to apply expensive radiation barrier materials, or move to a radiation-free zone. 8. Never use any wireless device while near an infant or young child. Drastically reduce the use of all personal wireless devices, and reserve their use for emergency communication. The more people use cell phones in their homes, the more transmitters will be placed in our neighborhoods. 9. Retain your home and office landlines. Telecom companies are using pricing incentives to encourage the elimination of landline connections because air interface is more profitable. Unless we can educate enough people in time, our options for safe landline communications may vanish, leaving our kids at even more risk. The scientific evidence is massive and irrefutable. Our little ones face a lifetime of disability, pain and deprivation from ever-increasing torrents of man-made, commercial radiation capable of destroying human genetic integrity. If you believe that humanity should NOT be reduced to a species of genetic freaks on the way to extinction, assist the radiation awareness movement by doing your own research and then sharing with others the documented information on wireless hazards to human DNA. There is no time to waste while confronted with the life-and-death issues associated with the brazen wireless radiation assault upon our kids. Our mission requires persistence, patience and sacrifice. It is high time that we speak up and take action nowfor the sake of the helpless and the unborn. What we do and say today will hugely affect generations to come. Notes for Generation Xd Out Note: For the latest report from Professor Lennart Hardell concerning the 5-fold risk of brain tumors in kids who begin using mobile phones in childhood see: Mobile Phone Use Raises Childrens Risk of Brain Cancer Fivefold, The Independent . UK, 9-21-2008. Hardell is with the Department of Oncology, University Hospital, Orebro, Sweden. For the latest cancer statistics on American kids, see CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians . published bi-monthly by the American Cancer Society. 1. Mobile Phone Users Addicted to Radiation, Observer . UK, 3-14-1999. Mobile radiation stimulates a morphine-like chemical in the brain: The mobile high is triggered by endorphins released in the brain when microwave radiation from the phone enters the ear. 2. Key Scientific Evidence and Public Health Policy Recommendations, Dr. David O. Carpenter and Cindy Sage, Prepared for the BioInitiative Working Group, BioInitiative Report . July 2007, p. 7. 3. An in-depth report on the REFLEX project can be found online: Health and Electromagnetic Fields: EU-funded research into the Impacts of Electromagnetic Fields and Mobile Phones on Health published by the European Commission, 02-29-2008. A list of the 17 additional DNA studies can be found at microwavenews. See September 3, 2008 issue of Microwave News . 4. Find references for these three chromosome studies at: microwavenews. See September 3, 2008 issue of Microwave News . 5. NATO Handbook on the Medical Aspects of NBC Defensive Operations . Chapter five, Biophysical and Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation, Section III, 511. 6. Survey of Childhood Malignancies, Stewart, et al. British Medical Journal (1958), p. 1495. Also: Radiation Dose Effects in Relation to Obstetrics, X Ray and Childhood Cancer, Alice Stewart and George W. Kneale, Lancet 1 (1970): 1185-1187. 7. Prenatal X-ray Exposure and Childhood Cancer, Brian MacMahon, Journal of the National Cancer Institute 28 (1962): 1173. 8. Dr. Bloomfield quoted in The Cell Tolls for Thee, J. Evans, 08-06-2008, Best Life, fourwinds10. 9. BioInitiative Report: A Rationale for a Biologically-based Public Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Fields . September 2007. See Summary for the Public and Conclusions. 10. Professor Barrie Trower from personal correspondence with the author. 11. Cell Phone Use Can Reduce Sperm Count, M. Frith, The Independent . Uk. 06-27-2004. 12. Laptops Can Damage Male Fertility, M. Hachman, Extreme Tech, 12-09-2004. 13. Impact of Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation on DNA Integrity in the Male Germline, R. Aitken, et. al, University of Newcastle, Australia, October 2004. Also: Mobile Phone Radiation Fries SpermStudy, T. McLean, Australian Associated Press, 10-20-2008. 14. Effects of 1800 MHz GSM-like Exposure on the Gonadal Function and Haematological Parameters of Male Mice, Forgacs Z, et. al, FGF-Infoline, 03-11-2005. 15. Men Who Use Mobile Phones Face Increased Risk of Infertility, J. Hope, London Daily Mail . 10-23-2006. 16. Effect of Cell Phone Usage on Semen Analysis in Men Attending Infertility Clinic, A. Agarwal et. al, Fertility and Sterility . May 3, 2007. 17. Can Mobiles Make You Infertile The Times of India . 6-11-2008. 18. NATO Handbook on the Medical Aspects of NBC Defensive Operations . Chapter five, Cellular Effects of Ionizing Radiation Section III, 508. 19. Muller quoted: A Mans Shelf Life, M. Teich, Psychology Today, Sept-Oct. 2007. 20. NATO Handbook on the Medical Aspects of NBC Defensive Operations . Chapter five, Cellular Effects of Ionizing Radiation Section III, 512. 21. Study: Radiation Damage May Be Inherited, Associated Press, 05-02-2002. 22. Discussion of epigenetics: Ghost in Your Genes . Nova and WGBH, 2006, as seen on public television. Also: Imprint of Famine Seen in Genes of Second World War Babies 60 Years On, M. Henderson, Times Online, 10-28-2008. 23. Grandmothers Smoking Linked To Grandchildrens Asthma Decades Later, Science Daily . 05-06-2005. 24. Shocking Pregnancy Statistics, Joel Sol, rense . 05-02-02. This statistic was in a press release from the National Research Council of the National Academy of Science Institute of Medicine, June 2000. 25. Neurological Effects of Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation . a paper presented by Dr. Henry Lai at the Mobile Phones and Health Symposium, in Vienna, Austria, October 25-28, 1998. also: Dr. Lai: Biological Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation from Wireless Transmission Towers. This report is Chapter three in Cell Towers: Wireless Convenience or Environmental Hazard The Berkshire-Litchfield Environmental Council, Edited by B. Blake Levitt, 2000. 26. Mobile Phones Warning to Pregnant Women, The Telegraph . UK, 06-28-1998. 27. Cherry on Safe Exposure Levels . Dr. Neil Cherry, Lincoln University, 2000. Some of the studies listed by Dr. Cherry include: Vaughan et al (1984), Taskinen et al. (1990), Lindbohm et al. (1992) and Quellet-Hellstrom and Stewart (1993.) 28. A Population-Based Prospective Cohort Study of Personal Exposure to Magnetic Fields During Pregnancy and the Risk of Miscarriage, Li De-Kun et al., Epidemiology . 2002 13:09-22. 29. Criticism of the Proposal to Adopt the ICNRP Guidelines for Cellsites in New Zealand, ICNIRP Guideline Critique . Dr. Neil Cherry, Lincoln University, 100299. See section on reproductive outcomes, pp. 21-31. 30.Unborn Babies Soaked in Chemicals, Survey Finds, Maggie Fox, Reuters, rense . 07-14-05. 31.Teratogenicity of Recently Introduced Medications in Human Pregnancy, W. Lo et al. Obstetrics and Gynecology . 2002100:465-473. 32. 954 MHz Microwaves Enhance the Mutagenic Properties of Mitomycin C, Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis . Vol. 28, Issue 1 pp. 26-30, 12-21-1998. 33. Mercury Release from Dental Amalgam Restorations after Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Following Mobile Phone Use, S. Mortazavi et al. Pak J. Biol Sci . 11(8): 1142-6, April 15, 2008. 34. The Sensitivity of Children to Electromagnetic Fields, L. Kheifets et al, Pediatrics . Vol. 116, No. 2 August 2005, pp. 303-313. 35. Evaluation of Health Status of Foreign Service and Other Employees from Selected Eastern European Posts, National Technical Information Service . A. Lilienfield, PB288-163 (1978). Professor Abraham Lilienfield, head of the Epidemiology Department at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, completed this study of the Moscow irradiation project for the U. S. State Department. 36. Probable Health Effects Associated with Mobile Base Stations in Communities: the Need for Health Studies, Dr. Neil Cherry, Lincoln University, NZ, August 2002. 37.Cancer Risks from Microwaves Confirmed, Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, Institute of Science in Society, 05-24-2007. 38. Cherry on Safe Exposure Levels . Dr. Neil Cherry, op. Cit. 41 . Neurological Effects of Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation . Lai, op. Cit. This paper contains an excellent discussion of laboratory studies showing damage to brain cells, plus memory deficits and learning disabilities due to microwave exposure. 42. Warning: Using a Mobile Phone While Pregnant Can Seriously Damage Your Baby, G. Lean, The Independent UK, 5-18-2008. 43. Fetal Rat Brain Ornithine Decarboxylase (ODC) Activity and Polyamine Levels Following Exposures to Iridium Cell Phone Fields in Late Pregnancy, Ross Adey, Department of Biochemistry, University of California, Riverside. This presentation was delivered February 4, 2000 at the Bioelectromagnetics Society. 44. A Possible Association Between FetalNeonatal Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation and the Increased Incidence of Autism Spectrum Disorder, R. Kane, Medical Hypothesis . Vol. 62, Issue 2, pp. 195-197, February 2004. 45. Wireless Radiation in the Etiology and Treatment of Autism: Clinical Observations and Mechanisms, T. Mariea and G. Carlo, J Aust Coll Nutr and Env Med . Vol 26, No. 2, August 2007. 46. Rare Genetic Glitch Hikes Risks of Autism, APMSNBC, 01-09-2008. 47. Epidemiologic Evidence Relevant to Radar (Microwave) Effects, John Goldsmith, Environmental Health Perspectives Vol. 105, Supplement 6, 12-01-1997. 48. Wake-up Call, R. Harrill, Columns . University of Washington Alumni Magazine, March 2005. 49. Phillips quoted: Is Her Cell Phone Safe, R. Cribb and T. Hamilton, TheStar, 11-07-2005. 50. The Zapping of America . Paul Brodeur, 1977. See Chapter 11: The Genetic Time Bomb. 52. Radiation Exposure of Parents of Children with Mongolism, A. Sigler et al. Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin . 117:374.39 (1965). 53. The Zapping of America . op. Cit. pp. 149-150. 54. CITA website: Why Wireless Antenna Siting is Important, ctia. org . 55. An Interview with Louis Slesin, by the Institute for Inquiry, Box 335, Davenport, California. 56. BioInitiative Report op. Cit. See Summary for the Public and Conclusions. 57. Conflicts of Interest: Understanding the Safety Issue Around Prenatal Ultrasound, M. Fuller and J. Eaton, 06-02-2005. Find this article at vaclib. org. 58. Fetuses Can Hear Ultrasound Examinations, New Scientist . 12-04-2001. 59. Conflicts of Interest: Understanding the Safety Issue Around Prenatal Ultrasound, op. Cit. 60. Sensitivity to Diagnostic Ultrasound in Obstetrics, S. B. Barnett and G. Kossoff, eds. Safety of Diagnostic Ultrasound (Carnforth, UK: Parthenon Publishing, 1998). 61. FDA Concerned About Scrapbook Ultrasounds, M. Mendoza, AP, 03-27-2004. 62. Ultrasound Linked to Brain Damage, R. Matthews, The Sunday Telegraph . UK, 10-01-2001. 63. Ultrasound Can Affect Brain Development, AP, 08-07-2006. 64. Ultrasound Safety Review Over Brain Damage Fears, R. Matthews, The Telegraph . UK, 12-15-2001. Also: Ultrasound Scans May Disrupt Fetal Brain Development, New Scientist . 12-10-2001. A Swedish research team found a 32 higher rate of left-handedness among males whose mothers had been ultrasound scanned in the 1970s. 65. Dr. Abramowicz quoted in: Conflicts of Interest: Understanding the Safety Issue Around Prenatal Ultrasound, M. Fuller and J. Eaton, 06-02-2005. 66. Increasing the Engine-mattress Distance in Neonatal Incubators: A Way to Decrease Exposure of Infants to Electromagnetic Fields, C. V. Bellieni, et al, University of Siena, Italian Journal of Pediatrics . 2003 9:74-80. 67. See XMark Also: From the Ground Up, Building Patient and Staff Security into a New Hospital, S. Elder, HCampO News, SeptemberOctober 2006. 68. US Department of Defense, Endorses Active RFID Standard, A. Gonzalez, ARC Advisory Group, 12-01-2006. 69. Haz-Map: Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Agents . National Institutes of Health (2008). Both ionizing radiation and microwaves are listed under the chronic poison category as causes of occupational cataracts. See section titled: Cataract, chemical or radiation induced. 70. Genetic Damage in Mobile Phone Users: Some Preliminary Findings, Ghandi, G. Indian J Hum Genetics . 2005, 11:99-104. 71.BewareUsing A Mobile Phone Can Ruin Your Sex Life, Sunday Mirror . 04-16-2000. 72. Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields: Male Infertility and Sex Ratio Offspring, V. Baste et al, Department of Public Health and Primary Health Care, University of Bergen, Norway, Eur J Epidemiology . 04-16-2008. 73. RF Radiation-induced Changes in the Prenatal Development of Mice. Magras, IN, Xenos, TD, Bioelectromagnetics 18 (6) 455-461, 1997. 74. Effects of Microwave Contraception on Human Serum Testosterone and Luteinizing Hormone, Hu et al, Shengzhi Yu Biyun . May 1985 5 (2) 32-4. 75. Mobile Telephony Radiation Effects On Living Organisms, D. Panagopoulos and L. Margaritis, Department of Cell Biology, University of Athens. This report is Chapter three in Mobile Telephones: Networks, Applications, and Performance . Nova Science Publishers, 2008. See also the studys abstract: Cell Death Induced by GSM 900-MHz and DCS 1800-MHz Mobile Telephony Radiation, 2006. 76. Summary of the ECOLOG Study for T-Mobile, 2000, hese-project. org. In 2000, upon commission by T-Mobile, the independent Ecolog Institute in Germany gathered 220 peer-reviewed and published papers documenting cancer-initiating and cancer-promoting effects of high frequency electromagnetic fields used by mobile telephone technology. 77. Scientists Add Kidney Damage to the List of Mobile Phone Ills, S. Harris, Daily Mail . UK, 12-13-1999. 78. Fetal and Neonatal Responses Following Maternal Exposure to Mobile Phones, A. Rezk, et al, Saudi Med J . Feb29 (2): 218-23, (2008). 79. Teenagers A Generation Unplugged: A National Survey by CTIA: The Wireless Association and Harris Interactive, ctia. org . Truth11 Films The Cost Of WiFi and Cellular Technology 9mins Music: Set to Opeth: Heir Apparent Truth11 Films 9th film discusses EHS ElectroHyper-Sensitivity and the growing issue of wireless pollution from WiFi and Cellular sources. Something that affects us all and poses a serious threat to our health and sanity. The film also looks at the role wireless technology plays in our privacy and freedom. Charging the Narendra Modi Governmet of hatching a conspiracy to close down the income tax evasion case against the Sahara Group, the Congress today reiterated its demand for a free, fair and independent investigation of the Sahara diaries in which the name of Mr Modi figured nine times. Talking to reporters here, AICC media incharge Randeep Surjewala said, documents seized by Income Tax Department, state cash payments were made to Modiji 9 times over six months totalling Rs.40.1 cr. This document dated 22nd November, 2014 is duly signed by Income Tax authorities and witnesses. Date of payment, place of payment, persons to whom cash is paid and persons to whom cash is delivered are mentioned. Shockingly, the entire case against Sahara Group is now being sought to be closed in a hush hush and conspiratorial manner with startling speed. This further indicates that Modi Government has something to hide and is in an alarming hurry to brush the entire matter under the carpet. Pointing out that the Income Tax Settlement Commission, in its finding on September 22. 2016, has said that loose papers seized in raids on Sahara group would require further verificationenquiry which can be taken up in later proceedings, Mr Surjewala asked why corroborative evidence was not collected to substantiate the payments made. Even the Settlement Commission, in its order 10.11.2016 (Annexure A-1), has admitted that ownership of documents and electronic record reflecting payment of money belongs to Sahara Group. However, it said that corroborative evidence was to be collected by the department. In view thereof, does it not make out a case for a free, fair and independent investigation of Sahara papers as recorded even by the Income Tax Settlement Commission in its order dated 22.09.2016 Would Modi Government explain as to why corroborative evidence was not collected to substantiate the payments made Is it because it reflected the name of none less than PM Narendra Modi himself Does it not make out a clear cut case for an independent investigation to arrive at the truth, Mr Surjewala asked. Posing questions to Mr Modi, Mr Surjewala, alleging that the entire matter of Sahara Papers has been settled by Income Tax Settlement Commission in only 16 days and three hearings, asked as to why the Modi government was showing such tearing hurry to close the entire Sahara issuePointing out that the Sahara group had filed a revised income tax return after the raid on November 22,.2014 wherein the industrial Gr oup disclosed extra income of Rs.1217 crore, which was not disclosed earlier, Mr Surjewala asked why was the Sahara Group permitted to claim expenses of 150 to 200 times the original amount filed with Registrar of Companies. After calculating the income based on papers confiscated and admissions made by Sahara Group, even the Income Tax Settlement Commission proceeded to calculate taxable income of Rs.1910.76 crore. Admittedly, papers filed by Sahara Group before Registrar of Companies disclosed a total expense of merely Rs.9.7 crore for the year 2009-10 to 2012-13. As against this, Income Tax Settlement Commission has permitted Sahara Group operational expenses of Rs.1956.50 crore between the years 2009-10 to 2014-15. Net effect is to give 100 concession on the taxable income of Rs.1910 crore found after the Sahara raid and disclosed by Computer record, excel sheet and papers. Simple point is why was Sahara Group permitted to claim expenses of 150 to 200 times the original amount filed with Registrar of Companies Also, why was Sahara Group permitted to claim concession on undisclosed income in this fashion What is the underlying reason for showing such benevolence to an industrial house, which has been caught with unaccounted cash and papers reflecting non-disclosure of income running into a few thousands crores, Mr Surjewala said. Questioning the immunity granted to the Sahara Group. he said, Admittedly, Rs.137 crore were seized in the Sahara raid on 22.11.2014. Net effect is the order of Income Tax Settlement Commission is to merely tax this amount of Rs.137 crore. To top it, Sahara Group has been granted complete immunity from penalty and prosecution. Under Section 271 of the Income Tax Act, a penalty of 100 to 300 would have been payable, besides prosecution under Section 276. Why has this immunity been granted to Sahara Group Alleging that the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) had reported suspicious transactions in 4574 bank accounts of Sahara Group on April 28. 2013, which was also reported to Enforcement Directorate on May 3,.2013 along with details of bank accounts. Mr Surjewala asked as to why the Modi government not investigated and taken action on these important pieces of information regarding 4574 bank accounts of Sahara GroupIt is time that Prime Minister Narendra Modi answers these questions to people of India, Mr Surjewala said. UNI AR ADG SHK 1954. raquoraquo Contrary to popular belief, it was the Government which had advised the Reserve Bank to junk Rs 5001000 notes on November 7 and the board of the central bank the very next day recommended the demonetisation. In a 7-page note to the Parliaments Department-Related Committee of Finance headed by Congress leader M Veerappa Moily, the RBI stated that the Government had on November 7, 2016 advised the Reserve Bank that to mitigate the triple problems of counterfeiting, terrorist financing and black money, the Central Board of the Reserve Bank may consider withdrawal of the legal tender status of the notes in high denominations of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000.The RBIs Central Board met the very next da y to consider the Governments advice, and after deliberations, decided to recommend to Central Government that the legal tender status of the banknotes in the high denominations of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 be withdrawn. Union Cabinet headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi met within hours of that recommendation on November 8 and banned circulation of old 500 and 1000 rupee notes. Some ministers have thus far maintained that the government had only acted on RBI recommendation of demonetisation. In the note to the panel, RBI said it had been in the last few years working on introduction of new series of banknotes with improved security features to secure them against counterfeiting. In parallel, the government had been taking steps to curb black money and combat terrorism. There were reports by intelligence and enforcement agencies that availability of high denomination banknotes made it easier for black money hoarders and counterfeited notes in high denominations were being used for terrorist financing, RBI said. It occurred to Government of India and the Reserve Bank that the introduction of new series of notes could provide a very rare and profound opportunity to tackle all the three problems of counterfeiting, terrorist financing and black money by demonetising the banknotes in high denominations of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 or by withdrawing legal tender status of such banknotes. Though no firm decision was taken initially, whether to demonetise or not, preparations still went on for introduction of new series notes, as that was needed in any case, the note said. The central bank said it had as early as October 7, 2014 suggested to the government the need for introduction of 5,000 and 10,000 rupee notes, keeping in mind the inflation and the need for facilitating payments and managing the currency logistics. The government, it said, concurred with the introduction of Rs 2000 notes on May 18, 2016.RBI further said that it recommended to the government on May 27, 2016 that new series of bank notes with new designs, sizes, colors and themes including notes in the new Rs 2, 000 denomination be introduced. Government gave their final approval on June 7, 2016 and accordingly, the presses were advised in June 2016 to initiate production of new series notes. Since any new design notes or new denomination will catch the fancy of the public, it was decided that enough large quantities of Rs notes of 2,000 will be printed so that across the country such new notes can be issued simultaneously, it said. Stating that when the stock of new notes printed was reaching a critical minimum, the decision to withdraw the legal tender could be made, RBI said the government, in its November 7 advice, mentioned that cash has been a facilitator of black money since transactions made in cash do not leave any audit trai l. Elimination of black money will eliminate the long shadow of the ghost economy and will be positive for Indias growth outlook. They also observed that in the last 5 years, there has been an increase in the circulation of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes with an increasing incidence of counterfeiting of these notes, the Parliamentary panel was told. There have been widespread reports of the usage of FICN (Fake Indian Currency Note) for financing of terrorism and drug financing. The Fake Indian Currency Notes have their origin in neighboring country and pose a grievous threat to the security and integrity of the country. Hence the government has recommended that the withdrawal of the legal tender character of 500 and 1000 rupee notes, it said. In recommending demonetisation, the RBI board observed that such a proposal could not have come at a more opportune time than coinciding with the introduction of the MG (New) series of notes. With these, the existing banknotes can be summarily withdrawn, and the new design notes with more counterfeit resistance features be introduced. RBI said it might not have been immediately possible to replace these notes fully in terms of both value and volume on one to one basis, within a specific time. However, the stock of Rs 2000 denomination were arriving in RBI offices and were being dispatched to currency chests across the country and that could enable meeting a significant critical portion of the physical demand there from in value terms. Besides, electronic means of transaction were expected to take another part of the transaction load hitherto met from physical currency. Further, the available stock of other denominations at RBI and currency chests would also help meet demand, it said. raquoraquo Contrary to popular belief, it was the Government which had advised the Reserve Bank to junk Rs 5001000 notes on November 7 and the board of the central bank the very next day recommended the demonetisation. In a 7-page note to the Parliaments Department-Related Committee of Finance headed by Congress leader M Veerappa Moily, the RBI stated that the Government had on November 7, 2016 advised the Reserve Bank that to mitigate the triple problems of counterfeiting, terrorist financing and black money, the Central Board of the Reserve Bank may consider withdrawal of the legal tender status of the notes in high denominations of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000.The RBIs Central Board met the very next day to consider the Governments advice, and after deliberations, decided to recommend to Central Government that the legal tender status of the banknotes in the high denominations of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 be withdrawn. Union Cabinet headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi met within hours of that reco mmendation on November 8 and banned circulation of old 500 and 1000 rupee notes. Some ministers have thus far maintained that the government had only acted on RBI recommendation of demonetisation. In the note to the panel, RBI said it had been in the last few years working on introduction of new series of banknotes with improved security features to secure them against counterfeiting. In parallel, the government had been taking steps to curb black money and combat terrorism. There were reports by intelligence and enforcement agencies that availability of high denomination banknotes made it easier for black money hoarders and counterfeited notes in high denominations were being used for terrorist financing, RBI said. It occurred to Government of India and the Reserve Bank that the introduction of new series of notes could provide a very rare and profound opportunity to tackle all the three problems of counterfeiting, terrorist financing and black money by demonetising the banknotes in high denominations of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 or by withdrawing legal tender status of such banknotes. Though no firm decision was taken initially, whether to demonetise or not, preparations still went on for introduction of new series notes, as that was needed in any case, the note said. The central bank said it had as early as October 7, 2014 suggested to the government the need for introduction of 5,000 and 10,000 rupee notes, keeping in mind the inflation and the need for facilitating payments and managing the currency logistics. The government, it said, concurred with the introduction of Rs 2000 notes on May 18, 2016.RBI further said that it recommended to the government on May 27, 2016 that new series of bank notes with new designs, sizes, colors and themes including notes in the new Rs 2, 000 denomination be introduced. Government gave their final approval on June 7, 2016 and accordingly, the presses were advised in June 2016 to initiate production of new series notes. Since any new design notes or new denomination will catch the fancy of the public, it was decided that enough large quantities of Rs notes of 2,000 will be printed so that across the country such new notes can be issued simultaneously, it said. Stating that when the stock of new notes printed was reaching a critical minimum, the decision to withdraw the legal tender could be made, RBI said the government, in its November 7 advice, mentioned that cash has been a facilitator of black money since transactions made in cash do not leave any audit trai l. Elimination of black money will eliminate the long shadow of the ghost economy and will be positive for Indias growth outlook. They also observed that in the last 5 years, there has been an increase in the circulation of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes with an increasing incidence of counterfeiting of these notes, the Parliamentary panel was told. There have been widespread reports of the usage of FICN (Fake Indian Currency Note) for financing of terrorism and drug financing. The Fake Indian Currency Notes have their origin in neighboring country and pose a grievous threat to the security and integrity of the country. Hence the government has recommended that the withdrawal of the legal tender character of 500 and 1000 rupee notes, it said. In recommending demonetisation, the RBI board observed that such a proposal could not have come at a more opportune time than coinciding with the introduction of the MG (New) series of notes. With these, the existing banknotes can be summarily withdrawn, and the new design notes with more counterfeit resistance features be introduced. RBI said it might not have been immediately possible to replace these notes fully in terms of both value and volume on one to one basis, within a specific time. However, the stock of Rs 2000 denomination were arriving in RBI offices and were being dispatched to currency chests across the country and that could enable meeting a significant critical portion of the physical demand there from in value terms. Besides, electronic means of transaction were expected to take another part of the transaction load hitherto met from physical currency. Further, the available stock of other denominations at RBI and currency chests would also help meet demand, it said. raquoraquo With doubts being raised about demonetisation eliminating black money, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley today said colour of funds has not changed by merely depositing them in banks as the money has now lost its anonymity and can be identified with the owner. In a Facebook post titled Demonetisation -- A look back at the last two months, he also said the period of pain and inconveniences is getting over and the economic activity is being restored. Large amount of cash with banks will lead to lower interest rates, he further said. When 86 per cent of a countrys currency, constituting 12.2 per cent of its GDP, is squeezed out of the market and sought to be replaced by a new currency, there would obviously be significant consequences of that decision, he said, adding that the queues outside the banks have disappeared and remonetisation has moved ahead. The period of pain and inconveniences is getting over. Economic activity is being restored, he said. Jaitley said demonetisation required both courage and stamina. The implementation of the decision carried pain. It can lead to short-term criticism and inconveniences. Drop in economic activity on account of the currency squeeze during the remonetisation period would have a transient impact on the economy. The fact that large quantum of high denominational currency has been deposited with the banks does not render this money to be legitimate cash. Black money does not change its colour merely because it is deposited in bank. On the contrary, it loses its anonymity and can now be identified with its owner, he said. The comments follow reports about an estimated 97 per cent of junked notes getting deposited in bank accounts, thus casting doubts on the effectiveness of demonetisation move in checking the black money menace. The Revenue Department, he said, would be entitled to tax this money. In any case, the amendment to the Income Tax Act itself provides that the said money, if voluntarily declared or if involuntarily detected, would be liable for differential and high rates of taxation and penalty, he said. Jaitley further said India suffers as a hugely tax non-compliant society. In the year 2015-16, 3.7 crore assesses of the total population of over 125 crore, filed income tax returns. Out of these, 99 lakh declared income below Rs 2.5 lakh and paid no taxes 1.95 crore declared income less than Rs 5 lakh 52 lakh declared income between Rs 5 to 10 lakh, and only 24 lakh declared income above Rs 10 lakh. No better evidence is required to substantiate that both in the matter of direct and indirect taxes, India continues to suffer being a hugely tax non-compliant society, he said. Jaitley said the expenditure required for poverty eradication, national security and economic development have to be compromised with on account of tax non-compliances. He further said, Tax evasion has been considered as neither unethical nor immoral. It was just a way of life. Several Governments have allowed this normal to continue even though this compromised with larger public interest. The Prime Ministers decision (of demonetisation) is intended to create a new normal, he said. The Finance Minister further said the move seeks to change the expenditure pattern of India and Indians. It is obviously disruptive. All reforms are disruptive. They change the retrograde status quo. The demonetisation puts a premium on honesty and penalises dishonest conduct. Excessive cash as a medium of exchange is favoured by the underground economy, resulting in non-compliance in tax payments. Mountains of cash money reach tax havens through the hawala route from the original paper currency, he added. Jaitley further said that cash is the medium which funds bribery, corruption, counterfeit currency and terrorism. Stating that ethical and developed societies aided by technology have consistently moved towards banking and digital transactions as against the excessive use of cash, he said that reducing cash may not eliminate crime and terrorism but it can inflict serious blow on them. Jaitley said banks today have a lot more money available in order to lend for growth. Since this money constitutes low-cost deposits with the banks, it is bound to bring down the rate of interest. Both these things have already happened. Lakhs of crores, which were floating in the market as loose currency, have now entered the banking system. Not only has the money lost is anonymity, its owners, after being taxed, are entitled to put it to more effective uses, he said. Jaitley said the Narendra Modi Government wanted to move against the shadow economy and black money from Day-1, and went on to list the steps taken including constituting SIT on black money and international cooperation in sharing information on base erosion and profit shifting. Modi Government is determined to act against the shadow economy and black money. All efforts in this regard till date have been fruitful, Jaitley later tweeted. He said agreement was reached with Switzerland to get details of assets held by Indian citizens from 2019 and tax treaties with Mauritius, Cyprus and Singapore renegotiated to end round-tripping. PM Narendra Modi mustered international support against evils of black money since he took over as PM of India, Jaitley tweeted. He said India enacted a law for dealing with black money outside India and a highly successful Income Declaration Scheme (IDS) for domestic black money holders was launched. Also PAN card requirement for cash transaction above Rs 2 lakhs has put hurdles on expenditure through black money. Stating that GST, to be implemented this year, will provide for better indirect tax administration and being a more efficient law will check tax evasion, he said the demonetisation of high denominational currency notes was the big step in the same direction. With the demonetisation, the size of the banking tra nsactions and consequently the size of the economy is bound to increase, he said, adding that in the medium and long run, the GDP would be bigger and cleaner. Money entering into the banking system and officially transacted would give an ample scope for higher taxation -- both direct and indirect. The Centre and the State Governments would both stand to gain. The economy would also be serviced by both cash and highly digitised transactions, he said. Jaitley said there was a marked difference in the approach of Modi and his opponents in dealing with the menace of black money and terror financing. The Prime Minister was being futuristic, and thinking of a more modern, technology driven cleaner economy. He is now speaking of cleaning the political funding systems. His opponents want a cash dominated, cash generating and cash exchange system to continue. The difference between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi was clear -- the Prime Minister was thinking of the next generation while Rahul Gandhi was only looking at how to disrupt the next session of Parliament, Jaitley wrote. Stating that there was no social unrest while implementing the major demonetisation decision, Jaitley cited opinion polls conducted by independent media organisations which showed that an overwhelmingly large percentage of people have supported the governments decision. The opposition disrupted a full session of Parliament. Their protests have been ineffective. Their exaggerated claims on the disruption of the economy have proved wrong. It is a tragedy that a national party like the Congress decided to adopt a political position, opposing both technology, change and reforms. It sided with black money friendly status quo, it said. raquoraquo Congress today demanded a free, fair and independent investigation into the Sahara diaries alleging that the matter was being hushed up by the government even though bribery charges have been made against some politicians. Congress chief spokesperson Randeep Surjewala sought to pick holes in the Income Tax Settlement Commission (ITSC) order granting immunity to Sahara group from prosecution and penalty. The purported diaries were recovered from the business house following raids conducted in November 2014 listing the alleged pay-offs to politicians. Modiji claimed that he was a watchman of countrys trust and treasure chest. Shocking and scandalous facts in Birla and Sahara papers now require an independent investigation. We want that the Prime Ministers credibility should never be in doubt. He should not be worried about ordering an independent probe, he said. Surjewala alleged that the Sahara Group appears to have gained a concession of not paying income tax on the income of Rs 1,910 crore and received complete immunity from penalty and prosecution. Raising a number of questions, he said the Modi government should answer as to how the Commission could settle the entire matter of Sahara papers in only 16 days and why it was in a tearing hurry to close this entire Sahara issue. It is time that Prime Minister Narendra Modi answers these questions to people of India, he said. Shockingly, the entire case against Sahara Group is now being sought to be closed in a hush hush and conspiratorial manner with startling speed. This further indicates that Modi Government has something to hide and is in an alarming hurry to brush the entire matter under the carpet, the Congress leader said. Surjewala alleged that the entire matter of Sahara papers has been settled by Income Tax Settlement Commission in only 16 days in three hearings on October 25, November 4 and November 7, 2016, with judgement delivered on November 10.He further alleged that of these 16 days, four were holidays and effectively, from hearing to decision, Sahara Papers have been settled in 12 days. There has to be a probe that does not fall within the precincts of government and where the probe can only really be termed as neutral, independent, free and fair, he said. The Congress leader said the Sahara Group has filed a revised income tax return after the raid and disclosed an extra income of Rs 1,217 crore which was not disclosed earlier and even the Income Tax Settlement Commission proceeded to calculate taxable income of Rs 1,910.76 crore. He claimed papers filed by Sahara group companies disclosed a total expense of merely Rs 9.7 crore for 2009-10 to 2012-13 and the IT Settlement Commission permitted it operational expenses of Rs 1,956.50 crore between 2009-10 to 2014-15.Net effect is to give 100 per cent concession on the taxable income of Rs 1,910 crore found after the Sahara raid and disclosed by computer record, Excel sheet and papers. The simple point is why was Sahara group permitted to claim expenses of 150 to 200 times the original amount filed with Registrar of Companies Why was Sahara group permitted to claim concession on undisclosed income in this fashionWhat is the underlying reason for showing such benevolence to an industrial house, which has been caught with unaccounted cash and papers reflecting non-disclosure of income running into a few thousand crores he asked. raquoraquo BJP today warned Congress of legal action over its baseless and untrue allegations, including that Prime Minister Narendra Modi and its chief Amit Shah have links with Gujarat businessman Mahesh Shah, who is being probed for declaring unaccounted income of Rs 13,860 crore. Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad also rejected Congress charge against Amit Shah, who is one of the directors in a Gujarat bank in which deposits of over Rs 500 crore were made and asserted that the bank has over 200 branches and it will give explanation about the matter. In a reference to Congress vice president Rahul Gandhis attack on Modi and BJP during his address at the partys 132nd foundation day, he told reporters that the party leaders and spokespersons behave like children and todays Congress does not represent even a grain of its 132 years heritage. We want to make it clear that our Prime Minister and party president have no links whatsoever with the person by the name of Mahesh Sharma, against wh om action is going on. If Congress has any proof, it should talk about it. Otherwise, we will consider taking legal action under the law dealing with levelling of baseless allegations, the Law Minister said. Prasad was accompanied by Power Minister Piyush Goyal, who is also the partys treasurer, as they hit out at the opposition party. It has become the second nature of Congress to level untrue and baseless allegation, he said. Attacking it, Prasad said it was rattled by Modis continuous attack on those linked with black money and corruption and it thinks that its attack on him will weaken his fight. Action has been taken against those linked to BJP, he said, citing a case in Madhya Pradesh. Congress is the biggest patron of the corrupt and corruption. If it thinks that its attack will have any impact on the government, it is wrong. The government will remain unfazed and continue to act against black money and corruption, he said. The corrupt and those with black money have long been patronised by Congress, he alleged, adding that they now cry before its leadership to save them from the governments action. I want to ask Congress chief Sonia Gandhi if the childish behaviour of her son and more childish conduct of its spokespersons is being done at her behest, he asked. Congress has learnt no lessons from its successive poll defeats while BJP has won everywhere after demonetisation, Prasad claimed, adding that its attack on the government showed its affection for the corrupt and corruption. He also targeted West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee over communal violence in Dhulagarh, alleging that attempts of massacre are being made and police is not taking action. This is height of the politics of appeasement, he said. I want to ask those intellectuals, who cried over 2002 riots in Gujarat and then intolerant India, th at when are they going to Kolkata, he said sarcastically. BJP has claimed that Hindus have been targeted in the violence. Prasad, who is also IT Minister, said digital payments have gone up by anywhere between 300 per cent and 1500 per cent following demonetisation which, he and Goyal said, have been a big success. Over 1.15 crore people against the target of 80 lakh have been trained in digital transactions, he claimed. The Law Minister also defended promulgation of ordinances by the government, saying it was left with no option after the opposition did not allow Parliament to function in the last session. Goyal also refuted the allegations that crores of rupees have been sent to BJP office in poll-bound Uttar Pradesh, demanding that proof be given and warning of legal action. We are getting indication for an historic support for BJP in UP, he said, claiming that people have supported note ban despite hardships. Things are fast returning to normalcy, he said. raquoraquo Reserve Bank of India (RBI) today raised the daily cash withdrawal limit to Rs 10,000 per day per card from ATM with immediate effect. Earlier the daily cash withdrawal limit was Rs. 4500. It will be operative within the existing overall weekly limit. There is no change in the limit of cash withdrawal of Rs 24000 per week from saving accounts. The apex bank also raised weekly cash withdrawal limit from Rs 50,000 to Rs 100,000 for current account. It extends to overdraft and cash credit accounts also. After reviewing the cash availability in the banking system, the apex bank advised all the banks through its notification to enhance the limit. After demonetisation announcement by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on November 8, 2016, the bank had restricted the withdrawal of cash to Rs 2000 from ATMs which was increased to Rs 2500 later. RBI again enhanced the limit to Rs 4500 per day per day after reviewing the cash availability situation. The central bank had put a cap on weekly withdrawal too which is Rs 24000 per week in case of saving account whereas it was Rs 50,000 per week in case of current account. The limit for current account has been increased, but the limit for saving account is untouched. UNI ADP SNU 1753. raquoraquo Times Network, the broadcast arm of the Times Group initiated, Remonetise India - A Citizens Pledge, a nationwide crusader campaign, urging Indians to take the next step from demonetization and pledge for growth. Keeping the governments vision in mind, Remonetise India is an initiative by the Times Network which calls all the Citizens of India to come out and make a difference. Urging the citizens to be the change agent for the changes they want to see, and bring Indias economy back on track. The Times Network conducted a live telethon from 6 p m to 8 p m on Sunday, across all channels of the network and connected viewers to opinion and policy makers, encouraged them to invest more and educated the them about moving to a digital and a less cash economy. The live telethon was set in motion and was moderated by Faye Dsouza, Editor Magicbricks Now and Anand Narasimhan, senior anchor and editorial consultant at Times Now and witnessed the participation from eminent personalities like Ravi Shankar Prasad (Union Minister for IT, Law and Justice), Nirmala Sitharaman, Minister of State, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Amitabh Kant, CEO of Niti Ayog, Narayana Murthy, Founder of Infosys, Deepak Parekh, Chairman of HDFC, Sunil Munjal, Joint Managing Director of Hero Corp, Kunal Bahal, CEO of Snap Deal, Abhiraj Bhal, Co Founder of Urban Clap and famous author and motivational speaker Chetan Bhagat. Remonetisation India. Prasad said, Narendra Modis Government is a transformative Government. India is home to 50 crore internet and 30 crore mobile users. Penetration of mobile phones in rural areas is significant. Demonetization has crippled Terrorism and Maoism in the country. Indians have a passion for technology. Indias push towards digital payments has been remarkable. Digital India, Make in India, Skill India, Startup India are designed to make India an empowered society. India Digital economy is going to be a 1 trillion dollar economy in the coming 5 years. Sitharaman said, Demonetization hasnt had any significant impact on jobs recorded. Impact on jobs, if any, was only in the first 10 days of demonetization. 87-90 of our economy is a parallel economy and normalcy is getting restored, as all ATMs have been recalibrated in the country. PM has already announced SOPS for sectors that need help. Were not talking of a completely cashless economy but only saying there should be less cash which is being used. Salute to those who are spreading awareness about digitization. M K Anand, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Times Network, said, This is the first time any Indian network has done a simulcast on all its channels, and that too unsponsored and without an ad break. Today I am extremely proud that I work for a network which can pursue such an audacious and worthy purpose. India is run by those who watch Times Network channels. We engage, inform and inspire Indians who lead India in every walk. If all TIMES NETWORK viewers can be convinced to take the Remonetise India pledge, we are certain that India will be on its world beating fast track in just 2 months. We believe we can do that. Narayana Murthy said, The country agrees with the PM that corruption needs to be reduced. We still have a long journey to make India digital as all the infrastructure needs to be built up for the country to go totally digital. The number of micro ATMs in the country as well as ATMs is small compared to developed countries. If our banks can replace all the debitcredit cards with Aadhar link, it will become easier and help the country to go fully digital. Amitabh Kant said, We must ensure to convert informal economy to formal economy for growth because economy cannot grow rapidly when a parallel black economy exists. Printing, transport, storing cash and handling cash is an expensive proposition and thus a threefold strategy has been planned to reach out to the entire population for remonetisation. For people with smart-phones, Bhim App is a great enabler. In India we have taken a huge campaign mode initiative to embed every single account with Aadhaar. 40 crore accounts have Aadhar embedded into them and thus Aadhaar will enable India to technologically leapfrog in many ways and so the challenge for all of us is to spread this movement. Deepak Parekh said, Demonetization has been a game changer and was a part of a bigger plan of the Government. It also ensured that smaller home developers got formalized. The Indian economy has been resilient to the change as anticipated earlier and needs to move forward from demonetization which was used to oust black money. Majority of the people continue to support this endeavor of the Government. There is a deep conviction that India will emerge as a much stronger force after demonetization. The biggest advantage for homebuyers will be lower interest rates, transparency no large cash payments and thus we also hope that many developers now move towards affordable homes. Sunil Munjal said, For an economy to become digital, reach is important and one must ensure infrastructure is present for this transition. From a companys point of view, we need to find alternatives to make payments. We also need to watch out for contemporary changes that are taking place across the world and encourage multiple ways of cashless transactions. Kunal Bahal said, Demonetisation has opened up lots of opportunities for us. We have seen a significant increase in cashless payments in smaller cities as about half of all payments are being done in a cashless manner. Abhiraj Bhal said, A large strata of the society is not banked. There are no extra or hidden charges if you are paying digitally because E-commerce firms are right now bearing transaction charges. Chetan Bhagat said, Cash is a very convenient thing, but at the same time digital payments will come in. Cashless does not mean taking loans. Technology will help people get used to digital transactions. I urge Banks to give more incentives for debitcredit cards. In support of the movement and as a part of its own contribution to the goals, TIMES NETWORK will conduct several on-ground activities like Aadhaar camps, Investor camps and cashless festivals apart from a 360 degree campaign approach that will involve various channels of communication including on-air, digital and social media promotions educating people about the advantages benefits of a cash less economy and digital transactions. raquoraquo Joining issue with the BSP Chief Mayawati for allegation that her brother was being targeted by the BJP, the saffron party today said such charges were baseless as the case against her kin was registered during the Congress regime. Mayawatis allegation is baseless as case on her brother was registered during Congress regime and now only investigation is going on, BJP national secretary Shrikant Sharma said in a statement here. Instead of criticising the Prime Minister (Narendra Modi), the BSP supremo should respect the law and provide the proof if her brother is innocent. She should help the law enforcing agencies, he said. Earlier, on Enforcement Directorate crackdown on her brother Anand Kumar, Ms Mayawati had alleged planned conspiracy by the BJP-led Centre. The Enforcement Directorate in December allegedly detected huge cash deposits totalling over Rs 104-crore in an account belonging to the BSP and another amount of more Rs 1-crore in a bank account belonging to Mayawatis brother Anand in Delhi. The BJP leader Sharma also charged Mayawati with failure to administer the state of UP effectively saying this is why BSP lost polls in 2012. She claims to be doing pro-Dalit politics. But during her stint in Uttar Pradesh, there have been killings of around 1100 Dalits and as many as 30,000 cases of atrocities on Dalits, Mr Sharma said trying to mock at BSPs perceived pro-Dalit political bastion. In UP polls, besides two probable Samajwadi Party camps, BJP and BSP will be contesting fiercely for power in countrys most populous state while Congress is reportedly eyeing at an alliance with Akhilesh Yadav-Ram Gopal camp of the Samajwadi Party. UNI DEVN ADG SNU 1902. raquoraquo The Supreme Court on Wednesday refused to accept diary entries as evidence, and dismissed a petition seeking a special investigation team to look into pay-off charges against prime minister Narendra Modi and others. A bench comprising Justice Arun Mishra and Justice Amitava Roy said loose sheets and computer and diary notes had no evidentiary value as they could be fabricatedmon Cause, an NGO, had sought an SIT inquiry into material purportedly gathered from the Sahara and Birla group of companies in 2013-14.In the absence of relevant materials, it would not be safe to direct investigation against various political functionaries and officers. These petitions are merit-less and dismissed, the bench said. The court said it would go by cogent, reliable and admissible material. Otherwise, any unscrupulous person may make some entries on paper, and use it for ulterior goals by abusing the process of law. This can hamper the functioning of a democracy, the court said. We are constrained to observe that the courts have to guard against ordering investigation against important constitutional functionaries and officers in the absence of cogent materials and documents, the bench remarked. The order comes as a relief to Modi as the documents allegedly seized, during raids by CBI and IT sleuths on Sahara and Birla group of companies, were used by Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to demand a probe. The opposition claims the entries show several payments made to the then chief ministers of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Delhi, and officers of the ministry of environment and forests, among others. The case was transferred by Chief Justice of India J S Khehar to the bench after Bhushan had in December objected to then CJI-designate hearing the matter in view of his file for elevation being pending with the government. Petitioner Prashant Bhushan, who represented the NGOCommon Cause, said he was disappointed. This judgement is very unfortunate and a setback to the whole campaign against corruption and for probity in public life, he said in a statement. raquoraquo The Supreme Court today rejected plea for a court-monitored SIT probe into bribery allegations against Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the basis of documents seized during the raids in business houses--Sahara and Birla-- on the ground they had no no evidentiary value. The case based on random materials like loose sheets, papers, e-mail print outs is merit less as they are inadmissible materials having no evidentiary value under the law to order registration of FIR and investigation, more so against the high constitutional functionaries, whose names are mentioned in the documents which has been held as prima facie fabricated by income tax settlement commission, the court said. The high-voltage hearing was conducted by a new bench of Justices Arun Mishra and Amitava Roy which said courts have to be on guard while dealing with matters demanding probe against high functionaries as the case in hand was devoid of any cogent material or independent evidence corroborating materials to order investigation. The new bench was constituted as Prashant Bhushan, lawyer for the Common Cause, had sought recusal of the then Chief Justice of India-designate, Justice J S Khehar, on the ground that his file for elevation for CJI was pending with the executive headed by the Prime Minister. There must be some cogent, reliable and admissible evidence. Otherwise the process of law can be abused to achieve ulterior goals, the court observed dismissing the NGOs plea. Dissatisfied with the loose sheets, which were claimed to be part of the diary entries of the Sahara Group and Aditya Birla Group, containing entries like Gujarat CM and other politicians, the bench said materials placed on record by the NGO, Common Cause were not maintained by the two business housed in the regular course of business. Another bench of the court had earlier termed the loose sheets and other material zero material to order investigation. In view of the materials placed on record and peculiarity of the facts and circumstances, no case is made out on merits to direct investigation against various political functionaries, officers etc. The interim applications are found to be merit less and are dismissed, the bench said. The bench also referred to the order passed by the Income Tax Settlement Commission in the Sahara group matter and said that the commission has also found prima facie that materials recovered from the group were not genuine and fabricated. The court said that independent evidence corroborating materials placed on record was necessary as to trustworthiness of the documents to fasten liability and it was apparent from the earlier judgements and laid down law that loose sheets of papers are not admissible evidence. We are constrained to observe that courts have to be at guard while ordering investigation against any important constitutional functionaries. In the absence of some cogent material, the documents on the basis of which investigation is sought is itself inadmissible as evidence, the bench said in its order after a day-long hearing in the matter. Irrespective of the fact, we have apprehension even to initiate investigation in the case and if we do so, investigation can be ordered against a person whosoever high in integrity on the basis of entries made by some unscrupulous elements in accounts of book which should not be random and there must be some cogent, reliable and admissible evidence, it said. The apex court said, There has to be, in our opinion, some cogent and admissible evidence and some other circumstances to show that person against whom allegations are levelled is involved in the matter or has done some act in that period which may have correlation with random entries. In case, we dont insist on all this, the process of law can be abused to achieve ulterior goals and no one can survive in case investigation are readil y ordered against constitutional functionaries without cogent materials on record, it said. It further said, We find that materials placed on record, either in the case of Birla or Sahara, either excel sheets, diaries, e-mails etc they are not maintained in the regular course of business. Referring to the order of the IT Settlement in Saharas case has recorded that transactions shown in the purported documents were not genuine or not have any evidentiary value. It is apparent that purported documents of Sahara have not been relied upon by the IT Settlement Commission in the order dated November 11, 2016. With regard to the payments, the documents have not been relied upon. Though, the findings are not binding, when we examine the findings coupled with the orders passed by this court, we are of the opinion that no case is made out on the merits of these documents and materials which are placed on record to direct investigation against anyone named in the documents in Saharas case, the bench said. The top court said that the apex courts decision relied upon by the petitioner for seeking investigation was of no help to them as the materials are not good enough to direct registration of FIR. The shape in which these documents have been collected and filed and statements made by the officials of Birla Group. it is not safe and proper to direct investigation in this case, it said. The bench agreed with the submissions of Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi who referred to earlier judgements of the apex court and said that entries made by unscrupulous persons in papers, diaries were inadmissible evidence. raquoraquo Trinamool Congress Tripura state committee today held four hours sit in demonstration here against ill impact of demonetisation and the demand for CBI probe into Non Banking Financial Company (NBFC) scams in the state. Addressing the gathering senior Trinamool Congress leader and Irrigation and Waterways Minister of West Bengal Rajib Banerjee criticised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for demonetising high value currencies without any preparation that led the commoners life into trouble. Before demonetisation of 1000 and 500 notes, Modi government did not think about the small traders, daily wage earners and retailers. The philosophy Modi explained behind the step was appeared as farced and immature. Demonetisation has given cashless business to a few conglomerates who funded BJP, Banerjee alleged. He also pointed out that Modis dream of cashless economy in India is unrealistic and motivated where 80 percent business is small and driven by cash transaction. Moreover, before taking such important decision Prime Minister did not even discuss the matter with the economist that ultimately made the life miserable. Referring to CBI enquiry into Rose Valley case in West Bengal and Odisha, Banerjee alleged that there was direct evidence of Tripura Chief Minister Manik Sarkar and a number of his cabinet colleague involved in promotion of Rose Valley in Tripura but Modi government became soft towards him. Trinamool leaders were arrested based on indirect evidences but in case of Sarkar and CPI-M leaders of Tripura has direct evidence in promoting and supporting Rose Valley and a few other companies. Even then central government turns blind eye to Tripura, he stated. He further alleged when Chief Ministers and top leaders of the country have been waiting for meeting with Prime Minister for long time, Modi met Manik Sarkar at least seven times so far without any hassle adding that CPI-M kept mum over demonetisation rather stepping ahead for introducing cashless transaction without basic infrastructure. However, party state president Ashis Saha said that todays demonstration was a part of nationwide agitation of Trinamool Congress and it will be continued until the suffering ends. Besides, Trinamool will organise demonstration on January 19 across the state demanding CBI enquiry into Rose Valley cases in Tripura. UNI BB KK. raquoraquo India, Jan. 9(ANI): The Income Tax Department has uncovered serious manipulations in several cooperative banks, which were involved in laundering unaccounted cash at an unprecedented scale, post Prime Minister Narendra Modis demonetisation decision. Accepting deposits in demonetised currency notes irregularly and exchanging them at a premium back dating of cash deposits to circumvent the November 8, sources said. Notification structuring deposits in multiple accounts to escape reporting norms permitting use of un-allotted lockers by beneficiaries to park unaccounted cash bank management using the bank to launder personal unaccounted cash. According to reports, a cooperative bank in Alwar was used to launder personal unaccounted cash of Rs. two crores by the management. The directors of the bank were also found to have cheated the bank of Rs. eight crores by fraudulently obtaining loans in the names of 90 persons of doubtful identities. In case of a Cooperative Bank at Jaipur, unrecorded cash of one and a half crore was found secreted away in an almirah in the Clearing House room of the bank. Analysis of the new currency notes found with the bank revealed that more than 2000 new currency notes of Rs. 2000 denomination were taken out of the bank illegally. Serious discrepancy was detected in the daily record of HDCNs maintained by the Bank and non-adherence to the KYC norms. Cash in un-allotted and benami lockers were seized from cooperative banks at multiple places, including Solapur, Pandharpur, Surat and Jaipur, sources added. A cooperative bank at Pune and another at Bandra West, Mumbai reported receipts of HDCNs to the RBI far in excess to that found during stock taking in the banks. The excess reporting from just these two banks was more than 100 crores. The impunity with which these entities operated post demonetisation became obvious from investigations in a cooperative bank at Darya Ganj, Delhi. A total of more than Rs.120 crores was deposited in the Bank by December 26,2016, most of which were routed back to the beneficiaries. While investigations are progressing at fast pace, these findings suggest a general absence of requisite regulatory oversight over the cooperative banks across the country which needs urgent attention.(ANI). raquoraquo India, Jan. 9 (ANI): In what can be described as a major embarrassment to the Centre, Congress state president and Bihars IT Minister Ashok Choudhary ripped apart Union Minister Radha Mohan Singh over the flaming issue of demonetisation, when the latter was in Patna to attend the Digi Dhan Mela. At a public gathering, shortly after the Union Agriculture and Farmer Welfare Minister concluded his speech listing out governments achievements in countering black money and promoting digital literacy in the state, Choudhary condemned the Centre stating that since November 8th, people have only being facing hardships. Continuing to attack the Union Minister, Choudhary said that the BJP-led government has brought upon an uncertain future for the nation with its digital economy initiative, while the common man continued to struggle. Pardon me, but wasnt a commitment made that the pain of the tsunami of demonetisation would be relieved All of us accepted the initial announcement because o f the first impression created that it was the so called surgical strike on corruption and black money. But 93 percent of the currency was outlawed by a stroke of a pen, Choudhary said. He also criticised the Centre for repeatedly changing the cash withdrawal limits, creating panic in the minds of people. His Excellency (President Pranab Mukherjee) was told that this was a necessary inconvenience for the greater good. It was a poor plan, as the plans were changed every day. There was no control over bank managers and in the coming deadline we witnessed a new slogan of going digital being promoted. The forced electronic transaction of cash raised several corners concerns, Choudhary added. Emphasising that the Union Government is hell bent on promoting e-payments, he further stated that the development came at a particularly troublesome time when banks have been charging service tax on digital transactions. Since the electronic transaction of cash has almost become mandatory, people feel that there should not be any charges on credit and debit cards. It is unfortunate that unlike cash transaction, common people have to pay fee on each electronic transaction, he said. Choudhary then quoted a World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) report stating that the ATM penetration in India is abysmal in comparison with other Asian countries. The government is making the electronic transactions almost mandatory for the common people, and then it has to arrange a perfect digital connection in all cities, town and villages. It is important to note that India has only 75 ATMs per one lakh adults. If we compare it with China it has 254, South Korea has 278, North America has 221, Japan has 127 and in Thailand it has 140, according to a World Bank and IMF data, he said. He also urged the Centre to formulate a bill in making the Right to Digital Access a constitutional right. Meanwhile, the Janata Dal (United) had announced that it would hold a meeting to review its stand on demonetisation after January 24.This comes at a time when Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, differing from his mahagathbandhan allies, has repeatedly praised and showed support to Prime Minister Narendra Modi over his demonetisation move. (ANI). raquoraquo Suspended IAS officer Rajendra Kumar has sought voluntary retirement alleging that CBI officers probing a graft case against him had pressured him to implicate Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, charges rejected as absolutely baseless by the probe agency. The AAP Government, which has been defending Kumar who was Principal Secretary to Kejriwal, attacked the Modi government, latching on to the letter by the officer to Delhi Chief Secretary M M Kutty which has several other allegations as well including that dozens of people were assaulted by CBI personnel in custody. While the Chief Minister said that the officers remarks show that the Modi Government is afraid of them, Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia claimed that there was a plan by the Centre to arrest Kejriwal and him. Both Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP President Amit Shah are hell bent on murder of democracy in the country. They let loose the CBI on their political opponents, Sisodia told reporters. Kumar was arrested in July last year in connection with alleged corruption in awarding contract to certain IT firms. He was later suspended from service and was chargesheeted in the case. The central government today maintained that it does not interfere in the functioning of the probe agency. CBI is independent agency and the government does not interfere in its functioning, said Jitendra Singh, Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Ministry--which acts as nodal authority for the probe agency. He said the government will look into Kumars request for voluntary retirement when it is received. The 1989 batch IAS officer, against whom CBI had last month filed a charge sheet for alleged criminal conspiracy, cheating and forgery under along with eight others, alleged that the same set of people who forced bureaucrat BK Bansal and his son to commit suicide were involved in harassing him. During interrogation, I was repeatedly told that I would be let free if I implicate Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. May be this was the reason for the agency to go to such extraordinary length. Not only this the CBI, just to force people to implicate me and the Chief Minister, has beaten up dozens of people and some of them sustained permanent major injuries. These facts are very common knowledge of everybody in the government, but nobody has the courage to raise or question it, Kumar alleged in the letter. The CBI strongly refuted the allegations, calling them absolutely baseless and an attempt to influence the matter which is subjudice. Central Bureau of Investigation strongly denies statementnews item publishedtelecast in certain sections of the media being attributed to Shri Rajender Kumar, IAS, CBI Spokesperson R K Gaur said. The agency said the accused had the opportunity to bring before the court any instance of alleged physical assault when they were produced before judge but no such allegation was made. The Delhi government, however asserted that Kumar is an honest officer who has done no wrong. I praised Rajendra Kumar for his courage. An honest officer, who has done nothing wrong, has such courage and he did not break down like Bansal and instead he faced atrocities. He did not take any step which caused problems to his family, said Sisodia at a press conference. On applying for voluntary retirement, Kumar said it was a difficult decision. Asked whether he will join politics, Kumar said he has not thought about future plans, without ruling out the possibility. In his letter, Kumar said he has never experienced the kind of such utter disregard for the system, process, protocol, transparency and decency. It is the same set of people in CBI who forced Mr B K Bansal and his son to commit suicide. As everyone knows, his wife and daughter had committed suicide earlier due to atrocities and humiliation suffered at the hand of the Anti-Corruption Bureau of CBI, which has investigated the case against me. Bansal and his family have been murdered by these people, the IAS officer alleged. Bansal, who was Director General in the Corporate Affairs ministry, and his son had committed suicide in September, months after his wife and daughter had hanged themselves inside their home, following his arrest and subsequent interrogation in a graft case. Kumar claimed his troubles started soon after he was invited by Kejriwal to work with him in December 2013.Reacting to the development, Kejriwal attacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi, saying why the PM is so scared of us. CBI raids my office, pressurises officer to implicate me. CBI raids Satyendar Jains office. Why are u so so scared of us Modi Ji Chill (sic), Kejriwal alleged in a series of tweets. Sisodia alleged that Centre has unleashed all government agencies to destroy the Aam Aadmi Party to silence Kejriwal. They are ready to register fake cases against him and his officers and arrest them. The CBI in its the FIR said that the accused persons had entered into a criminal conspiracy and caused a loss of Rs 12 crore to the Delhi Government in award of contracts between 2007 and 2015. The FIR had also claimed that the officials had taken undue benefit of over Rs three crore while awarding the contract. raquoraquo The Puducherry unit of the Youth Congress today resorted to a novel agitation to protest against the demonetisation of higher value currencies of Rs.1000 and Rs 500 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the cash crunch in the Union Territory. Alleging that the demonetisation has caused unbearable hardships to the common people, the youth Congress volunteers laid wreaths to the ATM centers here and shouted slogans against the BJP government at the centre. Youth Congress All India Secretary Jebin Netha who took part in the agitation said Mr Modi had assured that the problems arising out of demonetisation would be resolved by December 31. However, nothing was materialised and still people are waiting for hours at ATM centers to withdraw their cash. UNI XC CS 1618. raquoraquo Former Reserve Bank governor D Subbarao today termed demonetisation as creative destruction and the most disruptive policy innovation since 1991 reforms that has helped destroy blackmoney. On November 8, the Prime Minister (Narendra Modi) and the Reserve Bank have demonetised 86 per cent of currency in circulation overnight, which is what is arguably the most disruptive policy innovation in India since the 1991 reforms, he said. Demonetisation, in that sense, is creative destruction. But it is a very special type of creative destruction. Because what it has destroyed is a destructive creation -- blackmoney. So, you can understand that demonetisation is creative destruction of a destructive creation, Subbarao said. He was addressing an international conference organised by the Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technologies (IDRBT) here. He further said demonetisation is arguably leading to a flurry of innovations in Indian financial sector by way of digitisation of payments. There are two perspectives. Extension of a global trend of financial technology which is upending the finance industry and discontinuous change in a low-income country from cash incentive economy to a less-cash economy. Either way, we will have disruptive innovations in Indias financial sector, he explained. Subbarao said that though cost and benefit of this demonetisation exercise is a very contentious debate, the subject of policy innovation is not contentious. According to him, the country witnesses a lot of disruptive innovations in finance in payment system. The model of traditional banking has access to low-cost deposits and has an advantage over other financial institutions, including fintech companies, according to the former governor. That advantage is going to be neutralised by the business model of these fintech companies which will beat on efficiency, service and trust, Subbarao remarked. He suggested the traditional banks should look into other avenues to compete by tying up with these companies or payments banks that are coming up. He urged regulators to promote innovation and protect consumers and preserve financial stability. On the one hand, they have to make sure the stability is preserved and on the other hand, they should regulate tightly that innovation is not scorched. This balance is a very difficult judgement call, he added. On microfinance, he said the model has benefited millions of low-income families in India, particularly in Andhra Pradesh (before the state bifurcation).He recalled that RBI was in a dilemma at the time of 2010 crisis on whether to regulate the interest rates of MFIs and if so, what figure would be justified. raquoraquo Stung by the arrest of TMC MP Sudip Bandopadhyay, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee today accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of using CBI, ED and Income Tax department against those who raised voice against demonetisation and dared him to arrest her and all TMC MPs. She asserted that their protest against note ban would continue. I just cant think that Sudip Bandopadhyay, who is our partys leader in the Lok Sabha will be arrested. I also have information that Modi wants to arrest many other TMC leaders like Abhishek Banerjee, Sovan Chatterjee (city mayor) and Firhad Hakim (minister), she told reporters immediately after Sudips arrest by the CBI in connection with the alleged Rose Valley chit fund scam. I am shocked, but not scared. Let him arrest all of us. I openly challenge him to arrest me. Let me see his guts. He may silence others, but not me. He cant suppress our voice. He cant bulldoze peoples voice, she said. We will fight legal battle in every case, she said. Earlier, at a meeting in Medinipur she charged Modi with using CBI, ED and IT against persons who protested against demonetisation. The TMC supremo also convened an emergency meeting on Sudips arrest to chalk out the partys action plan. TMC would launch dharnas to protest against Sudips arrest from tomorrow, she said, adding politics cannot be done by resorting to vendetta. She alleged that Bandopadhyay was arrested due to pressure from the PMO and asked why should Narendra Modi and Amit Shah not be arrestedThe party is behind Sudip. He has not done anything wrong. Even if he is in jail, the people of Bengal will keep him in their heart, she said. The TMC chief also said that it was the duty of the Centre, the Sebi and the RBI to keep a check on ponzi schemes in which they have failed completely. I challenge Modi directly. You cannot do anything because Trinamool Congress is right and you are wrong. You cannot suppress the voice of the people. you have to withdraw restrictions (on withdrawal of cash). Modi has no clue where this political vidictiveness will take him. We are not scared and will continue our demonstration against demonetisation, she said. Mamata said, He (Modi) has got a government. Even I also have a government in my hand. I can also arrest people here who are involved in riots. But I have not done so because I believe in political courtesy. Reacting to Sudip Bandopadhyays arrest Union Coal and Power minister Piyush Goyal said if someone did any wrong he would get caught. If someone has done any wrong, he will get caught. If someone tries to cover his or her own wrongdoing by baseless allegations. We never interfered in investigative affairs, Goyal, who is in the city, said. raquoraquo
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