Sunday 13 August 2017

Dan Kanoui Real Forex

Belajar Forex Nível Gratuito Tingkatan Seorang Trader Forex Nível 1. Incompetência Inconsciente Begitu kamu beres menandatangani acordo negociação, disinilah kamu berada. Kamu menjadi comerciante karena kamu mendengar bahwa pendapatan seorang comerciante bisa mengalahk Kecenderungan Comportamento Mercado EURUSD Perilaku (comportamento) merupakan tindakanreaksisikap terhadap sesuatu dan dalam keadaan tertentu. Dalam dunia Futuro ada cukup banyak comerciante menganalisa tanpa menggunakan indikator sekalipun dan tanp Perangkap tanpa indikator dan fundamental GBPJPY Sistem Perangkap gajah tanpa indikator dan fundamental GBPJPY saya uji coba selama 3 bulan (januari, februari, maret), tapi maaf gak bisa saya tampilkan gambar hasilnya (Gak tau caranya), tapi yang j Mercado do Skenish Berdasarkan Sesi Trading Berikut adalah mercado do cenário Mercado de Berdarkan Sesi Trading dalam gama waktu tertentu, semoga bermanfaat 1. Jika sesi asia condong naik (jam 7 pagi sampai 12 siang), biasanya open market eropa geléia 14 Estratégia Trading GAP Senin Pagi Strategi GAP Senin Pagi (Negociação de Estratégia 99,9 Rentável dengan Kecerdasan EQ de Tanpa Indikator) Mercado de mercado de senhas de Senin pagi jam 00:00 waktu broker atau jam 5:00 WIB waktu Indones1. Não fale sobre sua submissão a outros Se você tiver algum problema, entre em contato com o WikiLeaks. Nós somos especialistas globais em proteção de fontes, é um campo complexo. Mesmo aqueles que querem dizer que muitas vezes não têm experiência ou experiência para aconselhar adequadamente. Isso inclui outras organizações de mídia. 2. Atue normal Se você é uma fonte de alto risco, evite qualquer coisa ou faça algo depois de enviar o que possa promover a suspeição. Em particular, você deve tentar manter sua rotina e comportamento normais. 3. 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A Fundação Courage é uma organização internacional dedicada à proteção de fontes jornalísticas. Você pode encontrar mais detalhes em couragefound. org. Enviar documentos para WikiLeaks WikiLeaks publica documentos de importância política ou histórica que são censurados ou de outra forma suprimidos. Nós nos especializamos em publicações estratégicas globais e grandes arquivos. O seguinte é o endereço do nosso site seguro, onde você pode anonimamente enviar seus documentos para editores do WikiLeaks. Você só pode acessar este sistema de envio através do Tor. (Consulte a nossa guia Tor para obter mais informações.) Nós também recomendamos que você leia nossas dicas sobre fontes antes de enviar. Copie este endereço no seu navegador Tor. Os usuários avançados, se assim o desejarem, também podem adicionar uma nova camada de criptografia à sua submissão usando nossa chave PGP pública. Se você não pode usar Tor, ou sua apresentação é muito grande, ou você possui requisitos específicos, o WikiLeaks fornece vários métodos alternativos. Entre em contato conosco para discutir como proceder. Relatório KTM Nota O que se segue é uma edição tipada do Wikileaks do documento impresso original, relatório KTM. pdf. Esta versão online ainda está sendo testada e não deve ser tratada como autorizada. Veja o saque do Quênia sob o presidente Moi para uma extensa análise e links para a mídia secundária. USO RESTRINGIDO LEGALMENTE PRIVILEGIADO E CONFIDENCIAL AVISO Este relatório foi elaborado pela Kroll Associates UK Limited a pedido do cliente a quem está fornecido. O cliente concorda que os relatórios e informações recebidas da Kroll Associates são estritamente confidenciais e destinam-se exclusivamente ao uso privado e exclusivo do cliente. Qualquer outro uso e qualquer comunicação, publicação ou reprodução do relatório ou qualquer parte do seu conteúdo sem o consentimento por escrito da Kroll Associates UK Limited é estritamente proibido. O cliente concorda em indenizar e isentar o Kroll Associates UK Limited contra quaisquer danos ou reclamações resultantes desse uso não autorizado. Resumo Explicativo Tributário - Banco Nacional Contas Nostro - Metas Não identificados USD200 milhões (a confirmar) Estima-se que US $ 200 milhões de dinheiro da Abacha foram lavados através do Quênia, utilizando o Banco Trans-Nacional e suas contas Nostro realizadas em Frankfurt e outras jurisdições. Este dinheiro foi estacionado em contas off-shore, como Union Bancaire Privee (UBP) - Genebra. Acredita-se que duas vezes mais foram lavadas através do mesmo sistema para Mois, do mesmo facilitador, Gabriel Moussa Katria, um dos maiores lavadores de dinheiro em Genebra. O alvo 1 e Katri estavam intimamente ligados ao planejar esse sistema de lavagem de fundos. U Transferência da BP Meta 2 USD100-500 milhões (a confirmar) Aproximadamente USD100-500 milhões do dinheiro Target 2s está sendo transferido das contas realizadas na UP - Genebra. Esta informação veio a Kroll através de uma fonte que foi abordada para ajudar a sanitizar o dinheiro do Target 2 e seus associados próximos. A fonte afirma que o dinheiro não vem do escândalo de Goldenberg. Separadamente, a Polícia Metropolitana de Londres contatou o Governo do Quénia em relação a GBP517,312 que foi congelado em uma transferência orquestrada por Mukesh Gohil da UBP. Pensa-se que isso é possivelmente vinculado à transferência de fundos Gideons. J ersey Contas - Metas desconhecidas A Unidade de Relatórios de Crise Financeira, autoridades de Jersey, se aproximou do Governo do Quênia para lançar uma investigação sobre milhões de libras detidos por nossos Alvos. C redit Suisse, Zurich Target 7 Em outubro de 2002, cerca de USD15 milhões foram pagos pela Phillip Moi a uma família italiana em um acordo que eles não entregaram. O dinheiro foi transferido de uma conta de empresa em nome da Sandhurst Matrix. O valor total nesta conta não é identificado. No entanto, sabemos que esta conta está atualmente ativa. Dr. Clemente, um médico italiano, foi usado para recuperar esse dinheiro. Ele é um diretor cotado da Garian Investments, uma empresa de propriedade da Phillip através de proxies e do Rangers Restaurant no Quênia. B anque Belgolaise, Bélgica amp Middle East Bank, Quênia - Target 3 Este banco é de propriedade do Target 3, um ex-presidente Moi, com Akbar Esmail no BoD. Poderia haver uma quantidade significativa de dinheiro aqui, mas outras investigações precisam ser feitas. Foi relatado que o Banque Belgolaise foi usado por Katri no lavagem de fundos do Quênia através do Trans-National Bank. B anque Cantonale Vaudoise Target 3 O cliente recebeu um relatório de quantidades significativas de dinheiro sendo transferido deste banco em nome do Target 3. C ayman Banks e Dummy Trusts - Target 2 Target 2 tem sido conhecido por favor de bancos, fictícios fiduciários e off - As empresas de prateleira com registro domiciliado em Grand Cayman e Cayman Brac. Entende-se que ele usa essas empresas em várias transações locais. Mukesh Gohil criou os confrontos falsos nas Ilhas Cayman para o alvo 2. Esta área precisa ser explorada ainda mais. U K Bank Accounts - Target 2 amp. 7 Mukesh Gohil investiu cerca de GBP550 milhões em nome do Target 2. É pensado que Mukesh trata a maioria das contas do Target 2 no Reino Unido. Pesquisas de fontes sugerem que a maioria dos fundos Target 2s para o Reino Unido deixaram o Quênia através do Citibank. O Target 7 usou os seguintes bancos do Reino Unido em Londres para suas inúmeras transações: HSBC, Standard Chartered PLC e Barclays Bank. L uxembourg Em novembro de 2003, a Target 2 visitou Citicorp, UBP e outros dois bancos não identificados no Luxemburgo. O alvo 2 deixou o Quênia em meados de dezembro destinado a Londres e depois foi programado para voar para Paris e depois para visitar o Luxemburgo. O ex-presidente Moi também é conhecido por favorecer os bancos no Luxemburgo e em Genebra, juntamente com o Target 1, embora seja alegado que a maior parte da riqueza do Target 1 está no Reino Unido e nos EUA. Foi relatado que o Target 1 usa corretores de bolsa em Nova York em Londres. P roperties S uth Africa - Target 2 Não identificado, mas significativo. Registramos 74 empresas fechadas detidas sob o nome de Harbinder Singh Sethi, que é o líder do Target 2 na África do Sul, por suas propriedades e negócios. Não há acusações contra o nome de Sethis na África do Sul. Outras consultas são necessárias. Reino Unido - Target 1 Target 1s Propriedades de Surrey e Knightsbridge: Little Court, 19 Eaton Park, Cobham, Surrey e Flat 49, 11 Lowdnes Square, são avaliados em aproximadamente US $ 10.000.000 U SA - Target 1 Target 1 possui propriedades em Nova York realizadas Pelo seu irmão. B Usiness Links S AMUT Trust Kenya conectado ao Target 1,2 amp 7 Sabemos que fundos significativos foram transferidos para esta confiança em nome do Mois. Uma fonte revelou que o Target 1 transferiu cerca de 80% dos dinheiros e ações detidos por ele em nome da família Moi no SAMUT. E-mail smail amp Esmail, Sharpley amp Berret Advocats, Kapila amp Kapila, De Gama Rose Advogados, escritório de advocacia Rita Biwotts - Target 3 Target 3 prefere proteger interesses comerciais diretos em empresas onde ele tem participação, operando através de uma rede complicada de nomeado Advogados, escritórios de advocacia e empresas de investimento registradas off-shore. S overeign Group e Sovereign Holdings Ltd. Target 1,2,3 amp 7 As consultas de fontes descobriram um grupo holding de empresas com subsidiárias e afiliadas significativas da qual o Target 1 é um acionista e diretor nomeado. As metas de 2 amperios 3 também possuem compartilhamentos em algumas outras empresas. Sovereign Group Ltd é de propriedade da Sovereign Holdings Ltd. Reino Unido. T eam Simoco Target 3 As consultas de origem sugerem que o Team Simoco é de propriedade do Target 3, embora sejam recomendadas mais pesquisas para estabelecer links de propriedade direta. É alegado que Amin Juma e Nissar Juma são jogadores interessados ​​Team Simoco com links apertados Samuel Karuthi Murage que operou como seu homem da frente. Murage está intimamente conectado com Mutere Kerere e Target 3. No Reino Unido, uma empresa que se encaixa nesta descrição, conhecida como Team Simoco Ltd., foi registrada em Wakefield. Incorporado em 27 de fevereiro de 2002, o diretor é nomeado como Phillip King. O governo do Quênia - Target 3 Kroll descobriu um negócio em nome do Governo do Quênia, cujos funcionários são nomeados como Ex-Presidente Moi, George Saitoti, Sally Kosgei, Chrysantus Okemao, Nicholas Biwott, Mark Bor, JK Musyimi e Sr. . Deche. Pesquisas adicionais devem ser conduzidas para estabelecer atividades e links comerciais desta empresa. M ovement of Funds Uma onda marcada de atividade foi relatada entre a ex-presidente Mois família e seus estreitos associados para antecipar qualquer possibilidade de perder suas riquezas para o governo. Em novembro de 2003, o ex-presidente Moi se encontrou em sua casa em Kabarak com seus filhos Phillip, Gideon, seu ajudante de longo prazo Kulei e seu advogado de casa confiável, o Dr. Kiplagat. Durante esta reunião, o tema-chave da discussão foi a riqueza familiar, tanto local como internacional. O advogado do ex-presidente Mois aconselhou-os a garantir seus ativos em países estrangeiros. Ele afirmou que não há uma decisão judicial que julgue sua riqueza como ilegal ou corruptamente obtida. Como tal, isso seria um pré-requisito para que o governo do Quênia se aproximasse de qualquer governo estrangeiro para congelar qualquer um de seus ativos. A família também foi aconselhada a usar fideicultores comprovados que tenham experiência em esconder ativos perseguidos entre jurisdições selecionadas com políticas de lavagem de dinheiro relaxadas. Foi acordado que Kulei deveria renunciar a todos os bens detidos por ele em nome do ex-presidente Moi e que essa transferência fosse feita em favor de empresas controladas por ex-filhos do presidente Mois. Este assunto trouxe fricção séria entre Kulei, por um lado, e Gideon e Phillip, por outro lado. As ameaças físicas foram emitidas para Kulei durante uma reunião realizada na casa Phillips, após o que Kulei se aproximou do Sr. Tum, associado à Kenya Seed Company, para buscar sua intervenção com o ex-presidente Moi. Kulei sente que está sendo convidado a dar mais do que detém para o ex-presidente Moi e em nome do ex-presidente Moi e que os filhos não conseguem distinguir entre sua riqueza pessoal e a do pai. Foi relatado que Gideon pode transferir seus ativos da África do Sul para a Namíbia, onde o ex-presidente Moi, cujos ativos são pessoalmente protegidos pelo presidente Sam Nujoma, investiu fortemente. Após o encerramento da reunião de Kabarak, cada festa fez vários movimentos, todos orientados para garantir sua riqueza conforme acordado. Na superfície, parece que seus planos individuais não estão relacionados, mas pelo contrário, um plano bem coordenado está sendo executado. P roteadas Informações Adicionais Abaixo está uma descrição de outras investigações que podem ser realizadas para verificar se de nossos sujeitos, seus familiares imediatos ou associados próximos possuem fundos significativos em todo o mundo e por que essas buscas podem ser relevantes. No relatório preliminar datado de 1 de dezembro de 2003, recomendava-se que outras pesquisas no Reino Unido, nas Ilhas Anglo-Normandas, no Panamá e na Suíça pudessem ser realizadas para dissipar ou confirmar qualquer possibilidade que o Target 1 seja diretamente ou indiretamente através de seu associado Pattni ou Família imediata, detém contas nessas jurisdições. Esta recomendação baseia-se na base de que as nossas investigações no Reino Unido revelaram um elo claro entre Target 1 e Cobham através de uma entidade Pananamian. Além disso, os moradores locais revelaram que os membros de sua família, em particular seu filho, residiram lá. A partir da informação fornecida pelo cliente, também é evidente que o Target 1s associou Kamiesh Pattni tinha relações com bancos na Suíça. Recomendamos que outras pesquisas sejam realizadas em Nova York e no Luxemburgo. No Reino Unido, pesquisas adicionais são sugeridas na propriedade alegada do Target 1 de três hotéis em Londres. Seu colaborador, Gabriel Moussa Katri, foi um dos principais atores da lavagem do dinheiro do ex-presidente Mois para fora do Quênia através do Trans-National Bank, para bancos como a UBP, em Genebra. É necessária uma ação urgente para investigar as contas TNB Nostro no exterior. No relatório preliminar da Kroll datado de 1 de dezembro de 2003, recomendava-se que outras buscas de ativos fossem realizadas nas ilhas do Reino Unido e do Canal, com base nas informações adicionais fornecidas pelo cliente sobre o ex-presidente Moi e sua família. Como resultado de mais inquéritos, gostaríamos de recomendar que as pesquisas sejam realizadas na África do Sul. Nambibia, Ilhas Cayman e especificamente Citicorp e UBP no Luxemburgo. Mais uma investigação sobre suas contas realizadas na UBP, Genebra é uma questão de urgência. No Reino Unido, são necessárias investigações sobre as contas bancárias do Target 2 em sua jurisdição. Separadamente, as investigações sobre as duas propriedades mantidas em confiança, estabelecidas por Mukesh Gohil, devem ser seguidas. Isto incluiria pesquisas na propriedade alegada do Target 2 do Intercontinental Churchill Hotel London. Outras investigações devem ser feitas no negócio de iinks do Target 2, que incluiria o SAMUT Trust em Kenye e Saimon Roadrodearek da Allen amp Overy em Dubai. Pesquisas adicionais devem ser conduzidas em Mokesh Gohil, Harbindar Singh Sethi e outros associados. Contato com os associados alienados de Gideons: Ken Boit, Donald Kipkorir, Ken Kipiagat, Sirma amp Kogo, poderiam ser reveladores para todas as áreas do nosso inquérito. Ken Kiplagat, advogado do ex-presidente Mois, poderia valer a pena se aproximar do Target 2. No relatório preliminar de Kroll datado de 1 de dezembro de 2003, recomendava-se que outras buscas fossem realizadas no nome do Target 3 e os nomes de sua esposa, membros da família imediata E parceiros comerciais próximos nos Países Baixos, Austrália, Canadá, Israel, Reino Unido e as ilhas do Canal. Esta recomendação baseia-se no entendimento de que a esposa do Target 3 nasceu nos Países Baixos e ainda pode ter família lá. Além disso, sua esposa morava na Austrália e ainda pode ter ativos nesse país. Acredita-se que o filho-in-iaw do Target 3s seja do Canadá, o que pode nos fornecer outra jurisdição provável onde os ativos são mantidos. Os Channel isiands, a Suíça e o Reino Unido são jurisdições populares para esconder ativos e provavelmente deveriam ser visitados novamente. Outras consultas sugerem que as buscas devem ser realizadas em todas as jurisdições listadas acima, incluindo o Luxemburgo e o Quênia, com interesse particular no Banque Beigoiaise, na Bélgica, no Banque Cantonei de Vaudoise, em Lausanne, no Credit Suisse, em Genebra e no Citibank em Zurique. Pesquisas adicionais em seus associados e empresas indicadas são recomendadas, em particular os advogados do Target 3s. Recomendamos que outras entrevistas sejam realizadas com seus associados: Nasir Ali Ibrahim, que concordou, em consulta com seu Paul Muite Kassam, cujas entrevistas estão em andamento. O contato com Gad Zeevi foi interrompido com base no fato de ele ainda ter negócios com Biwott. Jeffrey Kinwa, o diretor do DPF e o advogado Horatius Mirabo da Gama Rose foram sugeridos. Terry Davidson, ex-diretor-gerente do Citibank, Nairobi também deve ser abordado. Como resultado de novos inquéritos, surgiram os seguintes pontos: Dito isto, recomenda-se que sejam realizadas pesquisas adicionais sobre os ativos da Phillip Mois em Londres, Lugano, Liechtenstein e Itália, em particular o Credit Suisse, Zurique, HSBC, Standard Chartered PLC e Barciays Bank, Londres. Pesquisas adicionais precisam ser realizadas em seus colegas de negócios e homens de frente, como o Dr. Ciemente. É recomendável desenvolver novas fontes, como Muzahim e possivelmente Rossana Moi. Outras perguntas Naisr Alia Ibrahim concordou em entrevistas adicionais com Kroll em consulta com seu advogado Paul Muite. J oshua Kulei M odus Operandi Foi relatado que ao longo dos anos, Kulei representou o ex-presidente Moi em mais de 50 empresas que operam no Quênia, em todos os setores da economia. As empresas locais em que Kulei presidiu como diretor não poderiam ter gerado dividendos suficientes para contabilizar dinheiro líquido e ativos que ele acredita controlar. Passando pelo pagamento de dividendos e com base nos lucros declarados para fins tributários, sua riqueza real não se relaciona de forma alguma com sua fonte de renda. Kulei é uma pessoa muito rica por direito próprio. Cerca de três anos atrás, Kulei encontrou sérios problemas com os Mois quando Gideon continuou convencendo seu pai de que Kulei pode ter mais dinheiro do que ele com o resultado do uso do nome do ex-presidente Mois. Entende-se que este foi durante o tempo em que Kulei contemplou deixar o Quênia para morar em Londres. Kulei foi advertido depois de dezembro de 2003 pelo DPP de que os irmãos Moi tinham um contrato para matá-lo. De acordo com a informação do cliente, ele foi preso em relação à fraude do pipeline no Quênia. Kulei renunciou agora a todos os bens detidos sob seu nome em nome da família Moi, com exceção do ex-presidente Mois, o Banco Trans-Nacional e NAS. Links úteis As ligações comerciais da Kuleis estão detalhadas abaixo. A tabela ilustra a propriedade de empresas onde. A propriedade de Kuleis foi confirmada pelas fontes Kuleis propriedade foi refutada por fontes O material do cliente indica que Kulei tem um interesse acionário O material do cliente indica que Kulei é um diretor nomeado. Nome da Empresa Kulei, William Sambu, NR Pavitt, Secretário: Grace J. Kipyator Mêmer Associations O material do cliente indica que Kulei fica no conselho de governadores para as seguintes escolas e universidades: Membro, Conselho de Governadores: Sacho High School Moi High School Kabarak Sunshine Escola secundária Centro educacional Moi Kabarak University Council O material do cliente indica que Kulei é um administrador da Seguinte: Sunshine Educational Trust O material do cliente indica que Kulei é membro do conselho de administração do seguinte: O Moi Africa Institute, Kabarnet Gardens, Nairobi P roperties U nited Kingdom Foi relatado que Kulei detém sérios investimentos em Londres, incluindo uma residência palaciana No mercado de Londres, onde seus filhos sempre frequentaram a escola. Outras fontes confirmam que Kulei tem duas propriedades em Surrey, sendo que a maior parte é de propriedade do ex-presidente Moi, uma das quais é a propriedade Cobham abaixo detalhada no relatório datado de 1 de dezembro de 2003. 19 Eaton Park. Cobham, Surrey KT11 Kulei obteve um empréstimo do HSBC em outubro de 1997 pelo valor de 1,63 milhão. Os fundos foram utilizados para a compra do imóvel localizado em Cobham, Surrey, sob o nome de Broadlands Overseas S. A (Broadlands). Em dezembro de 2002, a Broadlands tirou um empréstimo de 1,1 milhão para refinanciar a propriedade Cobham. Durante o mesmo mês, a Broadlands tirou um empréstimo para refinanciar o imóvel localizado na Praça Lowdnes. O endereço completo é Flat 11 Lowdnes Square. Pesquisas de fontes estimaram que a hipoteca total na propriedade Cobham é de cerca de 1,4 milhão. De acordo com a Msamaha, a propriedade é avaliada em cerca de GBP4,5 milhões. Flat 11, No 49 Lowdnes Square, Londres As pesquisas de fontes estimaram que a hipoteca total na propriedade Lowndes Square é de cerca de 1,4 milhão. De acordo com a Msamaha, a propriedade é avaliada em 2 milhões. Courtyard Property Investment Ltd Foi relatado que a Kulei obteve um empréstimo em janeiro de 2001 pelo valor de 650.000 do Hoares Bank para comprar imóveis em Nairobi sob o nome da empresa de Courtyard Property Investment Ltd. Foi relatado que Kulei tinha imensas imobiliárias As explorações acreditam ser cerca de 200 casas em todos. O material do cliente indica que a Kulei possui a propriedade Lavington House. Outras consultas para estabelecer o endereço são obrigatórias. O material do cliente indica que Kulei possui uma residência em Karen. Outras consultas para estabelecer o endereço são obrigatórias. O material do cliente indica que o Kulei possui uma residência em Nakuru, são necessárias consultas adicionais para estabelecer o endereço. As pesquisas de fontes revelam que a Kulei possui várias propriedades não identificadas nos EUA. As investigações da S uth Africa Source revelam que Kulei tem interesses de propriedade na África do Sul. UBP, Genebra amp. Trans-National Bank, Quênia Gabriel Moussa Katri, um dos maiores lavadores de dinheiro em Genebra, planejou o fluxo de cerca de US $ 200 milhões através do Banco Trans-Nacional no Quênia para contas off shore em várias jurisdições em nome de ex - Presidente Sani Abacha, e estima-se que pelo menos duas vezes em nome do Mois. Katri desenvolveu um sistema elaborado. Ao invés de enviar dinheiro corrupto diretamente para bancos no exterior, ele usaria bancos locais no Quênia, como o Trans-National Bank, de propriedade dos Mois, Biwott e Kulei, para enviar grandes somas através das contas Nostro - os bancos forex contas forex - e depois Vários meses depois enviariam dinheiro e dividi-lo entre vários bancos, como a UBP. No Banco Trans-Nacional, Katri trabalhou com Ashok Gohil, mão direita de Kuleis, que estava no comando das operações de forex e que aparentemente morreu em 2001. Eles criaram empresas no Quênia, como Asher Ltd e Chen, com a advogada Mois, Matula Kilonzo , Como diretor da empresa. Outras consultas continuam. Quando esses vastos montantes chegaram à UBP nas contas das empresas criadas por Katri, como a Allied Network Ltd, elas seriam inquestionáveis. De acordo com as leis bancárias, as contas da Nostro pertencentes a bancos legítimos não exigem a devida diligência, a menos que haja questões levantadas pelo banco no país de origem. O próprio Katri nunca foi signatário dessas contas, pois as empresas eram em nome de advogados e empresários em pequena escala. Um advogado, em particular chamado Phillip Meyer, que foi impedido e depois reintegrado parece ter sido usado por Katri. Os advogados suíços acreditam que seria impossível congelar os ativos da Katris. Pensa-se que Katri poderia ter usado parceiros de negócios ricos para esconder dinheiro corrupto, enviando grandes somas para suas contas bancárias, apenas para reciclá-lo de uma conta diferente. Pertencendo ao mesmo associado, e dispersando-o para várias outras contas pertencentes às empresas Katri. Dessa forma, tornou-se difícil seguir a trilha do papel, e deu um ar de legitimidade ao dinheiro. É alegado que uma das razões pelas quais Katri usou a USP é que ele era acionista até 2000, quando os milhões saqueados pertencentes a Abacha atingiram a imprensa. Neste momento, Edgar Pinccotto, o chefe da USP, conhecido por se engajar em práticas comerciais questionáveis, caiu com Katri e forçou-o a demitir-se. O nome de Katris estava se tornando muito perigoso para a reputação do banco. Ficou claro que Katri introduziu 90 por cento do dinheiro nigeriano corrupto para a UBP, como acionista do banco e um extrator de cordas de dentro. Katri usaria sua posição para dirigir diretamente os gerentes de portfólio para empurrar dinheiro questionável. Quando necessário, Edgar Pinccotto ou seu filho Guy iriam intervir e evitar investigações de due diligence. Katri presidiu várias contas na UBP e outros bancos suíços para os Abachas, e é pensado para o Mois também. Katri perdeu sua Licença de Intermediário Financeiro em 2001, quando uma investigação, realizada pelas Autoridades Federais da Suíça, examinou sua conexão com o dinheiro lavado através do Quênia por Kulei. As empresas de financiamento Katris, GK Finance et Commerce e Societe Genevoise dlnvestissements Foneiers ainda estão ativas, mas suas operações foram encerradas e os documentos foram liberados. Katri ficou subterrâneo desde 2001, quando uma investigação suíça foi lançada em suas negociações no Quênia. Entende-se que ele mora em Monto Carlo. Katri também foi conectado ao escândalo de Halliburton na Nigéria através de Jeffrey Tessler, que ele ajudou a criar uma conta na UBP há cinco anos. Tessler, um advogado sem escrúpulos do norte de Londres, estava recebendo comissões de alguma forma conectadas às noivas pagas por Halliburton, e novas evidências implicam que ele ainda está recebendo comissões. Embora Katri já não esteja lidando diretamente com a UBP, existe uma forte possibilidade de que ele continue mantendo contatos dentro do banco, dado que seus clientes ainda mantêm contas nele contidas. É improvável que eles usem outro consultor financeiro em assuntos tão sensíveis. Os outros bancos favoritos de Katris são os seguintes: Banque Patrimoines Prives, Bahamas Banque Privee Edmond de Rothschild Discount Bank amp Trust Company O Recanti Bank. L oan Balances no Quênia Kulei possui os seguintes saldos de empréstimos no Quênia. A Msamaha alega que a Kulei possui os seguintes saldos de empréstimos. B Usiness Associates T erer Kulei Não é entendido em Nova York. O irmão mais novo de Kuleis, Terer - o único irmão - gerencia várias propriedades que a Kulei possui nos EUA. Dentro de Nova York, acredita-se que Kulei mantenha contas bancárias muito saudáveis, com os nomes dele, sua esposa e a de seu irmão mais novo. Em Londres e Nova York, a Kulei retém os serviços de corretores de bolsa de primeira linha que comercializam ações em seu nome. Terer vive com sua família nos EUA durante a maior parte do ano, retornando ocasionalmente a Nairobi, onde é visto principalmente nos escritórios da Kuleis Trans-National House. P anka Somaia De acordo com a Fonte A, Kuleis bagman foi Pankaj Somaia. Somaia estava pronta para comprar a concessionária Avis em Nairobi. Da mesma forma, antes do acordo, Somaia recebeu uma ligação informando que a Sra. DT Dobie e Moi queriam comprar a participação. K etan Somaia De acordo com a Fonte A, o Banco Equatorial foi controlado por Ketan Somaia, primo de Pankaj Somaia. Um monte de dinheiro dos ex-presidentes foi depositado neste banco. Ezekiel Oyugi, o secretário permanente no cargo de presidente e Biwott, também o usou. Somaia era Oyugis bagman. A fonte A acredita que, quando Oyugi morreu, Somaia manteve seu dinheiro no Equatorial Bank. Oyugi estava encarregado de aquisições, incluindo sistemas de armas para militares do Quênia. Ketan Somaia era o intermediário que se enriqueceu através das vendas de armas. De acordo com a Fonte A, o registro dos agentes da Coroa no Reino Unido deve ser examinado para comprovar essa conexão. J osiah Kiplagat De acordo com a Fonte A, Josiah Kiplagat e, separadamente, Kulei organizaram cerca de sete ou oito reuniões privadas entre o ex-presidente Moi e Alnoor Kassam. Durante cada ocasião, Kassam foi convidado a trazer uma pasta recheada com KSh2 para 4 milhões e deixá-la para trás após a reunião. Isso foi considerado pagamento pelo acesso ao presidente. Um casal Kassam Alnoor Kassam foi colocado para comprar uma participação de 25% do Nairobis Intercontinental Hotel, detido pela Kulei. Kassam concordou com o acordo com Alec Furrer, um empresário libanês que era gerente de área para hotéis intercontinentais. Pouco antes do acordo, Kassam recebeu um apelo para dizer que Kulei havia convocado em nome do então presidente para informá-los de que Moi queria o compartilhamento. Moi e Kulei, pagaram US $ 12 milhões por sua participação. O Sr. Tum, conectado a Kenya Seed Company, é um associado de Kulei e acredita estar perto do ex-presidente Moi G ideon Moi M odus Operandi. Em novembro de 2003, Gideon viajou do Quênia por uma rota tortuosa que o levou para a África do Sul, Namíbia, Reino Unido e eventualmente Luxemburgo. Gideon passou uma noite na Namíbia. O ex-presidente Moi goza de um relacionamento privado e cordial com o presidente Nujoma. Durante sua visita, Gideon deveria encontrar Nujoma privadamente sob a intervenção de seu pai. Não se sabe se a reunião realmente colocou. O ex-presidente Moi investiu fortemente na Namíbia e a Nujoma protege pessoalmente seus investimentos. Entende-se que Gideon não se sente confortável com a África do Sul e todas as suas ações visam transferir seus ativos a partir daí. Há indícios de que tal transferência é mais provável que seja a Namíbia, sabe-se que Gideon freqüentemente visita Grand Cayman e Cayman Brac no passado viajando por Miami, EUA. B Usiness Links Os links comerciais de Gideons estão detalhados abaixo. A tabela ilustra a propriedade de empresas onde: a propriedade de Gideons foi alegada por fontes A propriedade de Gideons foi refutada por fontes O material do cliente indica propriedade de Gideons O material do cliente indica que uma empresa anteriormente detida pela Gideon A propriedade dos seguintes interesses de Gideons foi alegada por Msamaha: Nome de P roperties da empresa U nited Kingdom Foi relatado que Gideon tem duas propriedades em Londres realizadas sob uma confiança criada por Mukesh Gohil. O nome da confiança e os endereços das propriedades não são conhecidos. Foi relatado que Gohil é o detentor dos fundos Gideons no Reino Unido. Outra África Foi relatado que Gideon possui várias propriedades na África do Sul. Seu homem da frente, Harbinder Singh Sethi, tem 74 propriedades listadas em corporações fechadas, todas registradas em seu nome. Foi relatado que, durante o 2T03 de outubro, o Dr. Kiplagat organizou a venda de uma propriedade residencial residencial de Durban, pertencente à Gideon, por um montante de US 650 mil. U nited Kingdom Mukesh revealed that by the year 2002, Gideons cash in various banks overseas amounted GBP 550 million. Mukesh indicated that this amount is for the deals in which Gideon has involved him. Mukesh further indicated that all Gideons eash left the country through Citibank. Mukesh maintains that Gideon has colossal amounts of money in London although he has not revealed the identity of the banks. G rand Cayman It has been alleged that according to one of Gideons aides, Ken Boit, during one of their visits to the Grand Cayman, he learnt from the former about a law in that jurisdiction known as confidential relationships preservation law, similar to codes in Switzerland which made it a criminal act for anyone to reveal information about someones banking or financial associations. During their visit, Gideon would leave, alone, to attend to his business for hours, usually assisted by an intermediary who resides in Georgetown, the capital of Grand Cayman. L uxembourg Kulei used banks in. Luxembourg for ex-President Mois confidential banking During ex-President Mois last term in office, he visited Luxembourg with Gideon in the company of only one state house aide, who was Chief of Protocol at the time. The purpose of this trip was to introduce Gideon to his bankers. The aide believes that ex-President Moi actually transferred all dealngs in his accounts to Gideon during this vist. What is not clear is whether Gideon was able to move these accounts elsewhere or shield their direct connection to them. During this trip to Luxembourg, four banks were visited by both ex-President Moi and Gideon, who would be picked from their hotel by a simple car which appeared to have been arranged for in advance. They would leave the aide waiting in some room while meetings were held behind closed doors in yet another room. The aide only recalls their visit to CitiCorp (probably CitiBank) and Union Bancaire Privee. He does not remember the other two banks visited. Allen amp Overy A law firm in Dubai named Allen amp Overy holds all of Gideons accounts. Allen amp Overy is a highly reputable international law firm with operations in 25 major cities worldwide. The chairman of the law firm who runs all of Gideons businesses is called Saimon Roadrodearek, a Greek national who is a lawyer by profession. The address is PO Box 3251, 1603 API World Tower, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The contact telephone numbers are: 971 506524166 and 971 43323190. S outh Africa It has been reported that Gideon has accounts held in South Africa and possibly Malawi, Gideons front man who operates from South Africa is Harbinder Singh Sethi. Within the local scene, the following are the main banks that have been used extensively by Gideon for all kinds of transactions over the years:. Eurobank is currently under liquidation. It is alleged that Gideon has used Eurobank for payoffs related to parastatal deposits, from both NHIF and NSSF. He has also used it for small land transactions, mainly to channel through his share of the proceeds once allocated, land has been sold to a parastatal. Usually, a company is floated for each and every transaction with nominees representing his interest. It is alleged that Gideon under a front of Asian nominees owns Giro Bank. Most of the cheques to Commissioner of Lands for land allocated to his companies were obtained from Giro Bank. A good example was 158 acres of military land in Embakasi allocated to a company named Torino Enterprises Ltd controlled by him and Cyrus Jirongo. Trust Bank is under liquidation. It is alleged that Gideon was heavily involved with Ajay Shah the key person behind this bank. Some of the most outrageous deals involving the duo are believed to have led to the collapse of this bank. However, when information started leaking out about his involvement, the governor of Central Bank was prevailed upon to close it promptly, thus making it easy for them to recover and destroy all compromising information. Ketan Somaia financed Trust Bank. Separately, Ajay Shah controlled a finance company in which Ajay and Ketan became partners. Ajay was Ketans operator. While Ketan did the dealing with the politicians, Ajay handled the money. At some point, Ajay and Ketan split up Ajay took over Trust Bank and Ketan bought Delphis Bank (former BCCI) It is alleged that Citibank has been the prime exit point for Gideons cash to his off-shore accounts. Money generated from his numerous deals would be converted and transferred to overseas. During the last five years of Mois rule, Gideon would often boast that any deal below a million US dollars is not worth his while. It is alleged that Gideon used ABN-AMR9 in a similar fashion to Citibank, to move illegally obtained cash emanating from corrupt deals to safe havens in off shore destinations. The funds were easily accessed through their wide branch network and correspondent banks in all key destinations. First American Bank Client material suggests that Naushad Merali and ex-President Moi control First American Bank in the background. The bank purchased the local operations of ABN-AMRO. In one masterstroke, tracing the trail of Gideons money prior to the acquisition of ABN-AMRO may at best prove to be futile if not strenuous. All of Gideons monies invested in Kenya are held by a trust named SAMUT. Registered in Kenya, SAMUT is the only trust to which Kulei transferred monies and shares held by him on behalf of the Moi family during 2001 and 2002. Msamaha indicated that around 80 percent of all of Kuleis holdings for the Moi family have now gone into SAMUT. Kulei still holds the remaining 20 percent, mostly the flower business and Trans-National Bank. B usiness Associates M ukesh Gohil It has been alleged that sometime between December 2003 and January 2004 Mukesh Gohil had dinner at an Asian restaurant in Ukay Centre in the company of a relative of Krishan Behal and another individual who over the years has been dealing in properties on their behalf. Mukesh boasted that without him Gideon is a lost man and as such is not able to keep track of his own money. Mukesh revealed that Gideon has been known to call him in Dubai to ask trivial questions about money already in his accounts. Without divulging the specific reason for Gideons need for him, Mukesh revealed that Gideon needs to have him around. Gideon has fallen out with several of his very close aides, many of whom were instrumental in his deals and most surprising, all are Kalenjins. Examples are Ken Boit, Donald Kipkorir, Ken Kiplagat, Sirma and Kogo. Gideon feels betrayed that his own people are deserting him while those of Asian origin are standing by his side. A source claims that Gideon may be assessing the extent of damage that could be occasioned by the above individuals if he fails to honour their demands. Each individual is demanding serious amounts of money from Gideon for services rendered or a share of the deal money brokered by them. It is very possible that Gideon needs Mukesh to help piece together the level of involvementand damage thereof. H abinder Singh Sethi It is believed that Seth: holds many of Gideons assets In Southern Africa under his name Sethi. Together they own a ranch. Prior to elections, ex-President Moi and Gideon flew to Eritrea and then on to Malawi where they met with Habinder Singh Sethi. It is understood that Sethi flew the Mois to South Africa carrying cases of dollars. The amount contained in the cases has not been disclosed. J oshua Orwa Ojode The current Assistant Minister of Lands and Settlement, Joshua Orwa Ojode, is very close to Gideon. Ojode is working alongside Gideon to undermine the current government. J ared Kamgwana Jared Kamgwana holds the office building Chester House in Nairobi in which Gideon Moi holds a 50 percent interest. D r Kiplagat According to sources, Dr Kiplagat has shown a clear indication of his intentions to make revelations surrounding Gideon Moi. N icholas Biwott M odus Operandi Biwott has been described as a skilful businessman. Over the years, he has accumulated much power and has established an enviable business empire, touching on almost every sector of the Kenyan economy, whilst he has remained in active politics. The sectors among which Biwott has huge interests include energy, tourism, mining, real estate, telecommunications, air transport, construction and agriculture. He imports fuel and sells it to local distributors of petroleum products. It is understood that Target 3 incorporates a different company for every new piece of property he acquires, be it land, residential or commercial property. Biwott and his influential business partners have invested heavily outside Kenya with commercial interests in Israel and Australia. B usiness Links Biwotts business links are detailed below. The table illustrates ownership of businesses where: Biwotts ownership interests have been confirmed by Msamaha Client material indicates Biwotts ownership Open source research indicates ownership Open source research indicates law firms that represent Biwotts interests Ownership of the following Gideons interests has been alleged by Msamaha: Name of Company Preliminary results of global searches conducted under Garian Investments ard Sandhurst Matrix Inc have not revealed any findings. Further searches are required. U nited Kingdom HSBC and Standard Chartered Plc Sources reveal that Philip operates accounts in Londons branch of HSBC and Standard Chartered Plc. During the last quarter of 2003, it is understood that he issued cheques against accounts held in these banks for the purchase of equipment for manufacturing cooking fat. The HSBC account was also used sometime back when he personally went to London to buy equipment for his cigarette company Cut Tobacco Ltd. We have uncovered documentary evidence of two Barclays Bank cheques for the sum of GBP500,000 written out and signed by Philip Moi for and behalf of Gateway Properties Inc, on 18 September 1993 and 1 October 1993, respectively. The cheques were received by ANZ Grindlays Bank on 3 November 1993. The details of Philips account are as follows: Name of Bank: Barclays Bank Plc Address: Barclays Business Centre, Hampstead High Street Branch, 28 Hampstead High Street, London NW3 10B Sort Code: 20 36 16 Account Number: 90391158 As this information dates back ten years ago, it is possibly connected to Goldenberg. S witzerland Credit Suisse. Zurich Rosanna Moi indicated that in October 2002, Philip lost USD15 million to an Italian family on a deal that failed to deliver. This money was paid to his family through Philips Sandhurst Matrix Inc account held at Credit Suisse, Zurich. Sultanate of Brunei Philip is a close friend of Prince Hamid of Brunei. Mois family has invested heavily through Prince Hamid. The precise details of Philips investments through these investments are not known. Phjllps wife was planning to spend the vacation of Christmas 2003 in Brunei with their children. B usiness Associates Z araRosanna Moi During the beginning of December 2003, Philip made his move through Zara. She left the country for Italy, from where she visited Leichtenstein and Lugano located inside the Swiss canton of Tieino. It is believed that Tieino, though a remote area, consists of over 100 banks. ZaraRosanna Moi, Philips Italian wife, estimates Philips worth to be USD750 milion. Philip realises that his wife is relatively unknown and more so her Italian is correct. Thus instead of him travelling, possibly leaving a wide trail. he prefers to use wife. Zara claimed, following her trip in December 2003, that most of Philips money is invested overseas. Source enquiries indicate that major international drug barons mostly favour the Lugarno destination and therefore it is not surprising that Philips wife should visit the place soon after the change of government in Kenya. It has been reported that Philip is expected to mount massive fronts to cover for his wealth. It alleged that Zara laments that the government could be monitoring her husbands movements and as such Philip has kept them at the minimum. Mostly he prefers to hold his meetings at night often meeting his Asian intermediaries in their homes at night. It has been reported that whilst Zara has been running errands overseas for Philip concerning their foreign accounts, it is apparent that she is not in control of Philips overseas accounts in her name. According to source enquiries, Zara is fully aware of where Philips money is hidden and indeed confirmed having made several trips overseas on his behalf, delivering confidential information to his intermediaries. D r Clemente Philip totally refuses to visit Italy and instead he has been using an Italian doctor named Dr Clemente to recover his money. Clemente is a listed director of Garian Investments, a company owned by Philip through his proxies. However, it would appear that Clemente may have reached some understanding with that family, because he left Nairobi late 2002, abandoning his practice, along with Rangers Restaurant, which he was running with Philips wife. Therefore, part of the reason Mrs Moi was visiting Italy was to meet Dr Clemente to discuss this money. A kasha Family According to source enquiries. where narcotics are concerned it is understood that Philip dealt in Hashish, xandrax tablets, and Bhang grown mainly around Mt. Kenya with the Axasha family, On hard drugs, Philip dealt mainly in Cocaine, providing cover to some Italian familes dealing wth drugs in Marindi and through his wifes family connections in Italy, they would receive bigger cuts once drugs are exported. The drug cartel in Marindi was able to at times offload twenty-root containers without docking facilities in Marindi. Hollowed furniture was also stuffed with drugs and exported. The Italian drug cartel operates the busiest Casino in Malindi where bets were quoted in Italian Lira and predominantly frequented by Italians. Muzahim, who has been known to be a car dealer, a drug baron and involved in dealing with counterfeit money, has for the last fifteen years operated as Phillips partner in all the above vice. Philip provided the cover and Muzahim managed the operations. Jointly, they made counterfeit dollars for Somalia, Zaire, Sudan and Liberia. Muzahim has full documentation of all his dealings with Philip, including bank accounts used. He also has documentary evidence reflecting deals done by Philip on his own, which he used to obtain from Philips employees whom he used to pay handsomely. When Muzahim and Philip fell out, Philip paid an assassin to eliminate Muzahim but unfortunately the would-be assassin confessed to Muzahim and got paid off. Muzahim would like to cut a deal to provide information on Goldenberg. It has been learned through source enquries that Muzahim has indicated his willingness to sell information along with documentary evidence based on Philip. M ukeshi Gohil P ersonal Details UK Companies House records reveal that Mukesh Gohil, a British national, was born on 2 October 1956. His address is given as PO Box 56947, Nairobi, Kenya. P roperties U nited Kingdom Address locator research within the United Kingdom has uncovered eight distinct addresses pertaining to a Mukesh Gohil: one of which relates to a Mukesh P Gohil and another to a Mukesh S Gohil. The address details are given as follows: 16 Paxford Road, Wembley, Middlesex, HAD 3RQ Property ownership database searches have been conducted on the above addresses with a view to establish the registered owners. However, without specific identifiers for the subject of this enquiry, in the form of a middle name or initial of the middle name, it has not been possible to distinguish the identity of the individual. As such, the results of all properties owned by a Mukesh Gohil in the United Kingdom have been listed below. 7 Wilkins Close, Hayes, Middlesex According to Land Registry records, Mukesh Gohil and Pratixa Gohil have been the owners of the above property since 19 June 1996. As at 2 November 2001, the Land Registry received an application to register a mortgage charge dated 31 October 2001, in favour of Nationwide Building Society of Nationwide House, Pipers Way, Swindon, SN38 1NW. The mortgage is for an undisclosed amount. 41 Oswald Road. Southall. Middlesex According to Land Registry records, Premkunwar Gohil and Harji Laxman Gohil, both of 162 Hambrough Road, Southall, Middlesex, UB1 1JE and Nalin Gohif and Hansa Gohil, both of 164 Hambrough Road, Southall, Middlesex have been the owners of the above property since 15 August 1996. Details of the registered mortgage charge remain undisclosed. 7 Shaftesbury Road, Luton, Bedfordshire According to Land Registry records, Sahida Begum has been the owner of the above property since 8 November 2001. As at 8 November 2001, the Land Registry received an application to register a mortgage charge dated 5 October 2001, in favour of Alliance and Leicester Plc of Mortgage Customer Services, Customer Services Centre, Narborough, Leicester. The mortgage is for an undisclosed amount. The price stated to have been paid on 5 October 2G01 was GBP58,000. 28 Yorkshire Road, Leicester. Leicestershire According to Land Registry records, Mohanlal Lalji Goril and Kamaben Moharlal Gohil have been the owners of the above property since 27 September 1974. Details of the regstered mortgage charge remain undisclosed. 60 Sandringham Crescent Harrow, Middlesex According to Land Registry records, Narendra Shamji Gohil and Mukes Shamji Gohil have been the owners of the above property since 25 September 1990. As at 13 November 1991, the Land Registry received an application to register a mortgage charge dated 31 October 1991, in favour of Nationwide Building Society of Nationwide House, Pipers Way, Swindon SN38 1NW, The mortgage is for an undisclosed amount. 16 Paxford Road, Wembley, Middlesex According to Land Registry records, Mukesh Gohil has been the owner of the property since 14 October 1994. As at 2 October 1992. the Land Registry received an application to register a mortgage charge dated 2 July 1992. in favour of Cheltenham Gloucester Plc of Barnett Way, Gloucester GL4 3RL. The mortgage is for an undisclosed amount. 12 Pasture Road, Wembley, Middlesex, HAC 3JD According to Land Registry records, Mukesh Keshavlal Gohil and Kundan Gohil have been the owners of the property since 7 July 1989. As at 3 March 2003, the Land Registry received an application to register a mortgage charge dated 27 February 2003, in favour of Cheltenham Gloucester Pic of Sarnett Way, Gloucester GL4 3RL. The mortgage is for an undisclosed amount. 87 Milton Avenue. Barnet. Hertfordshire According to Land Registry records, Mukesh Gohil and Maithri Gohil both of 32 Cardrew Close, Finchley, London N12, have been the owners of the property since 13 September 1988. As at that date, the Land Registry received an application to register a mortqape charge dated 8 July 1988, in favour of Nationwide Suilding Society of Nationwide House, Pipers Way, Swindon, SN38 1NW. The mortgage is for an undisclosed amount. D irectorships Global directorship searches conducted under Mukesh Gohil have revealed the following companies: U nited Kingdom Within the United Kingdom, Gohil is listed as a director of three companies, the details of which are provided below. Armada Services Ltd Incorporated on 8 January 2001, Armada Services Ltd is a private limited company. Although listed as currently active, the company has a proposal to strike off the companies house register. According to corporate records, the nature of business is described as Business and Management Consultancy. Details are listed in the Appendix. Technology 4 All Ltd Incorporated on 10 April 2001, Technology 4 All Ltd is a small private limited company. The company is listed as currently active and according to corporate records, the nature of business is described as Software Consultancy and Supply. Details are listed in the Appendix. Aandatta Ltd Incorporated on 21 May 1979, Aandatta Ltd is a small private limited company. The company is listed as currently active and according to corporate records, the nature Of business described as Other Wholesale. Details are listed in the Appendix. A ustralia Within Australia, Gohil is listed as the director of Shantilal Brother (Australia) Pty Ltd and South Austral Pty Ltd. Company details are not available on global directorship searches. H arbinder Singh Sethi Harbinder, a Kenyan Asian architect and constructor is currently resident in Sandton, Johannesburg. It has been reported that Sethi is used as a front man for Gideon and has business links to Biwott and Boinett. According to Msamaha, Sethi moved to South Africa immediately after the 1997 elections in Kenya. Msamaha opined that within the Moi family Sethi fronts only for Gideon and not Ex-President Moi. Sethi also fronts for Bill Boinnet. Boinnett and Sethi are very close and when Sethi visits Kenya he usually stays with Biwott. P ersonal Details UK Companies House records reveal that Harbinder Singh Sethi, a Kenyan national, was born on 10 January 1958. Research conducted within the UK reveals that Sethis address is given as PO Box 46241,Tom Mboya Street, Nairobi, Kenya. Research conducted within South Africa reveals that Sethis South African Identity Number (CIO Number) is 5801105424184. A credit check conducted within South Africa reveals that there appear to be no judgements, notices, notarial bonds, defaults and trace alerts recorded against Sethis name as of 16 March 2004. Address locator research within South Africa has uncovered five distinct addresses pertaining to Sethi. C losed Corporations Since the Close Corporations Act was promulgated in June 1984, the close corporation (CC) has become a popular form of business entity. The overriding intent of the legislation was to relieve businesses from the complex requirements and formalities of the Companies Act while allowing them corporate status and a legal identity distinct from their members. A close corporation is formed by filing a founding statement with the Companies and Intellectual Property Registration Office. Private companies with qualifying members can be converted into close corporations and close corporations may be converted into private o companies. A close corporation indicates its status by the letters CC or the words Close Corporation at the end of its name. Instead of share capital, close corporations have members interests, which are expressed as percentages of the total members interests and are arrived at by agreement with the other members. A members interest may be acquired by making a contribution to the corporation in the form of cash, property or services rendered or by purchasing an interest from an existing member. Unless otherwise agreed in an association agreement between the members, a sale of a members interest requires the consent of the other members, failing which the member can sell his or her interest back to the corporation. Close corporations may give financial assistance for the acquisition of members interests, and may themselves acquire members interests from any member. However, if the close corporation does not remain both solvent and liquid immediately after giving that assistance or acquiring that interest, the members will have personal liabi:ity to creditors prejudiced as a result. A close corporation may be formed by at least one but not more than ten members. The only persons qualified to become members are natural persons, including non-residents. A juristic person such as a company may not directly or indirectly hold an interest in a close corporation a trustee of a testamentary trust. A trustee of an inter vivos trust (a trust created by contract) is specifically excluded from membership a trustee, administrator, executor or curator for a member who is insolvent, deceased, mentally disordered or otherwise incapable of managing his or her affairs. Natural persons may not hold members interests as nominees for persons who are disqualified from being members. Each member stands in a fiduciary relationship to the corporation and may become liable to tbe corporation for losses suffered as a result of breach of fiduciary duties. The members may enter into an association agreement to govern their relationship. However, if no such agreement is concluded, the Close Corporations Act contains provisions regulating the relationship of members. The close corporation is largely self-regulating. Relatively fewer provisions of the Close Corporations Act are linked to criminal sanctions rather, members may lose their limited liability status by transgressing certain provisions of the Act. Close corporations are managed by their members. There is no separate board of directors or management body and each member is entitled to participate in the management, unless the members agree to the contrary. Close corporations are often used by a smaller business. Although one may find close corporations which operate substantial businesses andor have substantial assets, there is a perception that a close corporation has less substance than a limited liability company N aushad Noorali Merali P ersonal details According to UK Companies House records, a Kenyan national, Naushad Merali was born on 2 January 1951. His address is given as PO Box 49729, Nairobi, Kenya. His UK address is given as 75 Troy Court, London, W8 7RB. Property research within the United Kingdom is ongoing. D irectorships UK Companies House records reveal that Merali does not hold any current directorships. Merali previously held directorships in two companies, both of which are dissolved: W. P.H Kenya Tea Ltd Overseas International Telecommunications Ltd Details are listed in the Appendix. B usiness Links Source enquiries have revealed that Merali owns or has substantial holdings in the following companies. Some of the business associates are detailed. Cellphone - Merali, Ex-President Moi and Boinett Ryee Motors First American Bank of Kenya - Gideon, Biwott, James Kanyotu Commercial Bank of Africa - Horetius da Garna Rose, Armitage, Murono Uhuru Sameer Industries Sameer Investments Everready Batteries Firestone East Africa - Horatius de Gama Rose Kencell Wilson Airport - Possible connection with Gideon Yana Air Cargo - (Est 1991. poss defunct, based out of Gatwick Airport with Uhuru Kenyetta) SAMUT Trust A kber Esmail According to Source B, Esmail has been used predominantly by Biwott as his front man. Source A cited that Esmail had a lot of nominee companies. Source enquiries allege that he is on the board of directors of Banque Belgolaise as a nominee and separately, he is a director of Akes Management which holds shares for Biwott. P ersonal Details According to UK Companies House records, a Kenyan national named Akbar Esmail was born on 02 March 1942. His address is given as PO Box 11021, Nairobi Property research within the United Kingdom is ongoing. D irectorships Database research reveals that Esmail does not hold any active directorships, He previously held a directorship in tre following company: Steel Brothers and Compary (Overseas Investments) Ltd a company which is currently active but lists a proposal to be struck off the Companies House register, He was director of the company from 4 August 1991 to 2 September 1993, dates similar to the height of activity of Goldenberg. The other directors were Bhupesh Rana, Rasiklal Kantaria, Pankaj Rana, Mukesh Vaya and Sanjay Vaya. Details are listed in the Appendix. R ohit Pattini Wikileaks note: Kamlesh does have a brother called Rohit. However some details in this section appear to be case of mistaken identity or impersonation. See Media:Krollreply. pdf. correspondence of September 2007 between a Rohit Pattini of the UK and Kroll P ersonal Details According to UK Companies House records, a British national named Rohit Chhotalal Pattni was born on 19 December 1965. His address is given as 21 Dean Court, Wembley, Middlesex HAD 3PU U nited Kingdom Research within the United Kingdom has revealed two properties, one of which is registered under the name of Rohit Chhotalal Pattini, the other is registered under Rohit Kuma Pattini. Details are given below. 21 Dean Court, Wembley. Middlesex Accordinq to Land Registry records, Rohit Chhotalal Pattni and Nandini Rohit Pattni have been the registered owners of this property since 11 December 2003. As at that date, the Land Registry received an application to register a mortgage dated 8 December 2003, in favour of Barclays Bank Plc, care of Barclays Mortgages, P. O Box HK444, Leeds LS11 SDD. The mortgege is for an undisclosed amount. 67 Mitcham Road, Camberley. Surrey According to Land registry records, a Rohit Kumar Pattni and Madhu Pattni are listed as the owners of a property at 67 Mitcham Road, Camberley, Surrey, GU15 4AR. They have been registered owners of this property since 30 July 1987. As at 7 June 1999, the Land Registry received an application to register a mortgage charge dated 4 June 1999, in favour of National Westminster Home Loans Ltd of P. O Box 156, Priory House, 38 Comore Circus, Queensway, Birmingham B4 6AL. D irectorships U nited Kingdom Within the UK, Rohit Chhotalal Pattni is listed as a current director of six companies, the details of which are provided below: Incorporated on 13 June 1990, Octogen Ltd is a private limited company that is currently under liquidation. According to corporate records, the company is involved in the retail sale ofclothing. Riverton Securities Ltd Incorporated on 21 November 1977, Riverton Securities Ltd is a small, private limited company that is currently active. According to corporate records, the company is involved in the development and sale of real estate, buying and selling real estate and ettng of own property. Rohit Pattni, Damji Pattni and Rita Sori were appointed directors pre 29 December 1991 around the beginning of Goldenberg. Deonberry Finance Ltd Incorporated on 19 November 1975, Deonberry Finance Ltd is a small, private limited company that is currently active. According to corporate records, the company is involved in other financial intermediation. Rohit Pattni, Damji Pattni and Rita Soni were appointed directors pre 20 November 1991 around the beginning of Goldenberg. Ashym Properties Ltd Incorporated on 7 May 1980, Ashym Properties Ltd is a small, private limited company that is currently active. According to corporate records, the company is involved in letting property. Rohit Pattni, Damji Pattni and Rita Soni were appointed directors pre 29 December 1991 around the beginning of Goldenberg. L Thomas amp Company Ltd Incorporated on 10 July 1979, L Thomas amp Company Ltd is a private limited company. A small company, it is currently active. According to corporate records, the nature of business is described as holding companies including head offices and other business activities. Rohit Pattni, Damji Pattni and Rita Soni were appointed directors pre 20 November 1991 around the beginning of Goldenberg. Source enquiries allege that Kulei is linked to a company named J Thompson amp Company. Fairoak Investments Ltd Incorporated on 12 March 1990, Fairoak lnvestments Ltd is a private limited company. The company is currently active. According to corporate records, the company operates as a business and management consultancy, including accounting, auditing and tax consultancy services. V aju Pattni U nited Kingdom Source enquiries reveal that Vaju Pattni is a relative of Kamlesh Pattni. Source B received an email from Vaju, dated 3 December 2003, in which the latter informs that KPs brother whose first name is not disclosed - is in London and is contactable at Damani Harshad at 16 Varley Parade, Edgware Road, Colndale, London, NVV9 6RR. The telephone number is given as 181 2051200. His personal cell phone number is 07939233966. The email states that the above address is where this individual hangs out and that he travels often to Birmingham or Manchester where his sister-in-law (wifes sister) is based. He has a property in Sudbury which may be worth close to US1 million. The email further states that this individual is unlikely to answer his cell phone if he does not recognise the caller. D amani Harshad The representation of Damani Harshad in the email is unclear. Searches on the worldwide web have not yielded any specific results, although reference to a Mr Harshad Damani, group chairman of Damani Group, has been uncovered. This relates to part of a newspaper article that appeared in Ugandan newspaper, The Monitor. The link is a dead end and as such the full article is irretrievable. Company searches conducted under Damani Harshad within the United Kingdom have not uncovered any results. Directorship searches conducted under Damani Harshad have revealed a Ugandan individual named Harshad Damani, located at 18 Tudor Manor Gardens, Garston, Hertfordshire, WD25 9TQ. This individual is the director of an active, public limited company Ramec UK Surplus Stock Plc. The company is based at Northwick House, 191-193 Kenton Road, Kenton, Harrow, Middlesex HA3 OEY. Incorporated on 30 June 2003, the nature of the business has not been supplied The second director listed is Hema Darnani, a British rational, appointed upon the date of incorporaton. P roperty Searches 16 Varley Parade, Edgware Road. Colindale. Londres. NW9 6RR. According to Land Registry records, there are three distinct title records pertaining to this address: the first of which reveals that the property is owned by Narendra Ganatra and Jaihindbala Ganatra the second of which reveals that the property is owned by Ravenseft Properties Ltd of 411419 Salisbury House, London Wall, London EC2 the third of which reveals that the property is owned by Graemes Dyke Property Company Ltd of 37 Gloucester Place, London W1. The records for Title 1 reveal that the Ganatras became owners of the property at 16A Varley Parade on 20 November 1987. As at 26 February 1990, the Land Registry received an application to register a mortgage charge dated 11 January 1990, in favour of Coventry Building Society of Economic House, P. O Box 9, High Street, Coventry CV1 SON. The mortgage is for an undisclosed amount. The two parties to the leasehold are: Graemes Dyke Property Company Ltd and Tarachand Devidass Gulani and Maria Raj Rani Gulani The records for Title 2 reveal that Ravenseft Properties Ltd became owners of the property on 10 October 1966. The mortgage details remain undisclosed. The records for Title 3 reveal that Graemes Dyke Property Company Ltd became owners of the property on 22 February 1982. The mortgage details remain undisclosed. P roperty in Sudbury Property searches have been conducted as a result of this email to ascertain the identity of a Pattni who owns property in Sudbury. Results have however proved futile. T elephone Number Searches The subscriber to the above telephone number, since changed to 020 8205 1200, is Dimple Motors. The subscriber to the above cell phone number is not known. When dialled, the number diverts to voicemail. Corporate Details for Directorships Pertaining to Targets (Where Available) N ICHOLAS BIWOTT Government of Kenya Business Name: Government of Kenya Address: Harambee House, Harambee Avenue Operating Status: Active Mailing Address: PO Box 30510 Executive(s): Name Position Identifiers Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi George Kinuthia Mutheng T eam Simoco B ackground Team Simoco is employed by the Government of Kenyas (GOK) Office of the President. The company is involved in the installation and rehabilitation of the Kenya Police communications system. Based at the Kenya Army Corps of Signals Headquarters or the Thika Road outside Nairobi, Kenya, it has additional premises in the Industrial Area to the South of the inner city of Nairobi. There are five phases to the scheme and the company is presently engaged in Phase Three. The service delivery of the contract has been convoluted as the initial provider, Philips PMR, a subsidiary of Philips Electronics N. V of the Netherlands which went bankrupt The contract then went to Pye Telecommunications followed by Simoco latterly Team Simoco. In its original incarnation as Pye Telecommunications Ltd, the company won a major 30 million, three-phased contract in Kenya during the Noi regime. The contract has continued through the various changes of ownership within the company, first when Philips RCS Ltd took over and Subsequently Simoco. Each phase of the contract was to be negotiated at the conclusion of the previous phase and it would most likely have been the third and final phase of this contract that was recently negotiated. The recent award of the Kenyan contract to Simoco was considered a lifeline to the company. Prior to the change in management in 2002 the company was widely regarded as having lamentable management practices in Kenya. Nick Cochran, the companys overseas marketing director, had a particularly poor reputation and is reported to have organised corrupt payments to government officials. Nick Cochran has now left the company along with the rest of the previous management. Simoco had to call in administrators in February 2002. Administrators KPMG were called in and in March 2002, 74 jobs were axed. One half of the firm, Simoco Radio was bought by Team Telecom Group ltd in May 2002. The other half Simoco Digital was bought by Kelso Place Asset Management and has had a change of name to Sepura. Little is known as yet on the new management. During August 2002, the project was halted temporarily because of non-payment of dues. The issue of non-payment possibly arose due to questions asked in Parliament about the exorbitant price the government was paying for the service. No action was taken and it remains doubtful whether anything will be done in the future. The project restarted in October 2002 and the company changed its name to Team Simoco. O wnership The majority shareholder in Team Simoco is Biwott. Under his previous tenure of office as Minister for Trade, Industry and Communications under the Moi Government, he was in an ideal position to award the contract for the refurbishment to his own corrpany. The shares are held nominally through his construction company, the HZ Group. It is understood that Charles Field-Marsham, his son-in-law holds a percentage. C orporate Records T eam Simoco There are no signs of a subsidiary of Team Simoco in Kenya neither is there any trace of any corporate records relating to Team Simoco at the Registrar of Companies in Nairobi. There is considerable confusion over the exact ownership of the company. This is not unusual in Kenyan companies, especially ones that are linked into local politicians. Source enquiries reveal that Amin Juma and Nissar Juma, both of whom own Nairobi sports house, are key players in Team Simoco. They are tightly linked to Samuel Karuthi Murage, who is their front man and is closely connected to John Mutere Kerere and Biwott. The Jumas operate as finance movers for Keriri and Muraqe. It is not known whether they do the same for Biwott. Amin Juma is the leader of the Ismali community and is claiming that this is an Aga Khan project. It has been found that Philip King, a British national, is assisted by two other expatriates whose names are not known. All other support staff is provided by The Kenya Police. It has been reported that the technical management of the project is sound. The company is allegedly closely monitored by the Government. It is almost certain that as the contract was awarded to Team Simoco by its owner, the then Minister for Communications, Nicholas Biwott, the tender process would have been far from transparent and would inevitably have involved over invoicing. Although the work is being completed satisfactorily, whether it represents fair value for the GOK is debateable. As there has been considerable local media interest in the various companies involved, considerable work has been done to cover tracks and camouflage intentions and actions. Records have been purged and investigators have been harassed. U nited Kingdom Although there are no records for Team Simoco held at the Registrar of Companies in Nairobi, UK corporate record searches however reveal that the company is listed at the following address in the United Kingdom: Name: Team Simoco Ltd. Address: Freedom House Bradford Froad Tingley, Wakefield, WF31SP Company No: 04382515 Date of Incorporation: 27-02-2002 The UK-based company of Team Simoco has had a rolling contract with the Kenyan government over the last five years. T eam Communications U nited Kingdom It is understood that a company called Team Communications might have taken a controlling stake in Team Simoco. There are no records of this company in the Registrar of Companies in Nairobi. Four companies that fit this description are registered in the UK: Name of Company WL Research Community - user contributed research based on documents published by WikiLeaks. Tor is an encrypted anonymising network that makes it harder to intercept internet communications, or see where communications are coming from or going to. Tails is a live operating system, that you can start on almost any computer from a DVD, USB stick, or SD card. It aims at preserving your privacy and anonymity. The Courage Foundation is an international organisation that supports those who risk life or liberty to make significant contributions to the historical record. Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks managing transactions and the issuing of bitcoins is carried out collectively by the network.

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